Iakov Levi


February 2002.

During the last three years, we have been witnesses to the atrocities perpetrated in Afghanistan by the Taliban regime on their own women.
Women hatred is nothing new, however, the extent of the abuse and its ferocity has no precedent in the history of mankind.
It is in act a genocide which, since it is being committed on their own women, must be interpreted also as an act of collective suicide.
The Talibans do not limit themselves to controlling and humiliating their women, which is quite common in many primitive societies, but their aim seems to be the actual destruction of the other  sex.
Women in Afghanistan are not only excluded from public life and deprived from every civil and human right. They are even prevented from receiving basic medical care.
Preventing  women from going to school and  from having an education points to the  intention  of holding them in a state of submission and humiliation, but preventing from them even medical care, points to the intention of extermination.

Phenomenologically speaking, the drive of destroying the object of lust, is peculiar to the oral sadistic stage of evolution, and we must understand what happened in Islamic society, and particularly in Afghanistan, that induced such a self destructing regression in an entire people.
Hatred for women is so absolute that the Talibans don't want any contact with them, and their  society became a basically homosexual one.
Men live only among themselves, and their common endeavor and cement is Jihad, the Holy War,  which, as a Taliban cleric expressed  himself, became not only an aim, but a way of  life.
As he said: "it will never end". Jihad is filling the void left by their own renunciation to women, and  so there will always be some infidels left, in order to fill  that void.
They seem a re-enactment of the primal Freudian  Horde of the  Brothers, who wandered outside  the main camp, hindered by the tyrannical  father from the female body.
Now they are imposing on themselves this inhibition, and the tyrannical castrating father has become their own Super-Ego, to whom they blindly obey.
According to deMause's theory, hatred for women is the consequence of the abuse suffered during childhood by the hand of mothers. As he says, quoting St. Augustine: "give me other mothers and I shall give you another world" (Lloyd deMause, "Foundations of Psychohistory", Creative Roots, New York 1982, p.2).
According  to this theory it is a question of simple and natural retaliation:  the sons do to women what  their mothers had done to them. As the French say: "Chérchez la  femme", the culprit is  there.
However, even if we admit that in primitive societies children are routinely abused, there is no reason to believe  that Moslem women abuse their own sons more than Japanese, Indian, Balkan, Slavs or German women.
German women severely abused their children, and doing so they raised generations of  anal sadists who eventually masterminded concentration camps, but they have never been targeted themselves by such a ferocious and exclusive hatred, neither had they been imposed veils, chadors and other sexual austerity measures, nor had they been secluded and excluded from society to the point of oblivion.
In my opinion,  in order to understand the real reason for such  ferocious hatred for women and such extreme zeal in repressing every sexual connotation, we must compare Islamic society to other groups, and find the peculiarity that causes such particularity.
In what Moslem society is different from others  ?
Child abuse is not peculiar to Moslems. Even if we pinpoint to a trait that may be considered peculiar, like clitorectomy, this unfortunate custom is acted out by women on their own daughters.  Circumcision is a male affair. Men do it to their sons. Mothers have no part in it.
So, are Muslim mothers more abusive than others towards their own sons, to the point of triggering such a resentment?
We don't think  so.
What can therefore be the peculiar reason for this peculiar hatred ?
If  we check attentively, the main difference between Moslem society and others is the structure of the family. Only Moslems are actively and structurally polygamist, while all the others are monogamist, or bigamist, at  most, and in quite rare cases.
Now that we have found these two peculiarities: ferocious  hatred for women and for sexuality on one hand, and polygamy on the other hand, we must also find the correlation between  those two phenomena.
In the monogamist family there is one wife and a limited number of children. Fathers are there, and are usually in control. They are a presence.
In Hitler's family abuse was perpetrated by both parents, so the little Adolph became an anal sadist and  went out to act on others what he had suffered by the hand of his parents.
Let's take the instance of Stalin's family. The father was a drunk, and we should  probably never define him as  a "strong " person. But he was there, abused  his child and wife, and the little Joseph Stalin for sure perceived him as a strong presence.
We must understand how the little child perceives his father. He cannot gauge him with  the same parameters as we do.
The little Joseph identified with  him, and became an abusing person and a drunk himself.
However, Hitler's and Stalin's hatred for mankind never translated int sexual abstinence, hatred for women in particular, and into deep horror for sexuality. Distorted as could be, nevertheless their sexuality was there. German and Russian women had never been imposed veils and chadors.
In a polygamist society, in contrast, there is not a centralized family nucleus. There are many children. Every group of children rotates not around the father but around the mother.
When an Arab man takes another woman, she doesn't live with the former wife and her husband,  but in another house, or tent, and there she raises her children. The husband may go there once a week or once a month. If she is not the preferred one, her children will never meet or play with their father. As in the monogamist society the even abusive father is a presence, and sometime the  more he is abusive, the more he is perceived as present by the child, so in the polygamist society the father is perceived as an absence
Now, take Bin Laden, one of fifteen children by one of ten wives, and another 35 siblings from his father's other wives: he probably never met his father, or only occasionally. He never had the occasion of even being abused by him. Instead of  a father figure, he has a void.
Joan  Lachkar  kindly sent me the following  citation  from  the NY Post

Ben Ladin's Background
NY Post 10/2/01, p. 1:

"Terror overlord Osama bin Laden called his adoptive mother two days
before the Sept. 11 attacks against America to tell her he was going
underground...While bin Laden's family has publicly disowned him,
step-mom Al-Kalifa bin Laden has reportedly remained in close contact
with him [she] raised Osama after his birth mother died [and] keeps
an apartment in Paris..."

In,B. "Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America"  is said that his mother was the 10th wife and the least liked or should we say, the most hated, and  that he had 15 siblings.

