Star Trek The Next Generation Episode Guide





Written by Melinda M. Snodgrass

Directed by Cliff Bole

Guest Stars: Ard'rian McKenzie-Eileen Seeley, Haritath-Mark L. Taylor, Kentor-Richard Allen, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Gosheven-Grainger Hines, Sheliak-Mart McChesney

Stardate 43133.3

Airdate 10/02/89

The Enterprise races against time when an alien race demands all humans be evacuated within four days or the entire population will be annihilated.







Teleplay by Michael Piller

Story by Michael Piller and Michael Wagner

Directed by Winrich Kolbe

Guest Stars: Dr. Paul Stubbs-Ken Jenkins, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg, Nurse-Mary McCusker, Crewman No. 1-Randal Patrick

Stardate 43125.8

Airdate 10/25/89

En route to the site of a stellar phenomenon, the main computers of the Enterprise malfunction, and the ship is drawn toward the fiery remains of an exploding star.







Written by Michael Wagner

Directed by Les Landau

Guest Stars: Kevin Uxbridge-John Anderson, Rishon Uxbridge-Anne Haney

Stardate 43152.4

Airdate 10/09/89

Responding to a distress call from a Federation planet, the Away Team finds that all of the inhabitants have been killed except for an elderly couple.







Written by Richard Manning and Hans Beimler

Directed by Robert Weimer

Guest Stars: Nuria-Kathryn Leigh Scott, Liko-Ray Wise, Dr. Barron-James Greene, Oji-Pamela Segall, Fento-John McLiam, Hali-James McIntire, Mary Warren-Lois Hall

Stardate 43173.5

Airdate 10/16/89

Federation anthropologists who are studying the primitive inhabitants of Mintaka 3 are injured in an explosion.








Written by Ronald D. Moore

Directed by Winrich Kolbe

Guest Stars: Lt. Marla Aster-Susan Powell, Jeremy Aster-Gabriel Damon, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Teacher-Raymond D. Turner

Stardate 43198.7

Airdate 10/23/89

During an Away Team survey of a deserted planet, an archaeologist is killed in an explosion, and the crew tries to comfort her 12-year-old son.







Teleplay by Ron Roman, Michael Piller and Richard Danus

Directed by Gabrielle Beaumont

Guest Stars: Dr. Leah Brahms-Susan Gibney, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg, Galek Dar-Albert Hall, Christy Henshaw-Julie Warner

Stardate 43205.6

Airdate 10/30/89

While the Away Team investigates an ancient warship, the Enterprise is bombarded by deadly waves of radiation and crippled by a sudden power loss.







Written by David Kemper and Michael Piller

Directed by David Carson

Guest Stars: Centurion Bochra, Commander Tomalak-Andreas Katsulas, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Patahk-Steve Rankin

Stardate 43349.2

Airdate 11/06/89

La Forge is stranded on a Federation planet where a Romulan ship has crashed, while Dr. Crusher tries to save an injured officer from a downed craft.







Written by Hannah Louise Shearer

Directed by Robert Scheerer

Guest Stars: Devinoni Ral-Matt McCoy, Premier Bhavani-Elizabeth Hoffman, Federation Negoitiator Seth Mendoza-Castulo Guerra, DaiMon Goss-Scott Thomson, Dr. Arridor-Dan Shor, Leyor of the Caldonians-Kevin Peter Hall, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney

Stardate 43385.6

Airdate 11/13/89

The Enterprise hosts a delegation that's negotiating for the rights to a wormhole, a shortcut across the galaxy, Troi becomes romantically involved with one of the delegates.







Written by Sam Rolfe

Directed by Timothy Bond

Guest Stars: Yuta-Lisa Wilcox, Brull-Joey Aresco, Marouk-Nancy Parsons, Chorgan-Stephen Lee, Valnoth-Marc Lawrence, Temarek-Elkanah J. Burns

Stardate 43421.9

Airdate 11/20/89

The crew tries to mediate a reconciliation between the Acamarians and the Gatherers, a renegade group that split from the Acamarians a century before.







