Star Trek The Next Generation Episode Guide



Written by Ronald D. Moore

Directed by David Carson

Guest Stars: Commander Sela-Denise Crosby, Gowron-Robert O'Rielly, Commander Kurn-Tony Todd, Lursa-Barbara March, B'Etor-Gwynyth Walsh, Captain Larg-Michael G. Hagerty, Admiral Shanti-Fran Bennett, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Lt. Commander Christopher Hobson-Timothy Carhart, Kulge-Jordan Lund, Hegh'ta Helmsman-Steven James Carver, Ensign Craig-Clifton Jones, General Movar-Nicholas Kepros, Toral-J.D. Cullum, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg

Stardate 45020.4

Airdate 09/23/91

Picard initiates a Federation blockade against the Romulans in hopes of exposing their alliance with the Duras family in the Klingon civil war.

#102 "DARMOK"

Teleplay by Joe Menosky

Story by Philip Lazebnik and Joe Menosky

Directed by Winrich Kolbe

Guest Stars: Captain Dathon-Paul Winfield, Tamarian First Officer-Richard James, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Ensign Robin Lefler-Ashley Judd

Stardate 45047.2

Airdate 09/30/91

While initiating relations with the Tamarians-whose language is incomprehensible to humans-Picard and the captain of the Tamarian ship are transported to a planet where both face a fierce beast.

#103 "ENSIGN RO"

Teleplay by Michael Piller

Story by Rick Berman and Michael Piller

Directed by Les Landau

Guest Stars: Ensign Ro Laren-Michelle Forbes, Keeve Falor-Scott Marlowe, Gul Dolak-Frank Collison, Orta-Jeffrey Hayenga, Transporter Officer-Harley Venton, Mot the Barber-Ken Thorley, Admiral Kennelly-Cliff Potts, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg, Computer Voice-Majel Barrett

Stardate 45076.3

Airdate 10/07/91

During their investigation of a Bajoran terrorist attack on a Federation colony, Picard and a strong-willed Bajoran Ensign uncover a conspiracy by a high ranking Starfleet officer.


Teleplay by Jeri Taylor

Story by Lawrence V. Conley

Directed by Cliff Bole

Guest Stars: Dr. Kila Marr-Ellen Geer, Carmen Davila-Suson Diol

Stardate 45122.3

Airdate 10/14/91

The Enterprise comes in contact with a destructive entity that Picard believes should be communicated with-but a scientist studying it has different plans.


Teleplay by Ronald D. Moore

Story by Ron Jarvis and Philip A. Scorza

Directed by Gabrielle Beaumont

Guest Stars: Ensign Ro Laren-Michelle Forbes, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Keiko O'Brien-Rosalind Chao, Marissa-Erika Flores, Jay Gordan-John Christopher Graas, Patterson-Max Supera, Ensign Mandel-Cameron Arnett, Lt. jg Monroe-Jana Marie Hupp

Stardate 45156.1

Airdate 10/21/91

While hosting the winners of a primary school contest, the Enterprise is completely disabled by a rare phenomenon, leaving Troi in command of the Bridge.

#106 "THE GAME"

Teleplay by Brannon Braga

Story by Susan Sackett, Fred Bronson and Brannon Braga

Directed by Corey Allen

Guest Stars: Wesley-Wil Wheaton, Robin Lefler-Ashley Judd, Nurse Alyssa Ogawa-Patti Yasutake, Etana Jol-Katherine Moffat, Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Ensign-Diane M. Hurley

Stardate 45208.2

Airdate 10/28/91

Riker is given an electronic mind game that proves addictive to everyone on board except a vacationing Wesley, who suspects the games real purpose.


Teleplay by Jeri Taylor

Story by Rick Berman

Directed by Les Landau

Guest Stars: Ambassador Spock-Leonard Nimoy, Sarek-Mark Lenard, Perrin-Joanna Miles, Captain K'Vada-Stephen D. Root, Klim Dokachin-Graham Jarvis, Senator Pardek-Malachi Throne, Proconsul Neral-Norman Large, Romulan No. 1-Daniel Roebuck, B'ljik-Erick Avari, Admiral Brackett-Karen Hensel, Soup Woman, Mimi Cozzens, Computer Voice-Majel Barrett

Stardate 45233.1

Airdate 11/04/91

Disguised as Romulans, Picard and Data travel to Romulus to investigate the unauthorized mission of the Federation's most famous ambassador-Mr. Spock.


Teleplay by Michael Piller

Story by Rick Berman and Michael Piller

Directed by Cliff Bole

Guest Stars: Ambassador Spock-Leonard Nimoy, Commander Sela-Denise Crosby, Captain K'Vada-Stephen D. Root, Senator Pardek-Malachi Throne, Proconsul Neral-Norman Large, Romulan No. 1-Daniel Roebuck, Romulan No. 2-Susan Fallender, Omag-William Bastiani, D'Tan-Vidal Peterson, Amarie-Harriet Leider

Stardate 45245.8

Airdate 11/11/91

After locating Spock and discovering his plans for unifying the Romulans and the Vulcans, Picard and Data uncover a covert Romulan plot that does not call for unification-but for invasion.


