Birthday Months

-Blonde Jokes-
-Days Off-
-Fan Art-
-Fan Fics-
-Questions to Ponder-

Chi and Phi's Garden

Do You Share a Birthday With Someone Special?
We were thinking one day. Does anyone ever wonder if they share a birthday with one of the senshi? Then again, there aren't many senshi to share birthdays with, so we came up with this idea to post birthdays of cartoon characters, people, the senshi, and stuff. You might find out you share a birthday with Cookie Monster or Martha Stewart! Who Knows! The characters from different shows and other things are coded by abbreviations at the end. Here is the code:
Sailormoon characters is sm.
Beanie Babies is bb.
Sanrio characters is sr.
Sesame Street characters is ss.
Real People is rp.
Others is oth.
You know, it's not that we like beanie babies or some of the other people (in fact, we don't necessarily like some of the people), but it's sort of a running joke between us. If you have any ideas or would like to contribute birthdays for this site, e-mail Chi or Phi. Some birthdays were found at
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