Written by Ronald D. Moore

Directed by Robert Scheerer

Guest Stars: Sub-Lt., Setal-Admiral Jarok-James Sloyan, Commander Tomalak-Andreas Katsulas, Admiral Haden-John Hancock, John Bates-S.A. Templeman, Michael Williams-Patrick Stewart

Stardate 43462.5

Airdate 01/01/90

A Romulan defector seeking refuge on the Enterprise warns Picard that a major offensive to regain the Neutral Zone will be launched in 48 hours.







Written by Robin Bernheim

Directed by Cliff Bole

Guest Stars: Roga Danar-Jeff McCarthy, Nayrok-James Cromwell, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Zaynar-J. Michael Flynn, Wagnor-Andrew Bicknell

Stardate 43489.2

Airdate 01/08/90

On the planet Angosia, the crew aids in the capture of a prison escapee whose reputation for violence is belied when Troi interviews him.







Written by Melinda M. Snodgrass

Directed by Directed by Gabrielle Beaumont

Guest Stars: Alexana Devos-Kerrie Keane, Kyril Finn-Richard Cox, Waiter (Katik Shaw)-Marc Buckland, Policeman-Fred G. Smith, Boy (Ansata)-Christopher Pettiet

Stardate 43510.7

Airdate 01/29/90

Dr. Crusher is kidnapped by a group of terrorists and the leader of the Rutian police is determined not to negotiate for her release.






#61 "DEJA Q"

Written by Richard Danus

Directed by Les Landau

Guest Stars: Q-John de Lancie, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg, Dr. Garin-Richard Cansino, Bre'el Scientist-Betty Muramoto, Q-Corbin Bernsen

Stardate 43539.1

Airdate 02/05/90

Q, once all-powerful mischief-maker of the universe, is condemned to life as a mortal and seeks sanctuary aboard the Enterprise.







Written by Ed Zuckerman

Directed by Cliff Bole

Guest Stars: Krag-Craig Richard Nelson, Manua Apgar-Gina Hecht, Dr. Nel Apgar-Mark Margolis, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Tanya-Juli Donald

Stardate 43610.4

Airdate 02/12/90

Riker is accused of murdering a research scientist, and the Enterprise holodeck is programmed to recreate the events according to each witnesses testimony.







Teleplay by Ira Steven Behr, Ronald Manning, Hans Beimler and Ronald D. Moore

From a Story by Trent Ganino and Eric Stillwell

Directed by David Carson

Guest Stars: Tasha Yar-Denise Crosby, Captain Rachel Garrett-Tricia O'Neill, Lt. jg Richard Castillo-Christopher McDonald

Stardate 43625.2

Airdate 02/19/90

A time rift alters the Enterprise's history and reunites its crew with Tasha and with a ship thought to have been destroyed more than 20 years ago.







Written by Rene' Eche'varria

Directed by Jonathan Frakes

Guest Stars: Lal-Hallie Todd, Admiral Haftel-Nicolas Coster, Lt. Ballard-Judyanne Elder, Ten Forward Crew-Diane Moser, Hayne Bayle, Maria Leone and James G. Becker, Lal as Robot-Leonard John Crofoot

Stardate 43657.0

Airdate 03/12/90

In an unauthorized experiment, Data builds another android, which chooses to take the form of a human female.







Teleplay by Ronald D. Moore and W. Reed Moran

Based on a Teleplay by Drew Deighan

Directed by Les Landau

Guest Stars: K'Mpec-Charles Cooper, Commander Kurn-Tony Todd, Duras-Patrick Massett, Kahlest-Thelma Lee, Transporter Technician-Teddy Davis, Assassins-B.J. Davis and Chris Doyle

Stardate 43685.2

Airdate 03/19/90

Worf meets the brother he didn't know he had, and together they go before the Klingon High Council to defend their late father's honor against treason.







