ELLEN VIRGINIA KAUFFMAN was born 20 Nov 1842, and was married during the Civil War on 24 Dec. 1862, to Isaac Newton Rickard.  Her older brother, Joseph Franklin Kauffman, was killed during the battle of 2nd Manassas four months earlier on 28 Aug 1862. Her uncle, John W. Mauck died in the battle of Cedar Run on 8 Aug 1862. Two other brothers, E. V. ('Mac') and Philip Marion Kauffman, who were also soldiers survived.

Isaac Newton Rickard, born 11 Nov 1828, died 28 Dec 1872, 10 years after they were married, leaving her with five children.  Her brother Mac had married and moved to the Mid-West.  In 1883, she moved with her family to Nemeha County, Kansas and joined him there.

Ellen never remarried and died at Bern, Nemeha, Kansas on 28 Aug 1905.

My great-grandmother
Rickard Ancestry
The earliest records of our Kauffman ancestors go back to Switzerland.   They were Mennonites.   As far as I can determine, all of Ellen Virginia Kauffman's ancestors were Mennonites.

Civil War Diary of Joseph Franklin 'Joe Fant' Kauffman
Kauffman Gathering in Memphis, Missouri about 1873

Upper left: Sarah L. H. Kauffman (wife of E. V. Kauffman);
?, ?, ?. ?
Front Row:?, 
Ellen V. Kauffman Rickard, E. V. ("Mac") Kauffman
Sarah Luemma Harter Slusher Kauffman, wife of E. V. Kauffman
Excerpts from Philip M. Kauffman
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