My Family

            Well, I have many family in my life, but the real is only one ^_^ . I was born from a romantic couple, that�s my father and my mother. My mother and my father are And I didn�t grow and develop by my self, but together with my elder sister and my younger brother. My sister is elder 3 years than me, and my brother is younger 7 years than me. Since 2006, when my mother was passed away, we�ve our beloved second mother. Our second mother is very kind, she�s a good woman. She recognizes us like her own children, she keeps and cares towards us.

          I also have another family. When I enter my junior high school IT Raudhatululum, I find other family. And now, since I enter SMAN Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna Academy) I find more families in my life. I�ve dolphin house�s family, newton class� family, MuaraEnim�s family, and many other family as we are SAMPOERNA ACADEMY�S FAMILY. I love to live and school here. Moreover, I live apart from my family but they love and care to me as my sister, my parents, my friends and someone who will always remind me when I did something wrong, support me and yeah, they�re everything for me. I love you all..



Jalan Pangeran Ratu,Palembang