Written by Richard Manning and Hans Beimler

Directed by Winrich Kolbe

Guest Stars: Kova Tholl-Stephen Markel, Esoqq-Reiner Schone, Cadet Mitena Haro-Jocelyn O'Brien, Alien #1-Jerry Rector, Alien #2-Jeff Rector

Stardate 43714.1

Airdate 03/26/90

Picard is kidnapped by an alien force and replaced by a look-alike.







Written by Ira Steven Behr

Directed by Chip Calmers

Guest Stars: Vash-Jennifer Hetrick, Ajur-Karen Landry, Boratus-Michael Champion, Sovak-Michael (Max) Grode'nchik, Joval-Deirdre Imershein

Stardate 43745.2

Airdate 04/02/90

Picard's well-deserved vacation is interrupted by Vorgon Security Agents from the 27th-century who are searching for a secret weapon.






#68 "TIN MAN"

Written by Dennis Putman Bailey and David Bischoff

Directed by Robert Scheerer

Guest Stars: Captain Robert DeSoto-Michael Cavanaugh, Romulan Commander-Peter Vogt, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Tam Elbrun-Harry Groener

Stardate 43779.3

Airdate 04/23/90

The Enterprise crew is assigned to carry a Betazoid Federation emissary who's en route to contact a newly discovered life form called Tin Man.







Written by Sally Caves

Directed by Cliff Bole

Guest Stars: Barclay-Dwight Schultz, Lt. Duffy-Charley Lang, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney

Stardate 43807.4

Airdate 04/30/90

Barclay acts out his frustrations in the holodeck and endangers the Enterprise by neglecting his engineering duties.







Written by Shari Goodhartz

Directed by Tim Bond

Guest Stars: Kivas Fajo-Saul Rubinek, Palor Toff-Nehemiah Persoff, Varria-Jane Daly, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney

Stardate 43872.2

Airdate 05/07/90

Data's shuttlecraft explodes, but the crew is forced to proceed on it's mission to aid a colony with a contaminated water supply.






#71 "SAREK"

Television Story and Teleplay by Peter S. Beagle

From an unpublished Story by Marc Cusman and Jake Jacobs

Directed by Les Landau

Guest Stars: Sarek-Mark Lenard, Perrin-Joanna Miles, Ki Mendrossen-William Denis, Sakkath-Rocco Sisto, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Science Ensign-John H. Francis

Stardate 43917.4

Airdate 05/14/90

Sarek, the venerable Vulcan Ambassador, is uncharacteristically moody when aboard the Enterprise for a mission to establish ties with the Legeran.







Written by Fred Bronson and Susan Sackett

Directed by Robert Legato

Guest Stars: Lwaxana-Majel Barrett, DaiMon Tog-Frank Corsentino, Dr. Farek-Ethan Phillips, Nibor-Peter Slutsker, Reittan Grax-Rudolph Willrich, Mr. Homm-Carel Struycken

Stardate 43930.7

Airdate 05/28/90

The Ferengi abduct Troi and Lwaxana to study Lwaxana's telepathic powers.







Written by Rene' Eche'varria

Directed by Tom Benko

Guest Stars: John Doe-Mark LaMura, Commander Sunad-Charles Dennis, Christy Henshaw-Julie Warner, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Nurse Temple-Patti Tippo

Stardate 43957.2

Airdate 06/04/90

The Enterprise rescues a humanoid amnesiac who exhibits remarkable healing powers.







Written by Michael Piller

Directed by Cliff Bole

Guest Stars: Lt. Commander Shelby-Elizabeth Dennehey, Admiral J.P. Hansen-George Murdock, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg

Stardate 43989.1

Airdate 06/18/90

Starfleet assigns an ambitious young officer to help the Enterprise investigate the disappearance of a Federation colony.





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