As Joan Lachkar  pointed out in her article: "Folie a deux in Marital and Political Relationships" (The Journal of Psychohistory 22 (2) Fall 1994), many Moslem leaders were orphans or abandoned children themselves: Saddam  Hussein, Khoumani, Arafat, and  I shall add: abandoned  by their fathers. Even those children who had not been physically  abandoned by their fathers, feel that way, because, in a  polygamist society, they perceive their  father as absent.
All the Muslim saga is that of the child abandoned by his father, from Ishmael to the Prophet  Muhammad himself.
A Talibani leader, two days ago (November 2001) had a very interesting slip of the tongue. Speaking of Muhammed he said: "Even the Prophet was an orphan". And this was in direct association with their acts of terror. Why "Even" ? Who else is an orphan if not the Talibans themselves ?!
Interestingly enough, Muhammed himself was very fond and respectful of his wife Hadija, but she was an elder widowed woman, who probably did not arise his sexuality very much. And, as we have seen,  Bin Laden, two days before the attack, called his step-mom, to whom he is very  attached.  Being she a step-mom, he is able to disassociate her from his own lust and sexuality.
As we see, we have no reason to believe that Muslims hate women because they had been  abused by their mothers, and wherever (very rare cases) they can dissociate between a woman and sexuality they may be even dedicated step-sons and husbands.
My conclusion is that they do not hate women per se, but they hate them as symbols of their own  lust and repressed sexuality.
Now, how can we find a correlation between a perceived absent  father, a condition of  orphan, and this extreme horror for women and sexuality.
Why the former drives to the latter?
In the last decades, particularly in  America, Freud's work has been misunderstood, disregarded and, even worse, outright repressed.
The founder of psychoanalysis has already told us what happens to a child, who reaches the Oedipal  level,  at the age of three to five, while he is overflooded  by genital energies, and he  is abused:  he feels guilty. And he interprets the abuse as a punishment for his own genital arousement and  sexuality. He will regress to a previous stage of erotic evolution. He has no other choice. A four year old child is not a philosopher, and  he cannot understand that what happens to him, by the hand of  his caretakers, is independent of what is happening inside his own body.  Even if, at the same time, there is a major calamity, an earthquake or a death in the family, he will interpret those events as dependent on what he is feeling inside his body. So, if we speak of abuse, as the major cause for psychogenic regression, we must understand this definition in a much broader sense than just spanking and beating. Parents who are not mentally and affectively present are, in an unintended way, inflicting the worst form of abuse of all, even if  they have never spanked their child, nor abused him in any other way.
Let's take a four year child, who feels all his energies channeled in his little genitals and directed towards his mother. This child needs first of all a  father to identify with. Whoever has raised a child could not not to have noticed how, particularly at this age, the male imitates his father in the  most pathetic ways:  the same expressions, the same gestures. And how he speaks of him: "My father is stronger than yours, my father will win yours....and so on".
His father's identity is his own, his father's virility is his own. If he has no father to identify with, he  will have a void, instead of an identity.
And he will interpret this void as a consequence of  his own sexual arousement.
Lacan, who was a French, understood very well that the name of  the game is the Name of the Father, the Ego, the Identity. He underlined this point even more than Freud, who had discovered that without identification with the idea of the Father there is no society, no moral standards,  no Super-Ego, but only drives and wild instincts.
If an Oedipal child is abused or rejected by his mother, he will unconsciously hate women too, but this hatred will find expression in a premature ejaculation, or other forms of sexual incompetence,  in order to self-punish and get even with his mother, at the same time.
If he regresses to the  anal stage he will find  gratification only controlling women, may be even  beating them, but the suffered abuse will never translate into the extreme form of horror and hatred for every form of sexuality, as we are actually seeing happening in the Islamic world.
The moral stance against sexuality must have its source in the psychic instance where every morality and ethical value are created, meaning in the Super -Ego and in the presence of the father.
Only a child who had no father and no identity, at the critical Oedipal stage, will cast the blame for this most important  form of abuse on his own sexual arousment and on the target of his lust: the  woman. Even the most loving and dedicated mother will not be able to compensate for this void, and she will be unconsciously hated in the most extreme form because, by punishing  her, the man  will punish his own sexuality, which he had interpreted as the cause for the abandonement by his so needed father.
Now the equation:  sexual  arousment -  woman -  punishment, becomes clear.
Blaming women for the sin is nothing new. As is written:  "...The woman whom thou didst give me, she gave me of  the tree, and I did eat" (Gen. 3:12).
In a healthy  family the Oedipal  sense of guilt is mediated by the presence of the father through the process of identification. A sediment may well remain, but a compromise is eventualy reached. But if there is no father, there can be no compromise too. The missing father will translate into an hallucinated one, and therefore also the Super Ego will be hallucinated in an uncompromising and and threatening imago, whose demands are impossible to fulfill.
It  is not casual that both St.Augustine and Lloyd deMause put the major blame on women.
Christianity exacerbated the senseof  guilt for man's own sexuality, which was almost  non-existent in the ancient world.
DeMause's  Psychohistory is the byproduct of American society where, on one hand they have relaxed standards, complete sexual freedom and equality, to the point that they are moving in the direction of an unisex society, which, by itself, to some may well be a blessed phenomenon, but, on  the other hand, has very detrimental consequences too. They have diminished the central figure of the father as a reference point of identification. The result is a malaise as for their own roots and identity. This malaise is producing a disturbing unconscious guilt, which is been cast, as usual, on women. In a very subtle way, the message is the same: women are guilty.
If  fathers are non-present, the culprit is the woman.
We may very well enlist our Platonic logic, and tell to ourselves that women are equal to men (indeed they are), and that fathers and mothers must have the same importance in the family, but the human psyche, particularly that of a four years child, doesn't work with Platonic logic. If a child at the critical stage does not perceive his father as THE must important, he will  find difficult to overcome the Oedipal threshold, and will be tempted into evolutional regression.
As the say goes: opposites do touch at the extremities.
Paradoxically, the Islamic terrorists have targeted America because of their sexual freedom. They hate free people because they hate their own sexuality. America is the perfect alter ego to the Islamic culture of repression. If they punish America they will punish their own sinful  drives.
However, there are some hints that they also unconsciously perceive America's Achilles heel .
It is as they were saying: "You see, we, like you, are also lacking a Father and an identity, but  we  are  punishing the cause of our loss, our sinful drives. You, on the contrary, are indulging in  your sins, and therefore you are deserving your punishment manifolds".
As the Talibans' slip of the tongue disclosed: "The Prophet was an orphan too", meaning: like me and you. If this was not his intention, why to tell this sentence in American media. He was explaining to Americans why they deserve to be punished.



Bin  Laden  father not only was necessarily absent,  having 10th wives and 15 sons from Bin Laden mother alone, but he also died in a plane crash outside of San Antonio.
He had no father -  his father died in a plan crash- he  has masterminded 4  planes full of people  crashing into the TWC and other targets.
My guess is that he identifies with  his own  victims, who crashed in the planes. Identify  not in the sense that he empathizes, but in the sense that he introjected  the lost  object  (the father), who  died in a plan crash, and now he is himself the passengers of the planes = his father.
He is hallucinating to die in the same way in order to reunite with the hallucinated father. In the meantime he is sending others to the same death and he identifies with them. There is here an interesting condensation:
1) He himself is dying through  his victims, and in this way he recovers the lost object
2) He is punishing his father for not having been there, restaging the scene of his death. It is as if he  is killing him again.
So, he is  hallucinating a father (Allah). He cannot identify with him in the Oedipal  sense, but only through the introjection of  the hallucinated lost object.
Haven't  you  seen  how the Arabs pray ?
The Muezzin closes with  his  left hand his left ear.  He brings the right  hand to his mouth, as a megaphone, and shouts loudly into the sky: "Allaaaah".
He is shouting for the absent father. He is calling him to come down from his hiding place.
Now,  compare with  the Jews.
They sit or  stand, toss with  their head and body, speaking among themselves. They talk with their  Father, they converse, they discuss with him. They ask him questions, and respond by themselves. A real Jew never rotates his eyes into the sky, because his Father is there with  him.
A real  Synagogue looks like a  market, and everybody tosses in another direction, murmuring between themselves, and sometimes uttering some sentences loudly, as if  they had been asked a question and now they are responding.
If Judaism, as Freud stated, is  the  religion of the Father, it is the religion of the  present father,  as in  Jewish families.
Islam, in contrast, is the religion of the absent  father, as in Islamic families.
The worst riots in  the  Moslem world happen when they exit the Mosque, at the end of Friday's  prayer.
Even the leaders of  Islamic states, like Mubarak, king Hassan of Jordan and Musharraf, are very afraid  of this moment.
They are erotically aroused by the hallucination of the lost object, the  Father, and  they  are in a collective trance. They are eager to re-unite with him in the Paradise of the Martyrs. This  is  the   Placenta. In  the  Placenta they  will be reunited, not with the Mother, but with the Father. Like Pinocchio who re-unites with his father in the belly of the whale.
The Prophet Jonah too, ends into the belly of the whale because he was regressing from the presence of the Father (escaping from him). What the tale of Pinocchio and the Biblical story tell us is that a regression from the Oedipal level, because of a refusal of the paternal presence, leads all the way back into the placenta.
I have sustained, so far, that every regression into a borderline condition is caused by the absence of the father, real or just  perceived, or, even only  in relative terms, versus the mother.
Being a condition of total  withdrawal from the Ego, it may or may not cause paranoid hallucinations, as it seems to be at the moment the situation in the Islamic world.
They exploded two jets into the WTC, but they feel completely justified because they are the persecuted ones. THEY demand empathy and  sympathy.
They are threatening America with retaliation, if she does anything.
Who did  what to whom is being completely disregarded.
To the best of my understanding, retaliation is something that the offended side does, not the offending  perpetrator. So, no matter what they do, they feel the victims: the abused ones. As it happens in every paranoia
An  Iranian  Ayatollah has even said on television that it is all a Zionist  plot.
It is in act here a complete withdrawal from the Reality Principle, like in psychotic hallucinations.

