Iakov Levi


December 2000

The Assassinated Father

BeShem HaAv (In the Name of the Father)

In a previous work (1) we interpreted Rabin’s assassination as a patricide, perpetrated by the Hebrews on the ground that the Israeli leader was committed to deliver to the enemy parts of the Promised Land, which is unconsciously perceived in Jewish psyche as the body of the Holy Mother. (Promised Land, Holy Land are concepts associated to the Oedipal lust of the sons versus the female body) (2).
According to this thread, Rabin was murdered because he inhibited the Hebrews from possessing the whole body of the Mother, namely, he was unconsciously perceived as the castrating Father who deterred the horde of the brothers from acting out the incest. In our analysis we sustained that Moses had been murdered because he tried to inhibit the children of Israel from invading the Promised Land, and not- as sustained by Freud- only because he wanted to impose too spiritual a religion on them (3). In our essay we brought evidence that the biblical text has removed Moses’ real intention of holding the Hebrews in the wilderness, and presents instead to us a situation as if he were the one pushing for the pursue of the Conquest. The text discloses enough evidence in the form of lapsa calami and contradictions in the narrative, disclosing the real sequence of events. We drew a parallel between Moses’ assassination and Rabin’s murder, since both had been committed for the same reasons: the inhibition of incestuous desires versus the Promised Land.
Since we had finished the work, at the end of 1998, the events in the Middle East confirmed our thesis, and unfolded in a very puzzling way, that can be decoded and understood only using the key of Freudian Oedipus complex and Murder of the Father, as exposited in Freud's Totem and Taboo and Moses and Monotheism.
In the aftermath of Rabin’s murder, the Israeli writer S. Izhar had uttered in a television review the word “parricide”. However the media preferred to ignore the allusion and none dared to unfold the discourse further. It was as if all knew that we were indeed dealing with a parricide, but as if decency imposed a veil of silence: the word itself became Taboo. The Executioner, and The Woman (Gen. 3:12).
After Rabin's assassination in 1995 some guilt induced knee jerk reaction was to be expected. It was in the air. As Lea Rabin expressed herself after the Likud Party won the elections on the 26 of May 1996, addressing the election activists of her own labourist party “Israel One”: “you should have squeezed every drop of political gain from my husband's murder!”. Since the public perception was that the murder had been acted out with the approval of the hawks represented by the Likud Party, Lea Rabin and many others expected that the sense of guilt would have deflected  the general sympathy towards the Party of the victim. Following a parricide of that extent, the Israelis were supposed to feel some guilt. But what happened instead was that, immediately after the assassination, the Israeli public adopted an even more extremist stance, and the Likud party won the election reaffirming their "not one inch" position. There had apparently been an immediate denial of the murder and of the guilt. What Freud called: the latency period. The very ones who had delegated the murder, won the election. It seemed that the perfect crime had been acted out
At this point I want to make it clear that I am not accusing Benjamin Natanyahu of being responsible for the murder of Rabin. He condemned it strongly, as every other leader of the Likud Party, and there is no doubt that he and his colleagues were shocked by the murder as every other sensible person in Israel. But  we are dealing here with collective unconscious contents. We are trying to decode the events in the way the collective unconscious of the Israeli people has elaborated them, and that decided the outcome of the following collective behavior.
Even the slightest details, as unfolded in the last years, confirmed the overall thesis of a parricide perpetrated against the Father figure, on the grounds that he was preventing the female body from the horde of the brothers.
Freud told us that the son who took upon himself the acting out of the parricide, and ultimately substituted the Father as chief of the males’ band, had been the youngest of the horde (4). As an instance we may bring the Greek myth of Zeus the youngest son, who killed Cronos his father, and took his place. Moreover, there are many popular  tales as Grimms’ The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids, The Six Swans, The Three Feathers, The Three sons of Fortune and others, where the youngest son is always  the one  who prevails. Even the Prodigal Son tells us the same story.
Now, after the murder of Rabin, who should become the next king, if not Benjamin Netanyahu?
First of all, he was the youngest PM we ever had. Until then, Israel had always been a young country governed by old kings, but the real sting and honey is in the name. Benjamin is synonymous for the youngest son. It has become, in the history of mankind, a household name for the little kid of the family. I remember being very puzzled, during those election campaign, back in 1995, by the fact that in the media he was called much more Benjamin, even in its affectionate diminutive, “Bibi”, than by his last name. In America is very usual, but in Israel it is not, after all we are a very old respectful people. Nobody had ever called Ytzhak Rabin “Itzik”, Shimon Peres “Shimi” or Menahem Begin “Meni”.
Let's check what Freud said:

