Star Trek The Next Generation Episode Guide






Written by Jaron Summer, Jon Povil and Maurice Hurley

Directed by Rob Bowman

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Lt. Commander Hester Dealt-Seymour Cassel, Ian Andrew Troi-R.J. Williams, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Miss Gladstone-Dawn Arnemann, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg, Young Ian-Zachary Benjamin, Engineering Ensign-Dore Keller

Stardate 42073.1

Airdate 11/1988

As the crew rushes samples of a diseased organism to a research station, Troi announces that she's pregnant. Whoopi Goldberg joins the cast as Guinan.






Written by Jack B. Sowards

Directed by Winrich Kolbe

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Nagilum-Earl Boen, Ensign Haskell-Charles Douglass, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney

Stardate 42193.6

Airdate 11/26/88

En Route to the Morgana Quadrant, The Enterprise is trapped in an inexplicable void, where the crew discovers a deserted spacecraft.






Written by Brian Alan Lane

Directed by Rob Bowman

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Professor James Moriarty-Daniel Davis, Lestrade-Alan Shearman, Ruffian-Biff Manard, Prostitute-Diz White, Assistant Engineer Clancy-Anne Elizabeth Ramsay, Pie Man-Richard Merson

Stardate 42286.3

Airdate 12/03/88

When the crew gets a few days off, La Forge plans a diversion for himself and Data on the holodeck-they play Holmes and Watson in Victorian England.






Teleplay by Burton Armus

Story by Les Menchen, Lance Dickson and Kieran Mulroney

Directed by Robert Becker

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Captain Thaduin Okona-William O. Campbell, Debin-Douglas Rowe, Kushell-Albert Stratton, Yanar-Rosalind Ingledew, Benzan-Kiernan Mulroney, Lt. B.G. Robinson-Teri Hatcher, The Comic-Joe Piscopo, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg

Stardate 42402.7

Airdate 12/10/88

The crew hosts the captain of a disabled ship, a charming rogue who's accused of philandering and jewel theft; meanwhile, Data tries to understand humor.






Teleplay by Tracy Torme'

Story by Richard Manning and Hans Beimler

Directed by Les Landau

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Dr. Ira Graves-W. Morgan Sheppard, Lt. Selar-Suzie Plakson, Kareen Branon-Barbara Alyn Woods

Stardate 42437.5

Airdate 01/21/89

The Away team led by Data, goes on a mission of mercy to help a dying scientist whose final act causes the android to suffer a split personality.






Written by Jacqueline Zambrano

Directed by Larry Shaw

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Riva-Howie Seago, Warrior-Adonis-Leo Damian, Woman-Marnie Mosiman, Scholar-Thomas Oglesby Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Warrior #1 (Blond Solari Leader)-Richard Lavin, Warrior #2 (Brunette Solari Leader)-Chip Heller, Lt. (Traitor Solari) John Garrett

Stardate 42477.2

Airdate 01/07/89

A deaf war mediator is escorted by the Away Team to the site of a centuries-long conflict.






Written by John Mason and Mike Gray

Directed by Paul Lynch

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Dr. Sara Kingsley-Patricia Smith, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Captain Taggert-J. Patrick McNamara, Transporter Ensign-Scott Trost

Stardate 42494.8

Airdate 01/28/89

Responding to an emergency call for help from a supply ship, the Enterprise encounters an epidemic that causes rapid aging and death.






Teleplay by Burton Armus

Story by Wanda M. Haight, Gregory Amos and Burton Armus

Directed by Rob Bowman

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Ensign Mendon-John Putch, Captain Kargan-Christopher Collins, Lt. Klagg-Brian Thompson, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Tactics Officer-Peter Parros, Vekma-Laura Drake

Stardate 42506.5

Airdate 02/04/89

An exchange program that allows Riker to become the first Federation officer to serve on a Klingon vessel turns into a dangerous confrontation.






Written by Melinda Snodgrass

Directed by Robert Scheerer

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Judge Advocate General Captain Phillipa Louvois-Amanda McBroom, Admiral Nakamura-Clyde Kusatsu, Commander Bruce Maddox-Brian Brophy, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg

Stardate 42523.7

Airdate 02/11/89

The officer in charge of a new starbase orders Data to be disassembled for study, when Data refuses, a Judge Advocate General sets up a hearing.






Written by Scott Rubinstein and Leonard Mlodinow

Directed by Rob Bowman

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Anya-Paddi Edwards, Salia-Jamie Hubbard, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Crewman Aron-Peter Neptune, Anya as Teenage Girl-Madchen Amick, Anya as Furry Animal-Cindy Sorenson, Ensign Gibson-Jennifer Barlow

Stardate 42568.8

Airdate 02/18/89

When the Enterprise is assigned to escort a young woman to Daled 4, her overprotective guardian tries to keep a lovestruck Wesley at bay.






Written by Steve Gerber and Beth Woods

Directed by Joseph L. Scanlan

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Captain Donald Varley-Thalmus Rasulada, Sub-Commander Taris-Carolyn Seymour, Tactical Ensign-Dana Sparks, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Doctor Folkert Schmidt

Stardate 42609.1

Airdate 03/18/89

When a computer virus renders the Enterprise vulnerable to Romulan attack in the Neutral Zone, Picard and the Away the Away Team beam down to the site of a lost civilization to find the source of the infection.