Moreover, I have sustained that every ulterior pathology in a Borderline personality is only a defense against the primary  cause.
In order to better understand  this point I'll give an example.
Let's assume that  a baby, who at the oral stage has all his erotic energies concentrated in the  need to suck, will be deprived at this stage of the so much needed breast.
He will  hallucinate  a  breast.
Depriving a baby of  this vital erotic need is a very serious form of abuse.
Then, at the next stage, he will be gravely abused  while he is sitting on the pot. Spanking, violence, enemas, and so on,  like in 19th century German society.
At the genital stage, rejected by his mother, not  loved, insulted, and soon and so on.
At the Oedipal level he has no father to identify with.
Then there will be a regression through all  this stages into the oral sadistic stage, and may be even  straight into the placenta.
However, having  been  abused all  his way up,  he  will  bring with him, on  his way down,  various symptoms from the conflicts he had been exposed to.
Let's assume that he settles at  the sadistic oral stage.
Now, if he goes  into  psychoanalysis,  for many years nothing  will emerge of  the  primary cause which is responsible for his fall.
For many years, on the couch, will emerge only contents associated with the level, the stage, where he actually is now.
Only after many years he will be penetrated by the consciousness, not of  what happened and  why, but of his actual condition.
If  he is an oral sadist, he will be induced into thinking  that the cause of all his troubles is that he  had been abused as a baby, and deprived of the much needed  breast. This may well be true, but it has nothing to do with the causes of his regression into that stage.
The same as for an anal personality, and so on.
This is what  Lloyd is saying  in  his book: after seven  years of  personal psychoanalysis he concluded  that he is in the placenta ("Foundations of Psychohistory", p.99).  So, he could so  well describe what the conditions are in that place.
There, he stopped his analysis, and therefore he still is in the placenta, he thinks that everybody else is there too, and  never occurred to him that his condition is a consequence of a regression from the Oedipal stage, through all the other stages, because his lack of an identity = a  father  figure.
When I mentioned the Father and the primal murder, he reacted with a paranoid hallucination, very similar to Bin Laden, and accused me of intriguing for his assassination.
Now he identifies with all the fetuses of the world, because fetuses have no father and no identity.
But what is he doing?
He describes all the possible abuses suffered by children, as a defense against the real cause of his  fall, which is  the same in every borderline.
I want to emphasize that I would never enter personal details, had it not been for the simple  reason that he himself rendered them public through his book.
If  anybody publics personal details, he should also expect others to relate to them, to the best of their understanding. He suggested himself as a model, and this is the point which is totally unacceptable.
When de Mause says that childhood abuse is the real cause of  wars, aggressiveness and all the evils that happen to us, he is right, of course. But only because child abuse induces a regression into previous stages of  evolution and into anal, oral, or placental sadism, with the endogenous aggressiveness peculiar to those stages.
It  is not  by denying endogenous aggressiveness that truth is well served, but by understanding  that childhood abuse triggers in children a sense of guilt, and doing so it induces them into  evolutional regression, and  re-enacts a natural aggressiveness  that, in  normal conditions, would  have been overcome, channeled, and sublimated  into social constructive endeavors.
Let's assume that a child has been severely abused, while he  was a  fetus, by  particularly hard conditions, and even during  the  first  two year of  life, and  then, by  some miracle,  he changed parents, and the new ones are very considering,  loving and understanding, particularly in  his Oedipal stage.
This  child will  never suffer  a regression  into placental or oral  sadistic contents.
He will never need to. His archaic suffering  will be successfully repressed  and  removed. After all, the human being  is the king of  all  creatures, and he became such because of  his extraordinary resilience. It  doesn't matter  if  birth took  place in the best or the worst of conditions. Philo, Maimonides, Spinoza, Freud, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Yitzhak Stern, Rubinstein, Leonard Bernstein on one hand, and Torquemada, Hitler, Stalin, Bin Laden, Arafat and Saddam Hussein probably had the same placental conditions. The first group has been even circumcised,  which, according to deMause, it is one of the worst formsof abuse.
The difference is that the first group had caring  families and present  father  figures.  So,  they  could successfully  repress forms of very early abuse. The  second  group, in  contrast, had been abused  along all the stages of their development. And, as we have seen as for the Moslems, the worst form of abuse was the absence of the father at the Oedipal stage.
And it is not casual, if  the Oedipal stage is the  pivotal one. In the first five years of  life the human being is repeating in a concentrated way  millions of  years of  evolution. The Oedipal  stage is  the climax of  this evolution. As Freud exposited, the ambivalence of hatred and love at  this stage,  the guilt,  the compromise and the identification, are the point were the  first  humans diverged  from the pack of  wolves and  the  horde of  primates, and became homo politicus. Animals don't  organize themselves in articulated societies. They have no guilt and no conscience, and therefore  also no society, and not  mental illness either.
So, every  mental  illness must have as its  primary cause the relationship with the father.
Of course, mothers are  very  important, but other mammals have mothers too.
They don't have fathers. After a very short span, of days at best, the father is not there anymore. To a seal and a calf it is irrelevant who its father is.
Therefore they  have no society, no morality, no Ego and not Super-Ego.
Every  mental illness is the consequence of an internal conflict between the Id (the  natural  drives) and  the Ego and  Super-Ego, the conscience,  the moral  instance, represented by the father.
Only humans have mental illness, because only humans need fathers to guide and to educate them. And if they don 't have them  they become  perverts, the  likes  of Bin  Laden, or sick  people.
All this intensive dealing, in America, with  placental conditions and early  abuse, and therefore  with the "responsibility" of mothers, is ridiculous, at  best.
It is the direct consequenceof the  repression of  the IDEA of the  father, and  therefore of  the anchor and the identity, that makes human society so unique.
A man who had a caring and loving  mother will  always feel secure and successful, on one condition: that he had a strong  father presence to identify with. Otherwise he will be a borderline floating  creature, with  no self  identity and strong self, no matter how much a good mother he had.
Now we can understand also why Freud's teachings are so disregarded and misunderstood in modern Western society.

