If you have to meet short essay deadlines, then please look through these 30 essays, they may give you some subject ideas.
As warned previously, your tutors are not idiots, and they frequently trawl 'Essay' sites such as this one, which appears on many 'Search Engines'. So please be careful out there.
(As I have written them all, I can and do, relinquish any copyright.)

To access the essays, please click on
the named labels below

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There are seven essays in this section which vary in their subject matter, (From 19th century 'Darwinism', 'Unionism', 'Godliness', through to the works of 'Charles Dickens', 'Robert Browning' and other goodies.) plus many links to Victorian source sites. I have also added a 27 page 'Timeline' that may be useful, (but expensive to print out).

There are five essays in this section. They deal mainly with working class life and religion in the industrial south of Wales. Other essays look at the production of iron, coal, slate and steel making in the 19th century. Warning!, these essays are written from a Welsh point of view !.

There are five essays in this section. The essays look at how we ourselves behave in a modern society. If you have ever wanted to know what 'The Consistency Theory of Festinger' is, or 'Behavioural Conditioning' then this is the page for you !. Is your best friend lying to you. Look at the essay on non verbal language, you'll be surprised what a toad he/she is !.

These are 'Ancient Mind' essays, looking at the mind set of such subjects as the 'Creation Myths' (Enuma Elish for instance). Some thoughts on Virgils 'Aeneid' and Augustual propaganda, Some newer ideas on the location of 'Plato's' Atlantis, and the relationship between ancient myths and modern myths. Loads of weird essays here.

There are 4 essays in this section. They look at the future aspects in the IT world, the changing workplace, crime and IT, and finally 'Free ISPs'. With the rapid advances in IT technology, these essays will have to be updated to comply with 2001.

This single essay is a personal testimony of how I came to faith. It explains the journey made during this acceptance of our Lord.


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