Written by Rick Berman

Directed by Paul Lynch

Guest Stars: Professor Berlinghoff Rasmussen-Matt Frewer, Dr. Hal Mosely-Stefan Gierasch, Ensign Felton-Sheila Franklin, Female Scientist-Shay Garne

Stardate 45359.1

Airdate 11/18/91

While on a mission to save a planet that was hit by a huge asteroid, the Enterprise encounters a man who claims to be from the future.






Teleplay by Grant Rosenberg

Story by Sara Charno and Stuart Charno

Directed by Robert Scheerer

Guest Stars: Alexander Rozhenko-Brian Bonsall, Helena Rozhenko-Georgia Brown, Dr. Ja'Dar-Richard McGonagle, Kyle-Jennifer Edwards, Ensign Felton-Sheila Franklin, Computer Voice-Majel Barrett

Stardate 45376.3

Airdate 01/06/92

On an unexpected visit, Alexander delivers some startling news-he intends to take up permanent residence on the Enterprise.


Teleplay by Joe Menosky

Story by Hilary J. Bader

Directed by Patrick Stewart

Guest Stars: Timothy-Joshua Harris, Transporter Chief-Harley Venton, Ensign Felton-Sheila Franklin, Teacher-Steven Einspahr

Stardate 45397.3

Airdate 01/27/92

A young boy, the only survivor of a destroyed research vessel, becomes attached to Data and attempts to emulate the android.


Teleplay by Pamela Gray and Jeri Taylor

Story by Shari Goodhartz, T. Michael Gray and Pamela Gray

Directed by Robert Weimer

Guest Stars: Keiko O'Brien-Rosalind Chao, Jev-Ben Lemon, Tarmin-David Sage, Dr. Martin-Rick Fitts, Inad-Eve Brenner, Lt. Commander Jack R. Crusher-Doug Wert, Crewman Davis-Craig Benton, Computer Voice-Majel Barrett

Stardate 45429.3

Airdate 02/03/92

Crew members begin to fall into inexplicable comas when the Enterprise plays host to a delegation of telepathic aliens.


Teleplay by Adam Belanoff and Michael Piller

Story by James Kahn and Adam Belanoff

Directed by Winrich Kolbe

Guest Stars: Aaron Conor and John Snyder, Hannah Bates-Dey Young, Martin Benbeck-Ron Canada, Ensign Felton-Sheila Franklin

Stardate 45470.1

Airdate 02/10/92

Picard and the crew of the Enterprise work to save a genetically engineered society from a natural disaster-but their efforts could be equally destructive.


Teleplay by Barry M. Schkolnick

Story by Paul Schiffer

Directed by Les Landau

Guest Stars: Commander Keiran MacDuff-Erich Anderson, Ensign Ro Laren-Michelle Forbes, Kristin-Liz Vassey, Crewman-Erick Weiss

Stardate 45494.2

Airdate 02/17/92

The crew experiences complete memory loss and becomes engaged in a baffling battle with the Lysians.


Teleplay by Rene Balcer, Herbert J. Wright and Brannon Braga

Story by Paul Ruben and Maurice Hurley

Directed by David Livingston

Guest Stars: Miles O'Brien-Colm Meaney, Keiko O'Brien-Rosalind Chao, Ensign Ro Laren-Michelle Forbes, Transporter Technician Ryan Reid, Computer Voice-Majel Barrett

Stardate 45571.2

Airdate 02/24/92

Troi, Data and O'Brien stage a mutiny on board the Enterprise after investigating a strange distress signal orbiting from an apparently uninhabited moon.

#116 "ETHICS"

Teleplay by Ronald D. Moore

Story by Sara Charno and Stuart Charno

Directed by Chip Chalmers

Guest Stars: Dr. Toby Russell-Caroline Kava, Alexander Rozhenko-Brian Bonsall, Nurse Alyssa Ogawa-Patti Yasutake

Stardate 45587.3

Airdate 03/02/92

After Worf is paralyzed in an accident, he is forced to choose between Klingon ritual suicide or experimental surgery.


Written by Jeri Taylor

Directed by Robert Scheerer

Guest Stars: Soren-Melinda Culea, Krite-Callan White, Noor-Megan Cole

Stardate 45614.6

Airdate 03/16/92

Riker becomes romantically involved with a member of the J'naii-an androgynous race that prohibits male-female relationships.


Written by Brannon Braga

Directed by Jonathan Frakes

Guest Stars: Ensign Ro Laren-Michelle Forbes, Nurse Alyssa Ogawa-Patti Yasutake, Captain Morgan Bateman-Kelsey Grammer

Stardate 45652.1

Airdate 03/23/92

The Enterprise becomes trapped in a time warp, causing it to repeatedly experience the same fatal collision with another ship.