If a therapist encounter borderlines who have suffered many  kind of  injuries, on their  way  up  into the Oedipal bottleneck, he may well be induced to believe that those injuries are real, and perhaps they are, but they are not the cause, they are the rationalization for their condition.
Those injuries, suffered on the way up, are  for sure making their situation worse on their  way down.
A  borderline, who has suffered an injury at the Oedipal stage,  from his mother, will hate women too, and not only men. If he had  been abused at  the anal stage, he will may also suffer from  a very serious compulsive obsessive  neurosis. And if he had been deprived of  the breast, now, on his analyst's couch, he will  hallucinate biting  breasts.
However, all this will be enlisted as a defense against the primary cause, which will become clear in his analysis only after many  years, if he can climb back all his  way up into the top of the hill, the Oedipal threshold, and beyond.
If he is a borderline,  it will  never happen because, having lost the Reality Principle, and having withdrawn from the Ego, he has no more lever to colonize and to submit the Id.
Freud understood very well this point, and suggested never to take into analysis psychotics.
In the same way you will never be able to treat borderlines. They will tell you again and again of all  their injuries, but they have no motivation for changing their situation.
A borderline will complain about his suffering, but he will really never do anything to cease it. Only  lips service.
Psychologists are very fond of their borderlines patients, because the latter are very skillful into manipulating them into believing that they are doing a lot of progress. Don't  forget that borderlines are very manipulative, and will easily make lever on the narcissistic side of  the psychologist. A therapist feels in control, his anal-narcissistic side has his best satisfaction treating borderlines. He will  give them a lot of sympathy and  support and empathy, but it will remain some sort of masturbation. They will be able to advise their patient on every step he has or has not to do, they will receive a lot of gratefulness, and even letters of  thanks and appreciation, but after one hundred years the patient will still be there, at square one. He will only manipulate the therapist  into thinking that he has made a lot of progress.

It is the same with the Palestinians:  After years of  progress talking peace, after Israel almost total withdrawal from every land inhabited by Palestinians (95%), after they have their own autonomy and institutions, when offered  full independence and statehood, they blew it up, and now they are back at  square one. They retreated into the hallucination of being  persecuted, and reacted with  anger, bloodshed, and suicide missions. However, they have manipulated the world into thinking what they feel themselves, that they are the victims.
Actually, much  worse than square one. I had never seen such an hatred, until now. Suicide missions is a new affair. Until a few years ago, we had never had such a thing.
Offered a real cure to their situation, they reacted with panic.
Independence and democracy are the achievement of a mature Ego, which, as  we have seen, may only exist where there is a present supportive father.
The deprivation of this essential presence has left them only with the envy for their sibling, Yitzhak, who had a Father, and therefore could do it. Therefore, their hatred for him.
Their aim is not to be independent, free, having open borders and interaction with  Israel, because Israeli society example and closeness will trigger demands of sexual and  political freedom by their women and  children. So, the only  way,  which is open to them, is an ulterior internal repression by the gang of  assassins that is in power, and manipulating Israel into closing her borders. The instrument is suicidal terror, and escalating violence everytime there are talks of peace.
In the four years since they achieved autonomy, more Palestinians have died, under torture, in Palestinian prisons than in thirty years of Israeli occupation.
However,  while the  sporadic cases which occurred in Israeli jails had been brought to Court and to public attention, because Israel is a free society with  free press and Courts of Law, what is  happening  in the  Palestinian Authority is concealed  under a veil of silence. No free speech, no   Courts  of Law, no civil tribunals,  no rights to anybody, no free elections: only  a struggle of power among the gangs that are trying to prevail on each other.
Israel's  biggest mistake has been assuming that the Palestinians have her same agenda.
Israel wanted to put and end to the conflict, and therefore wrongly assumed that this is the other side agenda , too.
However, the other side agenda, because of  the  reasons we have exposited  above, it  is not peace, but repression and a close society, where they could act out their regressive psychological needs.


                                 The Father                        Two penises          The Tree of Life (The Placenta)  

The paper has been published, with comments from readers, by FreeRepublic.


Why Islamic Terror Now
The Assassination of Rabin and its Consequences for the Israeli Palestinian Conflict

The Psychogenic Theory and the Perfect Society
Without Borders: the Borderline Case of the European Union
Pinocchio. The Puberty Rite of a Puppet

Who Burns the Books?

In the aftermath of my paper, there have been the following remarks by some psychohistorians and the correspondence reported below:

First Lloyd deMause:

Iakov: Unfortunately, your attempt to label me a woman-hater who gratuitously blames wonderful Islamic mothers is based upon a total lack of research on your part into Islamic fundamentalist childrearing, as you will see after reading the following article I have written.
Lloyd deMause

Lloyd deMause's article attached to the e-mail:


