
Roman Stripes or Sunshine and Shadows.
Page 3  ...  Sewing it together

1) If you need some help in how to sew the strips together and press them, here is some on-line information from previous lessons.  This page should open in another window so you don't have to use the "back" button to come back here. If it doesn't open in another window on your browser, you will have to use your "back" button to get back here. 

This is a diagram of the 44" wide fabric, and the five cuts you will get across the fabric. You do have a little waste at the end. ( but the scrap makes a neat second quilt or binding!)

2)  Your strip set, if sewn with accurate 1/4" seam allowances, should measure 6 3/4" wide. 

Just measure your strips set width when you are done sewing and use that measurement for cutting the part Y, or the whole wide strip the the plain half. 

3)  Once again, This is one of those few quilts where you can have a "personal" strip size and it will work out okay.  Your strips may be a tad larger or smaller than the recommended 6 3/4", but you just want all your strips sets to measure the same width!

4)  After you sew your strips together, measure the width of your strip set. 

5) Now, there are two ways do this. 

Method 1 is easiest, but you will have all bias edges on all sides.   I have done it this way successfully with being very careful and using a lot of starch.

Method 2: It is not harder to do it this way,  just have to be a tiny bit more careful. 

Instead of cutting strips for the Part Y like the traditional way you will see below, you can cut squares first. Then cut those squares on the diagonal once to form the triangles.  Lay the triangles on the striped fabric and sew.  Then cut along the edge of the triangles for the blocks.  Method two leaves the triangle part of the block on the straight of the grain at all times. You have a stable surface to sew the bias edges of the strip sets to.

I have some directions for this method further down. Either method works fine. 

Tube Method:
Page 5 will have the non-tube method using squares of fabric instead of a strip.

You need to cut a strip of plain fabric cutting  selvage to selvage and the width of your strip set. 
If your ruler is not wide enough to measure the strip width you need, place another ruler on the trimmed up edge of your fabric and measure in the amount you need to cut your strip. Then place your second long ruler next to it and snug it up. Check to make sure the long ruler is aligned along the bottom, check the side ruler again. 

Carefully remove the square ruler and cut along the edge of the long ruler. 

Next you will lay the plain strip in the table right side up, then lay the strip set on top of that, wrong side up.  (So the right sides of the fabric are facing each other).  Then you pin in place very well so the fabrics don't shift, and sew down each long side using a  1/4 inch seam allowance. 

Our next step is to cut the strip on a 45 degree angle...  the next page has digital pic's on how to cut the the strips into blocks.

Now on to the cutting... but first get up and stretch... bend and stretch... water the plants to clear your head ... then on go on to page 4 with the digital pic's on how to cut the the strips into blocks.
One Day Quilt Frenzy main page
Main Sunshine and Shadows Page
Page 2
Non-tube method using squares of fabric
Page 3 (here)
Sewing the fabric tube
Page 4
Cutting the strips on the 45
Page 5
Non-tube method using squares of fabric
Page 6
Some of my quilts

All pages under the copyright of Mary Ann Beattie...  January 2000
For personal use only.  Not to be sold for your own profit.
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