Written by Ronald D. Moore and Naren Shankar

Directed by Paul Lynch

Guest Stars: Cadet Third Class Wesley Crusher-Wil Wheaton, Boothby-Ray Walston, Cadet First Class Nicholas Locarno-Robert Duncan McNeill, Lt. Commander Albert-Ed Lauter, Captain Satelk-Richard Fancy, Superintendent Admiral Brand-Jacqueline Brookes, Cadet Second Class Jean Hajar-Walker Brandt, Cadet Second Class Sito Jaxa-Shannon Fill, Cadet-Richard Rothenberg

Stardate 45703.9

Airdate 03/30/92

Prior to Starfleet Academy commencement ceremonies, an in-flight accident destroys five ships, including the one carrying Wesley and his squadron.


Written by Peter Allan Fields

Directed by Winrich Kolbe

Guest Stars: Lwaxana-Majel Barrett, Alexander Rozhenko-Brian Bonsall, Campio-Tony Jay, Mr. Homm-Carel Struycken, Young Man-David Oliver, Juggler-Albie Selznick, Erko-Patrick Cronin, Young Woman-Tracey D'Arcy, Poet-George Edie, First Learner-Christopher Halste

Stardate 45733.6

Airdate 04/20/92

Lwaxana upsets Troi and Worf by taking Alexander under her wing; the Enterprise experiences mechanical problems when parasites attach themselves to the ship.


Teleplay by Gary Percante' (AKA Reuben Leder) and Michael Piller

Story by Rene' Eche'varria and Gary Percante' (AKA Reuben Leder)

Directed by Cliff Bole

Guest Stars Kriosian Kamala-Famke Janssen, Briam-Tim O'Connor, Par Lenor-Michael (Max) Grode'nchik, Alrik-Mickey Cottrell, Qol-Michael Snyder, Miner No. 1-David Paul Needles, Miner No. 2-Roger Rignack, Miner No. 3-Charles Gunning, Transporter Chief Hubbell-April Grace, Computer Voice-Majel Barrett

Stardate 45761.3

Airdate 04/27/92

The signing of a treaty between two warring races is complicated when Picard falls in love with the woman who's serving as the peace offering.


Teleplay by Edithe Swensen and Brannon Braga

Story by Ronald Wilderson, Jean Matthias and Richard Fliegel

Directed by Gabrielle Beaumont

Guest Stars: Clara Sutter-Noley Thornton, Isabella-Shay Astar, Ensign Daniel Sutter-Jeff Allin, Alexander Rozhenko-Brian Bonsall, Nurse Alyssa Ogawa-Patti Yasutake, Ensign Felton-Sheila Franklin, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg

Stardate 45832.1

Airdate 05/04/92

The imaginary friend of a young girl comes to life when the Enterprise enters a section of space inhabited by a strange form of energy.

#123 "I, BORG"

Written by Rene' Eche'varria

Directed by Robert Lederman

Guest Stars: Hugh-Jonathan Del Arco, Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg, Vice-Admiral Alynna Nechayev-Natalija Nogulich

Stardate 45854.2

Airdate 05/11/92

The Away Team discovers an injured adolescent Borg, whom they bring aboard the ship and nurse back to health, creating mixed emotions among the crew.


Written by Ronald D. Moore

Directed by David Carson

Guests Stars: Ensign Ro Laren-Michelle Forbes, Mirok-Thomas Kopache, Varel Susanna Thompson, Transporter Chief Brossmer-Shelby Leverington, Parem-Brian Cousins, Ensign McDowell-Kenneth Messerole

Stardate 45892.4

Airdate 05/18/92

La Forge and Ro are assumed to be dead when they vanish during transport back to the Enterprise from a Romulan science ship.


Teleplay by Morgan Gendel and Peter Allan Fields

Story by Morgan Gendel

Directed by Peter Lauritson

Guest Stars: Eline-Margot Rose, Batai-Richard Riehle, Administrator-Scott Jaeck, Meribor-Jennifer Nash, Young Batai-Daniel Stewart, Nurse Alyssa Ogawa-Patti Yasutake

Stardate 45944.1

Airdate 06/01/92

After being hit by an emission from a primitive space probe, Picard finds himself living another man's life on a planet doomed by drought.


Teleplay by Joe Menosky and Michael Piller

Story by Joe Menosky

Directed by Les Landau

Guest Stars: Guinan-Whoopi Goldberg, Samuel Clemens-Jerry Hardin, Jack London-Michael Aron, Frederick La Rouque-Marc Alaimo, Joe Falling Hawk-Sheldon P. Wolfchild, Doorman-Barry Kivel, Seaman-Ken Thorley, Beggar-John M. Murdock, Scientist-Milt Tarver, Roughneck-Michael Hungerford

Stardate 45959.1

Airdate 06/15/92

An archaeological dig on Earth uncovers an unusual 19th-century artifact-Data's head-and evidence of alien activity leading the crew to San Francisco in the late 1800's to investigate.

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� Fox Television/Ten Thirteen Productions-The X-Files

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