In the massive media coverage of the terrorist attacks, there has been no interest shown in why the terrorists felt they had to kill Americans. They were "Evil," as the President told us, and that has seemed to satisfy our curiosity as to their motives. But if we are going to end this terrorism, it would be useful to understand what makes a terrorist, what developmental life histories they share that can help us see why they want to kill "American infidels" and themselves, so we can work to remove the sources of their violence and really prevent future terrorist attacks.
The roots of terrorism lie, I believe, not in this or that American political attitude but in the extremely abusive families of the terrorists. Children who grow up to be Islamic terrorists are products of an extremely misogynist fundamentalist system that strictly segregates the family into two separate areas, the men's area, often on the first floor, and the women's area, above the men, where the children are brought up and which the father rarely visits.  Even in countries like Saudi Arabia today, women by law cannot mix with unrelated men, and public places still have separate women's areas in restaurants and work places, because, as one Muslim sociologist put it bluntly: "In our society there is no relationship of friendship between a man and a woman."
Girls are routinely treated abominably in fundamentalist families. When a boy is born, the family rejoices; when a girl is born, the whole family mourns.  The girl's sexuality is so hated that when she is five or so the women grab her, pin her down, and chop off her clitoris and often her labia with a razor blade or piece of glass, ignoring her agony and screams for help, because, they say, her clitoris is "dirty," "ugly," "poisonous," "can cause a voracious appetite for promiscuous sex," and "might render men impotent."  Her vagina is then usually sewed up to prevent intercourse, leaving only tiny hole for urination. The genital mutilation is excruciatingly  painful. About a fifth die from infections, mutilated women must "shuffle slowly and painfully" and usually are frigid.  Over 100 million genitally mutilated women are estimated  to live today in Islamic nations, from Somali and Sudan to Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Although some areas have mostly given up the practice, in others-like Sudan and Uganda-the practice is increasing, with 90% of the women surveyed saying they planned to circumcise all of their daughters.
The mutilation is not required by the Qu´an;  Mohammad, in fact, said girls should be treated even better than boys.  Yet the women have inflicted upon their daughters for millennia the horrors done to them, perhaps re-enacting the widespread misogyny of men toward themselves as they mutilate their daughters while joyfully chanting songs like:
"We used to be friends, but today I am the master, for I am a man. Look-I have the knife in my handŠYour clitoris, I will cut off and throw away for today I am a man."
As the girls grow up, they are usually treated as though they were polluted beings, veiled, rarely educated, and sometimes gang-raped when men outside the family wish to settle scores with the men in her family.  As the President of Pakistan's Commission on Women concluded, "The average woman is born into near slavery, leads a life of drudgery, and dies invariably in oblivion."  Even marriage can be considered rape for most, since the family chooses the partner and the girl is sometimes as young as eight.  Wife-beating is common and divorce by wives rare-in fact, Islamic women have been known to have been killed by their families because they asked for a divorce.  It is no wonder that the Physicians for Human Rights found 97 percent of women surveyed suffered from "severe depression."
It is not surprising that these mutilated, battered women make less than ideal mothers, repeating their own miseries upon their children. Visitors to families throughout Muslim societies report on the "slapping, striking, whipping and thrashing" of children, with constant shaming and humiliation as they are told by their mothers that they are "cowards" if they don't hit others.  Physical abuse is continuous; as the Pakistani Conference on Child Abuse reports:
A large number of children face some form of physical abuse, from infanticide and abandonment of babies, to beating, shaking, burning, cutting, poisoning, holding under water or giving drugs or alcohol, or violent acts like punching, kicking, biting, choking, beating, shooting or stabbingŠ
Schools regularly practice corporal punishment-particularly the religious schools from which Taliban volunteers come-chaining up their students for days "in dark rooms with little food and hardly any sanitation."  Newborn infants are often swaddled "like a mummy."  Sexual abuse-described as including "fondling of genitals, coercing a child to fondle the abuser's genitals, masturbation with the child as either participant or observer, oral sex, anal or vaginal penetration by penis, finger or any other object and [child] prostitution"-is extensive, though impossible to quantify.  In some areas, children are reported to have marks all over their bodies from being burned by their parents with red-hot irons or pins as punishment or to cure being possessed by demons.  Children are taught strict obedience to all parental commands, stand when their parents enter the room, kiss their hands, don't laugh "excessively," fear them immensely, and learn that giving in to any of their own needs or desires is sinful.
The ascetic results of such punitive upbringings are predictable. When these abused children grow up, they feel that every time they try to self-activate, every time they do something independently for themselves, they will lose the approval of the parents in their heads-mainly their mothers and the others in the women's quarters. When their cities became flooded with oil money and Western popular culture in recent decades, they were attracted to the new freedoms and pleasures, but would soon retreat, feeling they would lose their mommy's approval and be "bad boys." Westerners come to represent their own "Bad Boy" self in projection, and had to be killed off. As one Islamist put it, "America is Godless. Western influence here is not a good thing, our people can see CNN, MTV, kissingŠ"  As one terrorist put it, "We will destroy American cities piece by piece because your life style is so objectionable to us, your pornographic movies and TV."   Osama bin Laden himself "while in college frequented flashy nightclubs, casinos and bars [and] was a drinker and womanizer," but soon felt extreme guilt for his sins, and joined the extreme fundamentalist movement and preached killing Westerners for their freedoms and their sinful enticements of Muslims.  Most of the Taliban, in fact, are wealthy, like bin Laden, have had contact with the West, and were shocked by "the personal freedoms and affluence of the average citizen, by the promiscuity, and by the alcohol and drug use of Western youth Šonly an absolute and unconditional return to the fold of conservative Islamism could protect the Muslim world from the inherent dangers and sins of the West."  Bin Laden lives with his four wives and fifteen children in a small cave with no running water, waging a holy war against all those who enjoy sinful pleasures and freedom that he cannot allow himself without losing his mommy's approval.
From childhood, then, Islamist terrorists have been taught to kill the part of themselves-and others-that is selfish and wants personal pleasures and freedoms. It is in the homes-not just later in the terrorist camps-that they learn to be martyrs and want to "die for Allah." When terrorist suicidal bombers who were prevented from carrying out their acts were interviewed on TV they said they felt "ecstatic" as they pushed the button.  They denied being motivated by the virgins supposedly awaiting them in Paradise. Instead, they said they wanted to die to "join Allah," and had written letters to their mothers before going off to die "so she would know I was a martyr and she wouldn't be sad I died."
Since childhood is the key to eliminating all political violence, rather than pursuing a lengthy holy war against terrorists it might be better for the U.S. to back a new U.N.-sponsored Marshall Plan for them that includes Community Parenting Centers,  in order to give their families the chance to evolve beyond the abusive family system that is producing the terrorism, just as we did for Germany after WWII  for the families that produced Nazism.

  Soraya Altorki, Somen in Saudi Arabia: Ideology and Behavior Among the Elite. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986, p. 30; Mazharul Haq Khari, Purdah and Polygamy: A Study in the Social Pathology of the Muslim Society. Peshawar Cantt., Nashiran-e-Ilm-o-Taraqiyet, 1972, p. 91.
  Mona AlMunajjed, Women in Saudi Arabia Today. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997, p. 45.
  Jan Goodwin, Price of Honor: Muslim Women Lift the Veil of Silence on the Islamic World. Boston: Little, Brown, 1994, p. 43.
  Hanny Lightfoot-Klein, Prisoners of Ritual: An Odyssey Into Female Genital Circumcision in Africa. New York: Harrington Park Pres, 1989, pp. 9, 38, 39.
  Ibid, p. 81.
  Cathy Joseph, "Compassionate Accountability: An Embodied Consideration of Female Genital Mutilation." The Journal of Psychohistory 24(1996): 5. Lindy Williams and Teresa Sobieszczyk, "Attitudes Surrounding the Continuation of Female Circumcision in the Sudan: Passing the Tradition to the Next Generation." Journal of Marriage and the Family 59(1997): 996; Jean P. Sasson, Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia. New York: Morrow, 1992, p. 137; http://www.path.org/Files/FGM-The-Facts.htm.
  Mona AlMunajjed, Women in Saudi Arabia Today, p. 14.
  Ibid, p. 13.
  Eleanor Abdella Doumato, Getting God's Ear: Women, Islam and Healing in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. New York: Columbia University Press, 2000, pp. 23, 85; Peter Parkes, "Kalasha Domestic Society." In Hastings Donnan and Frits Selier, Eds., Family and Gender in Pakiston: Domestic Organization in a Muslim Society. New Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corp., 1997, p. 46; Jan Goodwin, ,Price of Honor, p. 52.
  Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia and Safa Tamish, "The Rates of Child Sexual Abuse and Its Psychological Consequences as Revealed by a Study Among Palestinian University Students." Child Abuse and Neglect 25(2001): 1303-1327, the results of which must be compared to comparable written responses for other areas, with allowance given for the extreme reluctance to reveal abuse that may put their lives "inreal, serious danger. (p. 1305); for problems of interpretation, see Lloyd deMause, "The Universality of Incest." The Journal of Psychohistory 19(1991): 123-165.
  Deborah Ellis, Women of the Afghan War. London: Praeger, 2000, p. 141.
  S. Tamish, Misconceptions About Sexuality and Sexual Behavior in Palestinian Society. Ramallah: The Tamer Institute for Community Education, 1996.
  "Women's Woes," The Economist August 14, 1999, p. 32.
  MSNBC, October 4, 2001.
  Mazharul Haq Khari, Purdah and Polygamy, p. 107.
  Samra Fayyazuddin, Anees Jillani, Zarina Jillani, The State of Pakistan's Children 1997. Islamabad Pakiston: Sparc, 1998, p. 46.
  Ibid, p. 47.
  Samra Fayyazuddin et al, The State of Pakistan's Children 1997, p. 51.
  Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia and Safa Tamish, "The Rates of Child Sexual AbuseŠ," p. 1320; Fatna A. Sabbah, Woman in the Muslim Unconscious. New York: Pergamon Press, 1984, p. 28.
  Samuel M. Zwemer, Childhood in the Moslem World, p. 104; Hilma Natalia Granqvist, Child Problems Among the Arabs: Studies in a Muhammadan Village in Palestine. Helsingfors: Soderstrom, 1950, pp. 102-107.
  Soraya Altorki, Women in Saudi Arabia: Ideology and Behavior Among the Elite. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986, pp. 72-76.
  Lloyd deMause, "The Evolution of Childrearing." The Journal of Psychohistory 28(2001): 362-451.
  Jan Goodwin, Price of Honor, p. 64.
  MSNBC October 1, 2001.
  Yossef Bodansky, Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America. Rocklin: Forum, 1999, p. 3.
  Ibid, p. 4.
  "60 Minutes," September 23, 2001.
  Robert B. McFarland and John Fanton, "Moving Towards Utopia: Prevention of Child Abuse." The Journal of Psychohistory 24(1997): 320-331.
  Lloyd deMause, "War as Righteous Rape and Purification." The Journal of Psychohistory 27(2000): 407-438.