The hero was a man who by himself had slain the father - the father who still appeared in the myth as a totemic monster. Just as the father had been the boy’s first ideal, so in the hero who aspires to the father’s place the poet now created the first ego ideal. The transition to the hero was probably afforded by the youngest son, the mother’s favourite, whom she had protected from paternal jealousy, and who, in the era of the primal horde, had been the father’s successor. In the lying poetic fancies of prehistoric times the woman, who had been the prize of battle and the temptation to murder, was probably turned into the active seducer and instigator to the crime [...] the hero who has to carry out some difficult task (usually the youngest son, and not infrequently one who has  represented  himself to the father substitute as being stupid, that is to say, harmless) (5).
The ones, who assisted to the general atmosphere at the eve of the elections after Rabin’s assassination, remember how the next-to-be Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was represented. For example, it seems that there was a video-cassette circulating in Israel, in which he was said to have been filmed in love-making acts with one of his numerous mistresses. The Israeli public not only was not enraged at all, but seemed delighted to have a clown as next PM. There were also endless jokes circulating on this issue. The Israelis mocked him as a womanizer, who is not only caught but also filmed in the middle of the action, and nevertheless  elected him to their next PM.
Rabin had nothing in his personality that could have transformed him into a charismatic leader: he was not Ben Gurion and even not a Moshe Dayan, both of whom had the aloe of cultural heroes. On the contrary, in the aftermath of the Six Days War he had ben accused of cowardice and weakness and, until the events preceding his assassination, he had been perceived as a weak leader. He had been very reluctant to engage in any contact with the Palestinians, and it was Peres who was the architect of the Oslo agreements. Rabin very reluctantly agreed to put on them his signature. As we can see from all his career, he had the tendency to be dragged by the events much more than leading them.
However, from the moment that he was dragged into the commitment to peace, and into giving back parts of the Holy Land to the Arabs, the collective psyche of the Israelis made of him a leader and a Father figure. As such he became target of worship and admiration from part of the public, and of unlimited hatred and aggressiveness by the other part. He has been compared to the Savior who will bring Peace to Israel by the former group, and to Hitler and the murderous Arafat by the  latter.
The same thing happened to Benjamin Netanyahu. We are not dealing with the person. We are dealing with those features of his character and his personal history which have been exploited by the collective unconscious fantasy in order to make out of him the craved rebellious figure, the youngest smart-stupid kid who is the best suited to de-throne the Father. It is the people, who make and undo Kings. It is the unconscious needs of the public that build images and destroy them.
Benjamin Netanyahu, besides been named “Benjamin” (Bibi), was his mother's youngest son.  He was also the survivor to his elder brother, Jonathan (6), who led the 1976 raid of a hijacked airliner at Entebbe, Uganda, and who fell as the only military casualty.
From 1967 to 1972 served as a commando in the elite, top secret Sayeret Matcal ("Border Reconnaissance") unit, which often staged daring raids; he eventually became a captain. In 1972 Netanyahu was on the team that successfully stormed a hijacked airliner at Ben-Gurion Airport. Later that year he commenced studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), but in 1973 he returned to Israel to fight in the Yom Kippur War. After the war he finished his studies and earned an M.B.A. from MIT.
In 1993 became the new leader of Israel's Likud Party and was delighted in being compared to U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton, another particularly successful product of television age politics. Netanyahu's stature as head of the opposition was underscored by his attempts to bring down the government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and also by his vociferous opposition to the historic Israeli Palestinian accords formalized in September by Rabin and PLO leader Yasir Arafat.
In the first election of a Likud leader voted directly by party members instead of old style bosses, he easily won the post that would make him prime minister if Likud were to gain power. He succeeded despite revelations that his campaign was financed mainly by U.S. businessmen, and the thrice married Netanyahu deflected a sex scandal by publicly admitting his marital infidelity.
Netanyahu's election bid was seen by many as Israel's first "American style" campaign. Handsome, charismatic, and glib, he used the media to his advantage, appearing at the scenes of terrorist bombings to speak out against the establishment of a Palestinian state, against further concessions to the PLO, and in favor of the continued settlement of Jews in disputed areas.
His public image was therefore  that of the smart and courageous kid, the one that, according to Freud, pretended to be “stupid”. As we have seen at the eve of the elections, in May 1996, he amused the general public with a display of Don Juan performances. In this way we see that the public loved this double image of a very smart kid albeit one that “pretends” to be stupid, harmless, in confront to a wise older Father (Rabin).
He was perceived as the champion of the Holy Body of the Motherland: the youngest, the bravest, the smart Chutzpan, the beloved of his mother and her lover and therefore the Champion of the Motherland. Moreover, his image as a man beloved of women - and in fact, a womanizer, - perfectly corresponded to the image of the phallic leader (7), first among peers of the brotherhood horde.
The kid of the legends and the tales had been delegated to get rid of the Father and to keep the Mother on behalf of the Brothers' horde.
The children of Israel had performed the same murder and in the same details: The youngest, and the only apparently stupidest of the sons, had been delegated to substitute the Father.   The Delegate of the People

