WWF Rankings

To view my new WWE content, including Pay Per View predictions and reviews, please join me at my new homepage "WWE Rants and Raves" by clicking HERE.

For anyone who follows this site, you may have noticed that it has been awhile since I last updated the rankings (it was January, before the Royal Rumble). Obviously, a lot has changed since then, including the time I can devote to sharing my opinions with an anonomous public who may or may not care what some wresting fan has to think about what he watches on television. With that in mind, I've decided to stop doing the rankings, at least in the format it previously existed in. As anyone who read them knows, they were long, real long. And as time-consuming as it may have been to read them (although I suspect few ever read the whole rankings), believe me, composing the thoughts and ordering the talent was even more time-consuming.

So I thank those of you who allowed me to relieve myself of my thoughts, opinions, and predictions regarding the then WWF, now WWE, and invite you to stay tuned for whatever new presentation I have for this thing called the world-wide web regarding World Wresting Entertainment. I'm not sure exactly what form it will take, but I suspect it will be less confining than a rigid ranking system was, and I can guarantee that there will still be the same commentary and opinion and writing style you've come to know and tolerate. (Oh yeah, there'll still be stolen pictures. I really don't understand the point of using a multi-medium presentation such as the internet and including no graphics, although many sites do. Maybe they have qualms about using stolen internet images; no such problem here).

So check back here to get information as to new content appearing soon, and until then, feel free to peruse the archives (speaking of which, I will finish the Year in Review for 2001, for the none of you who still might care).


For more WWF content on this site, click on any of the following:

THE YEAR 2001- YEAR IN REVIEW- See how the superstars of the WWF stacked up using my rankings system for the entire year of 2001. Who was number 1, Stone Cold or Kurt Angle? Who were the top tag team, The Dudley Boyz or The Hardy Boyz? Along with my usual brand of commentary is new photos and stats for the year 2001, including title reigns and PPV information.

THE YEAR 2000- YEAR IN REVIEW- See how the superstars of the WWF stacked up using my rankings system for the entire year 2000. Who was number 1, The Rock or Triple H? Who were the top tag teams? Also, the title pictures for each belt from the WWF Championship all the way down to the Light Heavyweight Title, with my own commentary on each reign.

LITA- ONE MAN'S OBSESSION- I admit, I was in love with Lita. I also admit that this behaviour did become a bit of an obsession. I have since conquered this insanity, but you can still see pictures of the Team Extreme Diva, biographical info and random career facts, all presented while I was attempting to come to terms with the fact that I was in love with someone I saw on TV.

PREVIOUS RANKINGS- Ranking archives dating back to November 2000. Missed a posting? Want to track my biases? Find all past information here.

READER RESPONSES- Got an opinion? Share it with me by e-mailing me, and see your opinion posted, along with my response, here.

SITE AWARDS- Here I list the multitude of awards (who knows? Maybe one day there will be a multitude of awards) that WWF Rankings has received.


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