
These four essays were written as part of an 'Ancient Mind' course'. (My tutor 'Annie-May' was a continual source of inspiration....this page is dedicated to her). They cover a wide range of subjects, from Plato's 'Atlantis' to the myths of creation.

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This essay looks at the 'Creation Myth', and compares the similarity between 'Hesiods Theogony' and the 'Enuma Elish'. The essay attempts to show that many of our creation myths arise from a single strand, and in traveling around the Mediterranean basin, they are altered and modified into specific creation myths, in accordance with each countries beliefs and customs.

The question asked in this essay was 'How does Virgil's Aeneid provide propaganda for the Emperor Augustus'?. (Propaganda according to Martindale (1979) is 'An attempt to convince the subjects, that the ruler is suited to the role, and that to be ruled is for their own good'). Therefore was there a symbiotic relationship between Virgil and Augustus ?.

What is the evidence for the existence of Plato's Atlantis, and how does it square with Plato's myth. This essay attempts to show that if Atlantis did exist, it must have been elsewhere other than within the Mediterranean Ocean. There is some slight evidence that it may have lain between India and the coast of Indonesia. Therefore is 'Atlantis' a myth or a fact, you decide.

This essay compares ancient myths with those of the 20th century. It discusses the continuing effects that these ancient myths have on our daily life. It also looks at whether our lives have been enriched, for having knowledge of these myths.

Some more 'Ancient Mind' essays will be put onto this page at a later date. 1
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