The Lovely Lita

Anyone who has read any of my WWF Rankings knows that I am a big fan of WWF Superstar, Lita. Okay, maybe "big fan" is an understatement. The fact is, I am one letter away from being a depraved stalker (okay, maybe that's pushing it). Honestly though, (WARNING: this web author has shown the complete inability to exhibit honesty, believe with caution) I am quite taken with Lita (whose real name is Amy Dumas, but I haven't earned the right to call her Amy, so I'll stick with her stage name), so since I've already abused the World Wide Web to share my opinions with people who barely care, I figured I'd move on to the other time-honoured personal web-site format (no, not porn): the fan shrine site!.

I know exactly what you all are thinking: great, just what the world needs. Another geek living vicariously through a celebrity, bragging to the world about his obsessive crush, but this won't be like all those other fan-sites. In this one, I'll have images of Lita that you could see from other sites on the web, but I have appropriated (violating copyright law I'm sure) and compiled here, biographical information on Lita, career information on Lita, and my thoughts on what makes her great. Okay, that is exactly like every other shrine site in existence, but because I'm aware of that, because I am aware of the slippery slope I'm traveling down towards obsession, and because I'm just so gosh-darn funny, this site will be different. (Hey, they'll be pictures of Lita on the site, quit yer complaining!).


She's pretty!

Well, don't you feel like you know everything you need to know? Yep, that pretty much explains it all- I love Lita because her eyes are hazel. Okay, there is a bit more to it than that (in fact, I didn't even know her eyes were hazel until I found out on her website, this whole time I thought they were brown). To find out why I love Lita so much, read Why Lita?. Don't like all this pesky reading? Well, there will be pictures too!.


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