Written by Keith Mills (AKA Tracy Torme')

Directed by Cliff Bole

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Texas-Nobel Willingham, Assistant Manager-Sam Anderson, Vanessa-Jill Jacobson, Bellboy-Leo Garcia, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Mickey D-Gregory Beecroft

Stardate 42625.4

Airdate 03/25/89

Hunting for clues about a wreckage of an Air Force ship, the Away Team lands in the Hotel Royale, where Riker, Worf and Data are cutoff from the Enterprise and can find no exit.






Teleplay by Maurice Hurley

Story by Kurt Michael Bensmiller

Directed by Joseph L. Scanlan

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney

Stardate 42679.2

Airdate 04/01/89

The Enterprise encounters a shuttlecraft with an unconscious double of Picard on board.






Teleplay by David Assael and Robert L. McCullough

Story by David Assael

Directed by Robert Iscove

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Kyle Riker-Mitchell Ryan, Ensign Herbert-Lance Spellerberg

Stardate 42686.4

Airdate 04/22/89

When Riker is offered the captaincy of a starship, his delight turns to hostility when the officer assigned to brief him turns out to be his estranged father, meanwhile, Worf suffers a spiritual crisis.





#41 "PEN PALS"

Written by Melinda M. Snodgrass

Story by Hannah Louise Schearer

Directed by Winrich Kolbe

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Davies-Nicholas Cascone, Sarjenka-Nikki Cox, Hildebrandt-Anne H. Gillespie, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Alans-Whitney Rydbeck

Stardate 42695.3

Airdate 04/29/89

A little girl contacts Data when her planet is imperiled by a series of violent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and Wesley is put in charge of finding the cause.





#42 "Q WHO"

Written by Maurice Hurley

Directed by Rob Bowman

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Q-John de Lancie, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg

Stardate 42761.3

Airdate 05/06/89

Picard's archnemesis Q tosses the Enterprise into a deadly battle with the Borg, whose collective mind overpowers the starship's defenses.






Written by Maurice Hurley

Directed by Rob Bowman

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Grebnedlog-Christopher Collins, Reginod-Leslie Morris, Surgeon-Daniel Benzali, Ensign Sonia Gomez-Lycia Naff, Biomolecular Specialist-Tzi Ma

Stardate 42779.1

Airdate 05/13/89

After Picard is taken to Starbase Scylla 515 for a heart operation, the Enterprise answers a distress call from a vessel crewed by the Pakleds, who take La Forge hostage.






Written by Melinda M. Snodgrass

Directed by Winrich Kolbe

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Danilo O'Dell-Barrie Ingham, Granger-John de Vries, Brenna-Rosalyn Landor, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney,

Stardate 42823.2

Airdate 05/20/89

The Enterprise encounters two threatened cultures: The Bringloidis, descendants of colonists from Earth; and the Mariposans, clones who desperately need genetic material.















Written by Terry Devereaux (AKA Tracy Torme')

Directed by Rob Bowman

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Lwaxana Troi-Majel Barrett, Slade Bender-Robert Costanza, Mr. Homm-Carel Struycken, Rex-Rod Arrants, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Scarface-Robert O'Rielly, Secretary Madeline-Rhonda Aldrich, Antedian Dignitary-Mick Fleetwood, Transport Pilot-Wren T. Brown

Stardate 42859.2

Airdate 06/17/89

En route to a Federation conference, the crew picks up two delegates from the planet Antede 3, and gets a surprise visit from Lwaxana, who avidly pursues Picard.






Television Story and Teleplay by Richard Manning and Hans Beimler

Based on an unpublished Story by Thomas H. Calder

Directed by Cliff Bole

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, K'Ehleyr-Suzie Plakson, K'Temoc-Lance le Gault, Admiral Gromek-Georgann Johnson, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Ensign Clancy-Anne Elizabeth Ramsey, Tactical Crewman-Dietrich Bader

Stardate 42901.3

Airdate 06/24/89

A half-Klingon woman from Worf's past boards the Enterprise as a special agent to intercept a Klingon vessel carrying a crew in cyrogenic suspension.






Written by David Kemper

Directed by Robert Scheerer

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Sima Kolrami-Roy Brocksmith, Bractor-Armin Shimerman, Ferengi Tactician-David L. Lander, Ensign Nagel-Leslie Neale, Ensign Burke-Glenn Morshower

Stardate 42923.4

Airdate 07/08/89

Riker and Picard are pitted against each other in a Starfleet war game, with Picard helming the Enterprise and Riker the Hathaway, an 80-year-old clunker.






Teleplay by Maurice Hurley, Richard Manning and Hans Beimler

Story by Maurice Hurley

Directed by Rob Bowman

Guest Stars: Dr. Kathryn Pulaski-Diana Muldaur, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney

Stardate 42976.1

Airdate 07/15/89

Riker contracts a mysterious disease that attacks the central nervous system, and Dr. Pulaski tries to save him with a potentially lethal course of treatment.



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