However, and here comes the joker, in a short time he began to become first derided, then slandered, and eventually thrown out of his job in the most disgraceful way I have ever seen in the history of the State of Israel. The Likud party lost, in a span of four years, all the gains the nationalist right had won in 25 years, since they had put an end to the Kingdom of the House of Ben Gurion.
The assassinated Father has been vindicated through transformation of the first among peers, the son of the  horde who had taken on himself to act out the murder, into the poison container of the removed guilt.
And now the second stage: the guilt induced renunciation of the female body. With the words of Freud:

They revoked  their deed  by forbidding the killing of the totem, the substitute for their father; and they renounced its fruits by resigning their claim  to the women who had now been set free. They thus created out of their filial sense of guilt the two fundamental  taboos of totemism, which for that very reason  inevitably corresponded to the two repressed wishes of the Oedipus complex (8).
On May 17, 1999, Ehud Barak won a commanding victory in Israeli national elections to become the country's new prime minister. At the head of a Labor dominated coalition, he defeated ruling Likud prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. At the same time, centrist parties increased their seats in the Knesset. The election results were seen as a turning away from the hard-line policies, particularly in relations with the Palestinians, which had been pursued by Netanyahu.
A new smart kid has been brought in to counterbalance the “sins” of the first. In every sense, he was the copy of the first as for the image of courage and determination, but he was a copy of the assassinated Father as for the political message.
The Super-Ego emerged, as expression and catharsis of the “deferred obedience” described by Freud.
His biography reminds that of Netanyahu’s almost in every detail: he was a commander in battles in the Six Day War (1967) and the Yom Kippur War (1973) but he became especially known as the leader of special forces units that conducted commando raids. These included a group of soldiers (with Netanyahu among them) who stormed an airliner hijacked by Palestinian guerrillas at Lod International Airport in 1972. Barak served as head of military intelligence, and he became chief of General Staff in 1991. When he retired in 1995 as a lieutenant general, the highest rank, he was the most decorated soldier in the history of Israel's military. Barak received a B.Sc. degree in physics and mathematics in 1968 from Hebrew University of Jerusalem and an M.Sc. degree in 1978 in economic engineering systems from Stanford University in California. While in the military he played a part in negotiations which resulted in the 1994 peace treaty with Jordan. Under Labor governments he was minister of the interior in 1995 and of foreign affairs in 1995–96. In June 1997 he became head of the Labor Party. Barak emphasized economic and other domestic issues, including education and health services, as well as relations with the Palestinians and with Syria and Lebanon. His comment “If I had been born a Palestinian, I would have joined a terrorist organization and have fought from there” was seen as an indication of his character. Barak announced that Israel would resume implementation of the 1998 Wye Memorandum, which called for withdrawal from parts of the West Bank in return for Palestinian guarantees of security, and that he will discuss with the Syrians the withdrawal from  the Golan Heights.
He was the super courageous dove, in antithesis to Benjamin Netanyahu, the super courageous hawk.
The perfect alter of Benjamin Netanyahu was delegated by the people to get rid of the product of the primal sin: the Land whose lust had induced the children of Israel to raise a hand on the Father figure, and to commit the murder.
The new PM, elected by a landslide on the platform of getting out of Lebanon, declared loudly that Israel will retreat in an year at most.   The Saviour