I responded as follows:

Lloyd, in your  article you have only proved my point: that  Moslem  women are very abusive  towards their daughters, but they rejoice when a son is born.
So, it  is daughters who are supposed to retaliate towards their mothers, not  sons, who are so welcome.
Sons are abused by their fathers, not  by their  mothers,  so they should be expected  to be  women lovers and men  haters.
They are exactly the contrary.
They developed  into hard core psychotic homosexuals.
What I said is not that Moslem women are perfect mothers to sons. I said that the source of  mysogyny is not in what mothers do to their sons, but in what they represent to them. In  this case  they represent their own lust and sexuality.
The problem is that, due to the absence of the father, who is the inhibiting  instance, the child is  overstimulated  by  the presence of the mother.  The more a loving  mother she is, the worst  will be the burden on  the poor child  that have no father to inhibit  his sexual drives.  He  will be  compelled  to be his own  Super-Ego, which,  at   3 to 5  years of age, it is impossible.
So, everything, including  your  own article, is leading to an opposite conclusion to your own.
Moreover,  youself have proved in a very convincing  way, in your extensive precious work, how  much German women had abused their sons, and how much Japanese women were and are  terrible mothers, and Russians, and Balkan, that you have convinced me.
So, I desperately  tried  to  find  German, Japanese and Russian  women  wearing veils and Chadors,  and  deprived of medical  care, and secluded in their home, awaiting to be beaten to death....but I did  not  find  them.
On the contrary, I  found  that the Nazis organized orgies,  that the Japanese had  "comfort women", that the Soviets enhanced women  rights,  while  they  were sending everybody else into  Gulags.
So,  paradoxically,  it seems that the more  a  woman  has abused  her sons, the more she is  appreciated as object of  lust, and, in the case of the Russians, even of  respect.
Your theory is very  nice, but it  seems  to me that it has more holes than a sieve.

As for your  suggestion to enact  a Marshal  program  for  Afghanistan,  as  America  did  after  WWII, I just  remind  you that  the Americans,  then,  first destroyed  the Nazis, AND  the Japanese (with no  less than  an  atomic  bomb), and only afterwards they enacted  the Marshal program. Not the other  way around. May be it seems to you a small detail,  but it  is not.
Moreover, in real life, if you enact a Marshal plan, before  destroying  the  terrorists, you will  have only more terror, this time paid with your own money.
Fortunately, nobody in the State Department is listening  to you, because, otherwise, the next ones to wear veils and chadors will be American women.

With  all  the  due  respect
Iakov Levi

Then Robert Sharf intervened in the discussion:

Dear Iakov:

I think that much of what you say is in error.
I shall address some items:

Iakov (previous): Lloyd, in your  article you have only proved my point:
that  Moslem  women are very abusive  towards their daughters, but they
rejoice  when  a son is  born.
So, it  is daughters who are supposed to  retaliate  towards their mothers,
not  sons, who are so welcome.

Bob: It does not follow from the fact that the birth of boys is celebrated
that the boys are "welcome," that is, not subjected to abuse.
On just a very common sense level, you must see that adjusted people would
value all children equally regardless of gender and a preference for sons
cannot portend anything good. This special status surely betrays the
intention to use the child for the parent's needs and not an attitude of
nurturing towards the child.
Most societies have had higher rates of infanticide for girls and thus have,
in a manner of speaking, "preferred" boys. Yet we cannot expect that mothers
who are killing their female children are going to be nurturing towards their
male children. The abuse may take different forms, but it cannot really be
that parents detest some of their children and nurture others. Of course,
children may be treated differently and some may be more abused than others,
but parents who are abusive are using their children for their own parental
issues, including the children they "prefer."
You might also wish to consider that this show of welcoming male children may
be a reaction formation, as I think Eric was suggesting.

Iakov (previous): Sons are abused by their fathers, not  by their  mothers,  so they
should be expected  to be  women lovers  and men  haters.
They are exactly the  contrary.

Bob: It seems here that your are admitting the premise: men who are abused by
their mothers will hate (fear) women. So the fact that these people hate
women is evidence that they have been abused by their mothers.

Iakov (previous): They developed into hard core psychotic homosexuals.

Bob: Your thought here seems to be that boys who were mistreated by their
fathers would hate men, but homosexuality is the love of men. Of course, this
is way off the mark. Boys who are nurtured by their fathers do not,
therefore, "love men" and so grow up to be homosexuals.
Boys who are nurtured by their fathers (and mothers) have more respect for
women. The etiology of homosexual behavior is generally thought to be in the
mother-child diad.
You seem to be coming from a position of drive theory in which their is a
classical oedipal situation. In this case, if the mother is "loving," but the
father figure is absent, this will create problems and possibly homosexuality.
I'll say more on this below.

Iakov (previous): What  I said is  not that Moslem  women  are perfect mothers to sons.
I  said that the source of  misogyny is not in what  mothers  do  to their
sons,  but in  what they represent  to  them. In  this case  they represent
their  own lust  and  sexuality.
The  problem is  that, due  to  the  absence of  the father, who  is the
inhibiting  instance, the child is  overstimulated  by  the presence of the
mother.  The more a  loving  mother  she is, the worst  will be the burden on
 the  poor child  that have  no father  to inhibit  his  sexual drives.  He
will be  compelled  to be his  own  Super-Ego, which,  at   3 to 5  years of
age, he cannot possibly be.

Bob: Stevens sets forth a similar argument in his study of the Oedipus
Complex. In order to do so, he must engage in the same reversal. He overlooks
maternal abuse or posits that it is a product of the child's "seduction" of
the mother.
The kind of evidence Lloyd is giving is of actual maternal abuse, not "loving
I would like to put a question to you. What do you imagine WOULD BE the
result of actual maternal abuse? Do you concede that such is possible?
Wouldn't it be the very fear and hatred of women (and also idealizing) we are
talking about? A society in which mothers were abusive would look very much
like a society in which mothers are "loving" but father figures are absent.
Does this not suggest that the oedipal schema is just a way of covering up
maternal abuse?

