Daftar di sini BUKAN KARYA LENGKAP dari masing-masing composer, hanya favorit dan/atau pemenang suatu penghargaan dan/atau soundtrack/score yang sepertinya dianggap bagus oleh banyak orang. Inilah daftarnya, disusun menurut nama composernya.


David Arnold

Klaus Badelt

John Barry

Michael Giacchino

Elliot Goldenthal

Jerry Goldsmith

James Horner

James Newton Howard Trevor Jones

Michael Kamen

Basil Poledouris

John Powell

Edward Shearmur

Howard Shore

Alan Silvestri

Brian Tyler

John Williams

Hans Zimmer


James Bond



Star Trek

The Newmans

Film-film animasi




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The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Video Game Soundtrack) (1998)

Composer: Michael Giacchino


Video game pertama yang musiknya dimainkan oleh orkestra penuh, berkat keterlibatan Steven Spielberg yang mendalam untuk pembuatan games oleh DreamWorks Interactive.


Album ini belum sebagus seri Medal of Honor, tapi lumayan menarik. Bagus: The Forest Explodes, The Canyon Brigade, The Sulfur Fields, Laboratory Hunt, Climbing the Tower, Aisle of Giants, Dinosaur Graveyard, The Plains dan San Diego. 



Soundtrack Central Review






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Medal of Honor (1999)

Composer: Michael Giacchino


Album ini adalah soundtrack game Medal of Honor dari Steven Spielberg untuk platform Sony PlayStation.


Karyanya di Medal of Honor ini dipuji-puji habis oleh reviewers. Banyak yang mengatakan bahwa Giacchino akan menjadi penerus John Williams dan Steven Spielberg sendiri memanggil Giacchino “Young Johnny Williams”.


Berikut kutipan review Gary Dalkin dari situs Film Music on the Web:


What is Medal of Honor? It is the closest the world will probably ever come to a sequel to Saving Private Ryan, a Dreamworks Interactive computer game inspired by that film, officially sanctioned by director Steven Spielberg, and endorsed by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. Composer Michael Giacchino's soundtrack is orchestral, big, bold, and a stir music with echoes of Jaws, Midway, Black Sunday, The Fury and The Empire Strikes Back, recorded with a fine sounding 64-piece orchestra. How all this works with the game I can't say, but if it were a film soundtrack I would be at the cinema the first afternoon. Quite simply, this CD plays like the score to the greatest war movie never made. The 'main title' 'Medal of Honor' is sweepingly grand, heroic and melancholy all at once. It will send shivers down your spine.



Cinemusic: 4/5

Film Music on the Web: 4./5

Film Score Central: 5/5

Soundtrack Central Review

Soundtrack Express: 4/5

SoundtrackNet: 4/5

Tracksounds: 10/10






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Medal of Honor: Underground (2000)

Composer: Michael Giacchino


Score ini mendapat EB Online Award untuk kategori Best Music dan penghargaan dari The Academy of Interactive Arts and Science untuk kategori Best Original Score.


Berikut ini kutipan review MOH: Underground yang diberi nilai 9.5/10 oleh Sean Macreavy dari situs web Music 4 Games:


I shall say this only once: Medal of Honor: Underground is the best game soundtrack ever.


I’ll say it again: Medal of Honor: Underground is the best game soundtrack EVER. In fact, it’s impossible to believe it’s for a game at all. Giacchino’s is an IMMENSE talent. If he fails to take John Williams’ movie soundtrack crown, I will eat his brass section. This is music to melt movie theatres.



Filmtracks: 4/5

Cinemusic: 4/5

Film Music on the Web

Music 4 Games

Music from the Movies

Soundtrack Express: 4/5

Soundtrack Review Central








Medal of Honor: Frontline (2002)

Composer: Michael Giacchino


Main title-nya, Operation Market Garden, sangat bagus dan terasa lebih tragis dibandingkan dengan main title MOH: Allied Assault. Main title yang tragis ini sesuai dengan kenyataan bahwa operasi Market Garden dianggap sebagai salah satu kegagalan taktis Sekutu terburuk di Perang Dunia II dengan korban sekitar 3.500 tentara Amerika dan lebih dari 6.000 tentara Inggris tertangkap di Arnhem.


Favorit: Operation Market Garden, semua track di episode Needle in a Haystack: After the Drop, Kleveburg, Manor House Rally, dan The Halftrack Chase, Arnhem (episode Several Bridges Too Far), dan Escaping Gotha (episode The Horton’s Nest). Bagus: Nijmegen Bridge dan The Rowhouses (episode Several Bridges Too Far), Sturmgeist’s Armored Train (episode Rolling Thunder) dan Clipping Their Wings (episode The Horton’s Nest).


Satu hal yang menarik adalah miripnya A Songless Nightingale dengan Civil Theme-nya A Civil Action dari Danny Elfman…


Bersamaan dengan perekaman MOH: Frontline, diadakan juga rekaman MOH: Allied Assault, namun soundtrack MOH: Allied Assault hanya dirilis melalui iTunes.



Soundtrack Express: 4/5

Filmtracks: 4/5

Cinemusic: 4/5

Soundtrack Review Central: 5/5







Call of Duty (2003)

Composer: Michael Giacchino


Musik buat PC Game ini tidak beredar secara komersial, hanya dalam bentuk promotional CD aja.


Berikut kutipan dari game review dari Gamespot:


Amidst all the cacophony of Call of Duty, it can be hard to hear the game's orchestral musical score, but it kicks in on particular occasions and adds even more drama and cinematic flair to the proceedings.



Music 4 Games (preview)

Soundtrack Review Central: 3.5/5

Music 4 Games: 7.5/10






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Secret Weapons of Normandy (2003)

Composer: Michael Giacchino



Music on Film: 5/5





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The Incredibles (2004)

Composer: Michael Giacchino


The Incredibles adalah film pertama bagi Giacchino, sebelumnya ia hanya membuat musik untuk game-game. Film ini adalah film animasi Pixar setelah hit-nya Finding Nemo.


Berikut kutipan dari Music from the Movies:


Alias composer Michael Giacchino smashes onto the big-screen with an almighty ‘ker-pow’ in the best superhero debut since Danny Elfman’s Batman. His score to the Disney Pixar CGI-animated tale of a family of superheroes, who break from retirement to save the world, is a joy from start to finish, embracing countless styles and sounds from the 1960s.



Score Reviews: 3/5

SoundtrackNet: 4/5

Filmtracks: 4/5

Soundtrack Express: 4/5

Movie Wave: 4/5

Music from the Movies: 4.5/5

Cinemusic: 4.5/5





David Arnold

Klaus Badelt

John Barry

Michael Giacchino

Elliot Goldenthal

Jerry Goldsmith

James Horner

James Newton Howard Trevor Jones

Michael Kamen

Basil Poledouris

John Powell

Edward Shearmur

Howard Shore

Alan Silvestri

Brian Tyler

John Williams

Hans Zimmer


James Bond



Star Trek

The Newmans

Film-film animasi


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