However, if the Israelis’ agenda was to get rid of the sense of guilt, the Arabs had their own agenda, which was to maintain a condition of tension with Israel, and to avoid a peaceful solution to the conflict. We shall discuss below the psychohistorical substance of the Palestinians’ refusal  to accept a peaceful interaction with the Israeli society.
The Hizballa guerrilla reacted by immediately intensifying their attacks on Israeli patrols. The Israelis did not understand why they reacted by escalating the violence, just as it had been announced that their aim will be achieved by peaceful means.
It did not make any sense, but the Israelis attributed the upgrading in bellicosity to some kind of misunderstanding. Even if it was obvious that the withdrawal from Lebanon would result in an escalation of violence and not in the craved peace, the Government was determined to act out the delegation of the people, which was erasing the sense of guilt by delivering to the Arabs the most land possible.
The Hizballa said to themselves: "Maybe the Jews don't understand that we don't want them to retreat, and we will bomb them anyway, since we are interested in a continuation of the tension on the border. So, why retreating and exposing their own civilians to the danger?". And when the Israeli army began the withdrawal, the Hizballa panicked to the point that they began bombing the Kibbutzim on the northern frontier.
Delegation  after delegation of  Lebanese Christians went in pilgrimage to Jerusalem, pleading the Government not to retreat. We were dealing with 12 lousy miles anyway, heavily populated by Israel's allies, the Christian Lebanese, who were at risk of being slaughtered by the Moslems as Israel retreated. The Army pleaded with the Government not to do such a stupid thing. But nothing could be done: the Fatum (Destiny), like in a Greek tragedy, must fulfill its ways.
So, the Maronite Christians have lost their freedom and many have been slaughtered; Kibbutzim are targeted by the hostility of the Hizballa, but nobody will put himself between the Jews and their guilt. To paraphrase King Lear: "don't put yourself between a dragon and its fury”. Fury  that in this case is called : sense of guilt.
The Syrian affair has been even more ludicrous.
The Golan Heights are populated by 35.000 Druses, very friendly to Israel, the majority of whom opted for Israel citizenship back twenty years ago, in the old good days, when the Likud government enacted Israeli law on the Golan Heights. After all, the Druses themselves had asked for that. Since the 1973 Kippur war, this region has been an island of peace and pastoral idyl. The Syrians have hinted in every possible way they don't want the place back. They have their very good reasons. Besides internal considerations of power strugle and balance between the various parts of Syrian population, there is a very practical reason. They are afraid that, as a result of signing a peace  treaty with Israel, they will be asked by the international community and by the Lebanese themselves to return home. The Syrians have no interest in giving up their presence in that country since it is their main source of hard currency cash.
However, nobody was allowed to resist this new Israeli frenzy  for peace.
Here we have a good example of the difference between the substance of reality and the substance of fantasy. In reality Israel already is at peace with the Syrians. Twenty seven years without a single shot or any act of bellicosity on the Syrian Israeli border are the real thing. The Syrians have proved very well that, if they want, they can prevent guerilla infiltrations from their border into Israel. There has been not even a single border incident on this front for more than two decades: more peace than that can't be imagined. They just can't afford a formal treaty because of their good internal reasons. But the Israeli Government had been delegated by the people to erase Guilt, regardless of  political, security, strategic or other considerations.
Since guilt is involved, it overrides the importance of Syrian needs. In the last year  (April –May 2000) we had the acts of the most ridiculous farce of all. The Syrians could not openly say they can't sign a treaty with Israel, so they escalated their demands. First they demanded ALL the Golan Heights, to the border previous to the Six Days War.
They were sure Israel would refuse. After all it is a very serious thing having them back so close to Haifa. When Israel agreed, they demanded the control of the water. In our dry region almost all Israeli waters come from there. The Israelis were astonished at first by this Chutzpah, but after all, what are drinking waters, when guilt is involved? So the Syrians asked for a piece of the Galilee lake, where Jesus had walked on the water, they wanted it too. Now the game became obvious even to the guilt blinded Delegate of the People, and finally there was no treaty, just as the Syrians had wanted in the first place.
But the funny thing is that yesterday (18 MAY 2000), in an interview on television, the interviewer scolded our PM like a child for failure to perform his delegated duty, and he felt the need to apologize before the people, almost weeping for his shortcomings.
So, one PM has been already assassinated for wanting to deliver land, another has been almost assassinated for having acted out the assassination, and may be another one will be assassinated by some peace extremist, because he has not delivered enough land,  not having been able, in this way, to purify the children of Israel from their own sense of guilt.
When Palestinians began rioting, at the end of April 2000 at the very moment of being able to reach all their aims peacefully, the situation was so absurd that an European friend, member of the list of deMause’s Psychohistory asked on list the simple question: “Why are the Palestinians rioting? Isn't it irrational? ”.
An Israeli member of the same list, a scholar, responded:

