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Psychological Operations Association Membership

Who Are We?

The Psychological Operations Association (POA) is a non-profit private organization of men and women working to assist and advance the capabilities of our military forces in Psychological operations.

POA Membership is open to all military and civilians interested in achieving our stated objectives

POA is a Forum for experienced PSYOPERS to continue to learn and assist current active military in understanding and using PSYOP.

POA is a link to connect PSYOP past and present, and a means to keep the institutional memory of this unique profession viable into the future.  

How Do I Join?

Just print out the Membership Application, and mail it with your check for $30.00 to cover 1 year Annual Dues to:

PSYOP Association
PO Box 20362
Canton, Ohio 44701

Dues are nominal and membership options are available. Four issues yearly of the Association Journal "PERSPECTIVES" plus special issues and information included.

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