This is what my wallpaper would look like if I 
owned a computer

�������� So we now know why I love Lita so much (or you will if you read Why Lita?), but why did I feel the need to make a web page dedicated to her?

�������� Call it therapy. I realize that I like her just a little too much. Some of my ravings are done for comical reasons, despite what it may sound like at times, I still have a grip on reality (for now). But regardless on what feelings are real, what is made up, I undenialably have a crush on her. Which would be fine, if I was twelve years old. But I'm not, in fact, I'm not much younger than Lita herself. In another lifetime we could be in the same college classroom. If this were the case, how pathetic would these feelings be? Actually, if that were the case this web-site would be grounds for a restraining order.

There... are... no... words.

�������� Another thing some could be thinking, this guy is obsessed over a wrestler? What was Jeri Ryan busy? This is because, despite its astronomically-rising popularity, wrestling still has a stigma attached to it. There's an attitude amongst the general public that the WWF, a multi-billion dollar enterprise, is still trailer-trash sport, followed by either those for whom NASCAR is a little too erudite, or those who live in their parents basements. It gets about the same respect as sci-fi, and oddly enough, is followed by just as many and as diverse a group as the oft-scorned Star Trek.

She stares right through 
you, huh?

�������� Because we've all seen those who love Star Trek, we have little choice but to make fun of those costume-wearing freaks. There's not much else we can do. But the fact is, I don't know if I've ever met anyone who hasn't seen Star Trek, and most that I know like it, or have liked it. So we all like Star Trek, we just can't admit to liking it too much. The same is true of the WWF in many ways. It draws all kinds of fans (yes, I admit the "home on wheels" crowd is a part of the fan base), yet most are a little cautious to admit it to anyone, fearing that this person will shun them. In some ways this is understandable. If the last exposure someone has had to wrestling was Hulkamania, they should wonder what a grown man or woman is doing watching that drivel.

�������� So, what does any of this have to do with Lita? Well, I think half of the reason that some may think I'm a big geek for making the site is because it's about a wrestler. But think about it- why is it weird to adore a female wrestler, but cool to adore Jennifer Love Hewitt? There is no difference.

�������� Of course, you may feel that my wrestling addiction matched with my computer-prowess makes me a big geek. To that, all I have to say is anyone who looks at this web presentation and thinks: "This guy is Bill Gates!", reaallly doesn't know much about computers. This page is as basic as it gets folks.

Let's hear it for sensible 

�������� The real reason you should think I'm such a big geek is that I felt the need to share my pathetic crush with the world. (First off, no, I'm not so deluded that I actually think that the world will be tuning in to my web-site. But the fact is, that since this is on the World Wide Web, it is entirely possible that complete strangers will read this and say, what the hell is wrong with this guy?) As I stated earier, making this site is a form of therapy. By getting my thoughts out there, it may be the necessary first step in getting on with my life. Kind of like admitting I have a problem. Since there are no Lita-aholic meetings or twelve-step programs (or at least I don't think there are; if anyone knows of one, let me know), this is the next best thing.

�������� Another reason, I suppose, is to seperate myself from casual Lita fans. Oh sure, my other friends may like Lita as well, but do they love her enough to construct a web site? This is the part where you look at the screen with a disgusted/disturbed look and think, this guy is nuts! But when you get down to it, I think that's what most fan sites are, and unless they are producing fake pornography or posting celebrities addresses, its an innocuous hobby that this thing called the web is perfect for: anonymous communities for people to work out there little pecadillos and perhaps connect with people with the same pecularities without fear of reproach.

Andy likes me!?!

�������� Other benefits to making this page? Since I've started making this page, between the writing and searching the web for pictures, I see Lita's face when I close my eyes. That's kind of cool. Drawbacks? Somnolence and raving lunacy. At this point I figure you all are thinking: gee, this is nice and all, but enough about you, geek, I want to know more about Lita! No need to be rude, simply move on to Lita Potpourri to find out those little known facts that every true Lita fan should know.



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