I do not see any irrationality in Palestinian behavior.  I am a Zionist, but if I were a Palestinian, I would do what they do.  We Jews have waited two thousand years to return to our homeland. Without blaming ourselves for the Palestinian suffering, we can understand those who want to return to their home only a half century after they left it.
This attitude of  the public, so well expressed by an Israeli scholar, was so obviously the byproduct of a sense of guilt, and not of a lucid evaluation of the situation, that I responded (18 May 2000):
As for the Palestinians, the irrationality does not consists in wanting their independence.  The irrationality consists in rioting at the very moment they are getting their aim. As for our irrationality, it consist in thanking them for throwing at us stones. This Israeli irrationality is part of the guilt induced trance we have entered in the last months. As every trance entering, it is dangerous, because it prevents us from distinguishing the frontier between fantasies and reality.
Then, on the 23 of May, answering to a question relating to the the same context, I added:
Yesterday, still today, N.Y. time, 200 Christian Lebanese have been captured by the Hizballah, and captured means slaughtered. Israel has granted shelter to the militiamen and their families, who have  been fighting side by side with the Israelis in the past 20 years, and everyone of them who enters the gate to salvation, spits, and calls the soldiers at the gate "traitors". I wonder who will ever trust Israel again, in this region. Tens of thousands of Lebanese are moving towards the Israeli frontier asking for political asylum, and I don't now what the Government is planning to do with them, I suspect it does not know either. This is not a consequence of reality of life. This is a consequence of trance entering, of sense of guilt induced behavior, of brushing aside reality in favor of fantasies. To have peace, you must have a big heart in your chest, and an even bigger stick in your hand, and Israel has both. So, all this suffering is unnecessary, superfluous and uncalled for. Israel has never been stronger. It is not only a question of military might, which is enormous, vis a vis all the others. Israel is strategically very strong, for the simple reason that there is a silent strategic pact with Egypt, Saudia and Jordan, which are interested in a strong Israel, and an open pact with Turkey which is even more interested in it. Since the demise of the Soviet Union, there is no way even the U.S. can make on Israel any pressure, even if they had an interest in doing so at all. The Syrian army is practically non existent. They have no Air Force and only rusty cannons. Since the Hizballah are a Syrian delegate, it is enough a strong warning to Damascus and all this mess could be stopped immediately, without shooting a single bullet. And there would be no suffering, no slaughter, no Lebanese abandoning their homes, no waves of refugees, no kibbutzim bombing and civilians running  for shelter.
But the Israelis are being discussing the most important Talmudic question whether we should retreat to the international border signed in the armistice of 1948, or  whether  we should retreat to the international border between the British mandate and the French, signed in 1923, which is 50 more meters (it is not a lapsus, I said METERS) more southward, and in some places even less. Every side brings ancient maps and circumstantial evidence to strengthen his stance. I am ready to bet that the winner will be the most severe school of Talmudic commentators. To an outsider observer, all this can't make any sense at all, and narrative historians will discuss for decades what happened in this segment of the history of the Arab Israeli conflict, but no document will ever decode the odd affair.
The key to the code is in the Freudian murder of the primal horde and the guilt induced female renunciation. On this ground can be understood also the legalistic discussion on the precise place of the border, i.e. the female pudenda. In the Bible there is one word ERVA, to describe the entrance to a city, the weakest point of a fortification and the female genital. So, it is of the utmost importance to know exactly where the place is, in order to prevent an eventual sacrilege. God in the day of the Last judgment will demand a renunciation certificate
