This is an FAQ on runescape. It will answer many questions. If you wish to submit a question, please e-mail me.
Q: What is runescape?
A: It is a online multiplayer RPG (role playing game) that is 100% free.

Q: What do you do in runescape?
A: You compete quests, make money, go exploring, kill monsters, and many other things.

Q: How do I move in runescape?
A: Click on any spot on the ground, and your character will move there.

Q: Where is the varrock hearald?
A: Your doing the quest wrong. Thats not how you join the Phoenix gang. To start the quest, talk to Roldeo in the library in the castle.

Q: Whats the point of spot potion?
A: There is none. Its just a decoration. Get it by talking to the apothercary and asking for a free potion.

Q: I'm stuck in Dranor Manor and can't get out. Help!
A: There is a back entrance. Its a long route, but its the only way to get in/out after a while.

Q: What is the combination for the Dranor Manor doors to get the oil can?
A: Wouldn't you like to know? Bwa ha ha ha. Thats a secret. Or you can go to
this site.

Q: Is there really such thing as upgrading/duplicating/blessing?
A: Absolutely not. Do you really think that JAGeX would program it in? I didn't think so. And besides, if they can really do that, why are they wearing crappy armour?

Q: How do I attack people?
A: Right click on them, and click "attack". Some people can't be attacked. Also, you can only attack people similar to your level.

Q: Why is my character in the middle of no where with hardly anything on?
A: Sad to say, your character has been hacked. Your password was too easy to guess

Q: Could you give me some tips on how to make a hard to hack password?
A: Just follow these suggestions:
1) Make your password more than 7 characters.
2) Make your password something not easy to guess (eg, password).
3) Try to have numbers in your password for maximum security. Better yet, include a few non-alphanumeric characters for an almost un-hackable password (eg, [,$, and ~).
4) Combine words that remind you of something and stick a few numbers in between.
5) Make all your passwords reasonably different. This way, if one of your passwords get hacked, your others wont.

Q: Why can't I attack Delrith?
A: There are a few possible reasons. If it says "I'd rather not, he's too scary" or something like that, it's because you haven't started the Silverlight quest. If it says "You've already done that quest" then that means you completed the quest and cant do it again. If it says "I'd better wield silveright first", then you should obviously hold silverlight.

Q: I want a chef's hat!
A: Kill goblins or kill imps. Goblins have more a chance of dropping them.

Q: Why can't I wear rune plate mail?
A: This is because you haven't done the dragon quest yet. Start it by talking to the guildmaster in the champions guild. Andrew doesn't want people who haven't done the quest to wear it.
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