Iakov (previous): So, everything, including  your  own article,  is leading  to  an
opposite  conclusion to your own.
Moreover,  yourself have  proved in a  very convincing  way, in  your
extensive precious  work, how  much  German women had  abused their  sons,
and how much Japanese women  were and are  terrible mothers, and Russians,
and Balkan, that you have  convinced me.
So, I desperately  tried  to  find  German, Japanese and Russian  women
wearing veils and Chadors,  and  deprived of medical  care, and secluded in
their home, awaiting to  be  beaten  to death....but I did  not  find  them.
On the contrary, I  found  that the Nazis organized orgies,  that the
Japanese had  "comfort women", that the Soviets enhanced women  rights,
while  they  were sending everybody else into  Gulags.
So,  paradoxically,  it seems that the more  a  woman  has abused  her sons,
the more she is  appreciated as object  of   lust,  and,  in  the  case of
the Russians,  even of  respect.

Bob: This is extremely inaccurate. Of course, all of the societies you
mention had abusive mothering and all were misogynistic.
Have you not seen the studies of the fantasies of German men. They are full
of rape, bondage, and homoeroticism. Nazi Germany was hardly a bastion of
women's rights. Orgies are indicative neither of an adjusted sexuality nor a
value and respect for women.
Japanese women are similarly not respected or valued. They have been forced
into traditional roles and only know have a nascent women's movement.
The fantasies of Japanese men are also full of rape and homoeroticism, as Ken
Adams has documented. Japanese pornography is full of images of bondage and
rape and schoolgirls. The Japanese invented a special pornographic genre
(called bukkake) in which scores of men congregate around a woman (often
dressed as a schoolgirl) and masturbate themselves and ejaculate on the
woman's face. The Japanese have "comfort women," mistresses, and prostitutes
and quasi-prostitutes because the wife (mother figure) has not been a love
object. Indeed, very often the "prostitutes" are idealized and are not
employed for sexual purposes.
The soviet revolution resulted in a brief period of sexual revolution and of
advances for women. However, there was a terrible backlash against this,
which is part of the reason for the gulags. By the time of Stalin, the sexual
revolution was over as was the period of women's rights. Indeed, it was one
of the great failings of the revolution that it did so little for women's
rights. Under Stalin there were even purity crusades and the USSR became very
puritanical--outlawing even soft core pornography--just as many Islamic
peoples do.
All of these people had abusive mothering which resulted in misogyny and a
maladjusted sexuality full of rape fantasies and other aggression where
sexual thoughts could be expressed, or else where sexual expression was
severely proscribed. The Islamic countries certainly fit this pattern.

Iakov (previous): Your theory is very  nice, but it  seems  to me that it has  more
holes than a sieve.

Bob: I am wondering what it is, then, that you find so "precious" about
Lloyd's work?

Iakov (previous): As for your  suggestion to enact  a Marshal  program  for
Afghanistan,  as  America  did  after  WWII, I just  remind  you that  the
Americans,  then,  first destroyed  the Nazis, AND  the Japanese (with no
less than  an  atomic  bomb), and only afterwards they enacted  the Marshal
program. Not  the  other  way around. May be it seems  to you a small detail,
 but it  is not.
Moreover, in real life, if you enact  a Marshal plan, before  destroying  the
 terrorists, you will  have  only more  terror, this  time paid  by  your
own  money.
Fortunately, nobody in the State Department is listening  to  you, because,
otherwise, the  next ones to  wear  veils and chadors  will be  American

Bob: Lloyd is not talking about a literal Marshal plan, but one which
stresses childrearing. Lloyd added this idea in response to some objections
(by myself and others) to his article. I did not want to keep harping on the
article so I did not say anything at the time. However, I think this addition
did not help the article but only makes it appear paternalistic and I would
advise Lloyd to remove it.

I find it difficult to believe, Iakov, that you are contending that Islamic
abuses of women are a product of a society in which mothers are too loving.
One thing that is interesting about this is that the drive theorist is quite
willing to look at parental behaviors as an important etiological influence.
To wit, mothers may be too loving and fathers may be absent or abusive. These
can have a negative effect on the development of the child. Why not just look
at the evidence for abusive mothering and recognize that this is where
misogyny is rooted?


From: <[email protected]>

I responded:

Dear Bob,
you wrote:

> Bob: It seems here that your are admitting the premise: men who are abused
> their mothers will hate (fear) women. So the fact that these people hate
> women is evidence that they have been abused by their mothers.

My premise was that every man who is shot in the head dies, but that no
everybody who dies is shot in the head.
I.e: men who had been abused by their mother will hate women, but not every
man  who hates women it is because he had been abused by his mother.
Hating  women does not necessarily point to mother-abuse,  and I
explained what it is the main cause of  misogyny.
A man can be a misogynist even if he had a loving mother.
Besides, I don't understand what kind of  evidence is this, that you declare
guilty a person, man or  woman, on the grounds that others hate him.
Moreover,  psychoanalytic experience points  to the  fact that men who had
been abused by their mothers will  express their hatred in other forms than
sexual Puritanism. They will take their revenge mainly underperforming in
bed. For sure not covering women with veils and chadors.

> Iakov (previous): They  developed  into  hard core psychotic homosexuals.
> Bob: Your thought here seems to be that boys who were mistreated by their
> fathers would hate men, but homosexuality is the love of men.

I underlined in my previous posts that I am speaking of  lost object
homosexuality, which is the nucleus of every paranoia, and not of
pre-Oedipal polyformous homosexuality, which is indeed love for men.
Lost-object homosexuality is an ambivalent condition of love for the lost
object and hatred for the same object because of the abandonment. This
kind of homosexuality, which is always latent, and never acted out in
actual sexual relationships, it is very dangerous because the element of
hatred, and I should add, of ferocious hatred, is the one which is
split, projected into others and acted out.
Bin Laden is this kind of person. He loved his father but he also hated
him because he was not there.This is not the normal aggressiveness of the
child for the father at the Oedipal stage, which can be mediated and
managed, but the hatred for something extremely needed and lacking. He
split: the love became Faith in Allah, the hatred became hatred for the
Infidels. This is hard core psychotic homosexuality, because the outcome
is  paranoia and hallucinations. He is hallucinating the lost object, the
Father, and he is in a paranoid condition towards those that he elected as
his enemies.

Of course, this
> is way off the mark. Boys who are nurtured by their fathers do not,
> therefore, "love men" and so grow up to be homosexuals.
> Boys who are nurtured by their fathers (and mothers) have more respect for
> women. The etiology of homosexual behavior is generally thought to be in
> mother-child diad.
> You seem to be coming from a position of drive theory in which their is a
> classical oedipal situation. In this case, if the mother is "loving," but
> father figure is absent, this will create problems and possibly
> I'll say more on this below.



> Bob: Stevens sets forth a similar argument in his study of the Oedipus
> Complex. In order to do so, he must engage in the same reversal. He
> maternal abuse or posits that it is a product of the child's "seduction"
> the mother.
> The kind of evidence Lloyd is giving is of actual maternal abuse, not
> care."
> I would like to put a question to you. What do you imagine WOULD BE the
> result of actual maternal abuse?