As  we can see, back in May, it was obvious to me that Israeli behavior has nothing to do with a lucid and realistic evaluation of the political and strategic situation but is induced, instead, by guilt fantasies. Today, in December 2000, we all see the result: more bloodshed, which could have been prevented if the Israeli stance had been the result of  the evaluation of  actual  reality of life.   The End of a Fantasy
The Arabs unconsciously perceived Jewish sense of guilt and, as a consequence, Israeli vulnerability. They knew that under normal conditions they would be never able to extort conditions which would endanger Israeli national security but, even if they could not analyze rationally what was really going on, many years of interaction have taught them “to sniff” the enemy. The invincible Israelis have temporarily lost the will to stretch their muscles. What the Arabs do not understand, and this lack of reality evaluation will cost them only further suffering, is that Jewish guilt has always been there as a latent existential content, but it is eventually overcome to make place to the needs of existence and of life.
The Jews feel guilty but, as a nation, they have never felt suicidal. This is the tragic misunderstanding that has pushed the Palestinians into preferring violent confrontation to a more rational and reasonable attitude.
The real reason why the Palestinians cannot make a realistic evaluation of their enemy and of the overall situation is rooted in their psychogenic condition.
The psychogenic gap between Israelis and Palestinians is enormous, and the latter cannot stand the interaction with a society which is much more advanced as far as child rearing   psychogenic mode, women rights, civil rights, democracy and so on.
Under the influence of the interaction  with the Israeli society in the last thirty years, the psychogenic mode of the Palestinians has advanced considerably, but unfortunately it is time for them to have a psychogenic relapse.
The reason is that, paradoxically, the Palestinian society is the most psychogenically advanced in the Arab world. They have lived for thirty years shoulder to shoulder with the Israelis. They have learned too well about human rights, Supreme Court decisions in their favor, free sexual relations as customary in the Jewish society (there are even young Palestinians who have married Jewish girls, but never the other way around). They know that there is a real alternative to the old Palestinian leadership born before the Six Day War. At this point the old psychoclass, represented by Arafat and the PLO leadership, has panicked at the thought of complete peace and free interaction with the Jews. They obviously prefer the old ways. They want closed borders, martyrs, blood and placental fantasies. In this environment they will be able to hold the grip on their own homes. In this way the energies of the youngsters are being deflected away from demanding freedom from their own oppressive fathers, and directed toward stoning and shooting at Israeli soldiers.
The old Palestinian psychoclass cannot stand the demands of their women and children for more rights and for equality, as they have seen in more than a generation of daily contact with their “conqueror”. Therefore, now, at the eve of their own independence, they are rioting, in order to prevent a peaceful solution that will put them in a daily interaction with a society, which is much more psychogenically advanced than themselves. If there is a peaceful solution, and the interaction with the Israelis continues, their women and their children will demand more equality and more rights. If there is more bloodshed, tension, starvation and closed borders, the Palestinian patriarchal male will resume control of his women and children. Arafat and the PLO leadership are afraid of losing control in a peaceful situation of interaction with the Israeli society, as had happened  after the Six Days War and until some months ago.
We have two people forced to live together. The Israelis, who are in an Oedipal ambivalence of lust and guilt, and the Palestinians, who are in a regression into a borderline condition of abandonment and paranoid hallucinations of persecution, induced by the panic of losing control after a too quick advancement, which they are not prepared to sustain. The Israelis are begging for relief from their Oedipal sense of guilt, and at the same time the Palestinians, who are deeply in placental fantasies and crave only for blood, are shooting back with rifles received by the Israeli Army.
No narrative historian will be ever able to explain what is happening in the Middle East. It is only by using the tools of psychoanalysis and psychohistory that we can.

