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*Other Fanfics*
-"As Hard As Ever" preview-
-"A Second Chance" prologue-
-"A Second Chance" chapter 1-
-"A Second Chance" chapter 2-
-"Chi and Phi Go to Burger King" by Diamoon-
-"Ponderings of an Anonymous Minion"-

Chi and Phi's Garden

*"Sailormoon" by Chi*
(written on Thurs., 4/8/99 finished at 10:16pm)

Sighing in frustration, she furrows her brow,
she must solve this dilemma, but she doesn't know how.
She is by herself, forced to think on her own.
This problem is unlike any other, it stands alone.
"Where are they?" she cries,
"Where are my friends now?"
Silence answers her, Silence replies,
"They would've come if they cared somehow!"
"No, they care!" she exclaims, hoping they do.
"Why aren't they here, then? They've been untrue!"
"NO! No, I won't listen to you!
You're lying to me!
Your truths are untrue!
My friends would be here if they could,
but sadly, they cannot,
For they're lying in their own graves,
as alongside me they fought!
I can restore them, that's what I must do,
even if it kills me, this is what I must do!"
She knows the Truth now, and what action she must take,
She knows she's the only one left to fix the mistake.
She shouts the words and raises her silver crystal high,
knowing that to save her friends, she must die.
The power courses through her to them, she collapses;
bodies stir around her after time elapses.
They see her fallen body, they know her sacrifice,
they crowd around her, praying she might be given back her life.
Their words are heard,
and she stirs.
She sees all of them, she smiles to calm their fear,
and whispers to Silence, softly, so none can hear.
"They came for me, they did not leave.
I knew you were wrong, because I believe."

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