The Borderline

...And the Borderline's justice


July 2002

Since this essay has been completed, on December 2000, there has been an interesting new development, as  the drama  unfolded.
The negotiations with  the PLO leadership failed, as every Israeli concession was met by  escalating new demands.
Exactly  as had happened with  the Syrians.
The Syrians had demanded a piece of the lake of Galilee, which had belonged to Israel even before the Six Days War, and now the Palestinians demanded not only the quarters inhabited by Arabs, but also those  inhabited by Jews and Christians, + forcing Israel into accepting 200000 so called Palestinian refugees into her borders.
Little by  little it became clear, even to the most dovish Israelis, that Arafat’s aim was not to reach  a  settlement of the conflict,  but to prevent it.
Under the stress of the mounting Palestinian unrest, which had reached unheard proportion, due to the use of firearms by the same Palestinian police, that was supposed to prevent terrorist attacks against civilians, the Israelis went to the polls to elect a new Prime Minister.
At first it seemed as Benjamin Netanyahu will be elected again, as he was the only viable  alternative to the now universally scorned  Ehud Barak.
After all, he had been proved correct, in sustaining that the PLO is not a truthful partner, and no peace will result in dealing with Arafat and his associates.
However, at the last moment, he himself “shot in his own foot”, declaring that he will  not run without a dissolution  of the Knesset and a General Election.
Since the Parliament was not interested in engaging in an upsetting election campaign, his proposal  has been  rejected.
Now the Likud Party turned to Ariel Sharon, who until then had not even been considered, due to his age and to his much disputed role in the Lebanon War of 1982. The Reality Principle

Ariel Sharon, unlike Netanyahu and Barak, is, again, a father figure, like Rabin: the same generation of founders of the state but, unlike him, an hawkish father – figure, who is committed to retain the Holy Body of the Mother, instead of delivering her to the enemy.
The horde of brothers, under the stress of the events, turned away from the substitute of the “murderous” son, Barak, who had himself substituted Netanyahu, and elected again a father – figure to lead them. But, this time, a Father who will grant at least some of their wishes and needs.
The Murder of the Father's lesson had been learned. Through the process of identification with the assassinated Father, a new sense of reality has entered the children of Israel. The sense of Guilt induced them into renouncing the omnipotency fantasies of being the sole owner of the maternal body. The very fantasies which had pushed them into the Murder, in the first place. Now, after the process of atonement is being worked out, hopefully there will be place for a more balanced judgment, under the guidelines of the Reality Principle. They will never search again for a Son -leader figure, who promises an unlimited gratification to their incestuous drives.
In my opinion, Netanyahu could never have been re-elected, because of his too direct an association, in the unconscious mind of the people, with the primal sin: the murder of Rabin.
Sharon fitted because, being perceived as a Father - image, he could also grant the much needed absolution: a Father, benevolent versus his son’s needs, vis a vis a Father (Rabin) who demanded too a strict inhibition and restrain from the incestuous wishes, namely, the tyrannical Father of the horde, as exposited by Freud.
Again the Jews fulfilled their destiny: the rejection of the Kingdom of the Son in favor of a compromise with the Father, and then the acceptance of him as their only ruler.


July 12, 2006

Israel re - enters Lebanon

I told you...

August 25, 2006

After five weeks of heavy fighting in which Israel was close to achieving its aim of destroying the Hizballah, suddenly the Government decided to accept an early cease fire, and to leave the work unfinished. After having declared for weeks that staying in Lebanon was not its main purpose, but only to defuse once and for all the Hizballah’s threat, the Government of Israel suddenly engaged in a hasty retreat, just like six years ago.

I must admit that a month ago I was optimistic on the prospect of the Israelis overcoming their sense of guilt and acting out a behavior based on the Reality Principle. It seems that such an optimism was premature.

Now the Israeli Government begged the UN, and especially the Europeans, to take over the responsibility of Israeli security, as if we had not enough miserable experience with the UN in this context. The Europeans have never been so anti –Semites as they are to – day. The criticism of Israel on its “disproportionate reaction” has never been so venomous, malicious, and permeated by anti- Semitic connotations.
But Israel begged the Italians to take over. This is the most incomprehensive proposition which could be possibly raised. D’Alema, the Foreign Affair Minister of the new left wing Government, who visited Israel, said that he is a great friend of Israel. It seems that he convinced the Israeli Government. However, with such a friend, who needs enemies?
No one can be such naïve or stupid to believe that Italians on our northern border will solve the problem. Now, how may be happening such a thing?
It can be decoded only on the ground of Jewish sense of guilt. In “The Disproportionate Reaction of Israel, I wrote that “reaction” is to be understood as “erection”.
Israel had an erection into Lebanon, beyond the internationally recognized border. As we already know, the Land stays for the mother’s body. Henceforth the legalistic obsession with the exact place of the border between Israel and Lebanon six years ago (see above). Now, Israel had an erection into somebody’s else woman, and as it happens to men oppressed by an overwhelming sense of guilt, the erection stimulates the guilt, and the guilt transforms the erection into contraction. Guilt begs for approval. A guilty child begs for the adults’ benevolence and leniency, especially if he perceives them as hostile. Israel made of d’Alema a parental judicial instance. Hence the hasty retreat, the begging for d’Alema’s approval and understanding, and – worst of all - the delivering of our own security into the hands of the ones who proclaim their friendship, like the wolf on the threshold of the three little pigs house. Only a deep and overwhelming sense of guilt can produce such a strange behavior.

Six years ago, on the 05.25.2000, I wrote:

And so has been until yesterday, when a Hizballah bully pointed to an Israeli soldier, beyond the gate, in its double meaning, his stretched arm as phallic symbol of despise, and "showed him back". Because winning the Oedipal contest had had also the byproduct of leaving the preferred child with a heavy, disturbing, sediment of guilt, which, when reactivated, paralyzes and makes him impotent. (May 25, 2000 - Why Are the Palestinians Rioting?
Unfortunately, it seems that nothing has changed.

Hatred for Women and Islamic Terror
The Mary Magdalene of the Israeli Horde
Why are the Palestinians Rioting?
Shepherds and Bedouins
Mikis Theodorakis, Anti - Semitism, and Castration Terror

[email protected]


1.  Iakov Levi and Luigi Previdi, Uccidere Dio: il Destino del Popolo Ebraico, in “Agora’”Vol.  IV (Liceo Scientifico Statale “G.Ferraris”, Arterigere s.r.l ) Varese 2000, pp.171-200. English translation: Killing God

2.  Theodor Reik, The Puberty Rites of Savages, in “Ritual-Psychoanalytic Studies” (Farrar, Strauss & Co.)  New York, 1946,  p.157.

3. Sigmund Freud, Moses and  Monotheism  (1937-1939), Second Essay, par.7

4. Sigmund Freud, Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (1921) Poscript, Chap. XII (B). See also S.Freud:

For natural reasons, youngest sons occupied an exceptional position. They were protected by their mother’s love, and to take advantage of their father’s increasing age and succeeded him on his death. We seem to detect echoes in legends and in fairy tales both of the expulsion of elder sons and of the favoring of youngest sons (Moses and Monotheism, Third Essay, D).

5. Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, Postscript XII(B).

6.  “...O Yehonatan, slain on thy high high places. I am distressed for thee, my brother Yehonatan: very dear  hast thou  been to me: thy love to me was wonderful, more than the love of women. How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war cast away” (2 Samuel 1:25) The public was very aware of the biblical association, and of B.N. being the beloved brother of a heroe of Israel. In a television intervew by the CNN, at the eve of the elections of 1996, he has been asked about his brother and his connection to him. Namely, he was perceived by the  public as a brother figure, and not as father figure, as Rabin.

7. For Clinton as a phallic leader see: Lloyd deMause, The Clinton Scandal and Attacking Iraq, in http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/6074/scandal .htm, entered June 2000; for American presidents as brother figures and phallic leaders see: Lloyd deMause, Reagan’s America, Creative Roots, Inc., Publishers, New York and London 1984.

8. Sigmund Freud, "Totem and Taboo" (1913), in The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, (The Hogart Press and the Institute of Psychoanalysis, translated by James Strachey ) London 1964, Vol. XIII, p.143

9. Ibidem

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