Premature ejaculation, incapability to reach an orgasm, Narcissism, some
regression into anal sadism. For sure not sexual Puritanism

Do you concede that such is possible?

Of course, but the outcome would be more like the one in Nazi Germany:
Narcissism and anal sadism are the consequences of maternal  abuse.
Those people, out there, the Bin Ladens the Sadam Husseins, the Arafats
and their gangs are not Narcissists nor true anal sadists. They are oral
sadists and borderline. This is a consequence of the lack of the Reality
Principle, which is represented by the father.
They have indeed  regressed into a placental condition of amorphous
hatred. Because of the absent father, not because of the present mother.
Even Pinocchio descended into the belly of the whale (the placenta) because
he missed his father. There he met him.
So, I have never denied the obvious existence of maternal abuse, but to
shout "Mothers, Mothers  !!!" every time there is an act of brutality, a
war, or an abuse, it is simplistic, unprofessional, and untrue.

> Wouldn't it be the very fear and hatred of women (and also idealizing) we
> talking about? A society in which mothers were abusive would look very
> like a society in which mothers are "loving" but father figures are
> Does this not suggest that the oedipal schema is just a way of covering up
> maternal abuse?

It is not the oedipal schema which is a cover up for maternal abuse,
but it is the maternal abuse theory that is an instrument for repressing
the regression from the Oedipal  bottleneck as the primary cause of  every
pathology. Earlier abuse becomes relevant only if there is a
regression due to an obstruction of the Oedipal channel. An obstruction of
the normal evolution may be because of  maternal  abuse, at the  Oedipal
level,  and then we shall have Nazis, Narcissists and anal sadists, or
because of  the  absence of the  father, and then we shall have oral
sadists, borderlines and re-enactment of the fetal  trauma. The regression
due to the absence of the father  will  be to a much deeper level,
because there is no more Reality Principle to anchor the personality.

> Bob: This is extremely inaccurate. Of course, all of the societies you
> mention had abusive mothering and all were misogynistic.
> Have you not seen the studies of the fantasies of German men. They are
> of rape, bondage, and homoeroticism. Nazi Germany was hardly a bastion of
> women's rights. Orgies are indicative neither of an adjusted sexuality nor
> value and respect for women.
> Japanese women are similarly not respected or valued. They have been
> into traditional roles and only know have a nascent women's movement.
> The fantasies of Japanese men are also full of rape and homoeroticism, as
> Adams has documented. Japanese pornography is full of images of bondage
> rape and schoolgirls. The Japanese invented a special pornographic genre
> (called bukkake) in which scores of men congregate around a woman (often
> dressed as a schoolgirl) and masturbate themselves and ejaculate on the
> woman's face. The Japanese have "comfort women," mistresses, and
> and quasi-prostitutes because the wife (mother figure) has not been a love
> object. Indeed, very often the "prostitutes" are idealized and are not
> employed for sexual purposes.
> The soviet revolution resulted in a brief period of sexual revolution and
> advances for women. However, there was a terrible backlash against this,
> which is part of the reason for the gulags. By the time of Stalin, the
> revolution was over as was the period of women's rights. Indeed, it was
> of the great failings of the revolution that it did so little for women's
> rights. Under Stalin there were even purity crusades and the USSR became
> puritanical--outlawing even soft core pornography--just as many Islamic
> peoples do.
> All of these people had abusive mothering which resulted in misogyny and a
> maladjusted sexuality full of rape fantasies and other aggression where
> sexual thoughts could be expressed, or else where sexual expression was
> severely proscribed. The Islamic countries certainly fit this pattern.


Still, the Talibanis do not organize orgies, as Russian women do not wear
veils and chadors.

> Bob: I am wondering what it is, then, that you find so "precious" about
> Lloyd's work?
He described to us the conditions in the placenta. It  is like  the
diary of an  explorer,  who is there and  therefore he can  describe so
well the details of the place.
However, it does not  mean that  everybody has to regress until the bottom
of the well . It happens when there is no Father  figure to prevent the
This is the reason for his rage and your uneasiness every time I mention
The Murder of the Father and the Oedipus Complex.
Not to mention, of course, that he delisted me on the grounds that  I
was intriguing for his assassination, only because I analyzed the  group
fantasies of the list, and I reached the conclusion that, in that context,
(IN THE CONTEXT OF GROUP FANTASIES), he represented the primeval father,
who had been assassinated because of his abusing of the horde.
He could accept or he could reject my exposition, but the rage and the
paranoid hallucination were very interesting  indeed.

In short: I have never denied maternal abuse, but this is exactly NOT
the reason for misogyny, and I explained why, in my opinion, it is so.
The reason for misogyny is in the sense of guilt of the child  for his
own erotic drives towards the mother. The more he is abused or
abandoned, the more acute and exacerbated this sense of guilt will be,
to the point of getting unmanageable and overwhelming.
The abandonment by the father is the primary cause for which this sense
of guilt becomes unmanageable, because the father represents the inhibitory
instance and the model for identification. Left alone with his unmanageable drives the child will become
a misogynist.
In this way I can understand what is happening in the Islamic society,
while, shouting indiscriminately "maternal abuse, maternal abuse", it
does no explain all the differences between different societies, nor the
difference between different pathologic symptoms.
Moslems are not Nazis, and Nazis are not Japanese, and a neurosis is not
a psychosis, and a  Narcissist is not a Borderline, as an oral sadist
and a placental condition are not an anal sadist.
This story of maternal abuse has become some sort of magic formula, that
explains everything: it doesn't.
It  explains some  things, but doesn't explain others, even more.
severe. More than that: it has become an apotropaic amulet against
Freudian theories, the Murder of the Father and  the Oedipal  Complex.
And this is the gravest of all.
It is a New Testament, which  came to  displace the Old one.
However, not everything new is better than what it came to replace.
There is another point, just as dessert: this New Testament, like the last
New  Testament that we know, is centered around the figure of the Child.
The Old  Testament spoke of  the Father
The new one spoke of the  Son.
Freud spoke of the Murder of  the Father and the Oedipal complex.
DeMause's PH speaks of the Salvation that will come from the Child and the
St.Paul said that he did not come to destroy the Law, but it is exactly
what he has done.
PH claims that it is not against Freud's theory, but the repression is
This is the first time that  Bob or any other psychohistorian has come into
the open, and has said that the Oedipus complex is outdated, not good
anymore. Even worse: it is a lie.
Now the "True Israel" is deMause PH, not the old Freudian psychoanalysis.
The chosen people have migrated westwards, and America is the new
Promised Land with its message of salvation through the Son.
I  don't know yet what exactly all that means, but must  be there some meaning.
Perhaps deMause PH is perceived as the answer to a New Continent, which is
living through  a condition of  malaise and uneasiness as for its roots
and its own identity.
And identity, as we already know, is the Name of the  Father.
It has something of the same malaise that brought Christianity to the
ancient world,  as an answer to the cultural crisis of the Hellenized East
and West. Interestingly, even then the baricenter moved westward.
The syncretism of the Roman world, which, like America today, was a
pluralist multicultural environment, needed a new message, and that too,
displaced the Father in favor of the Son.
So,  there must be some linkage between a crisis of identity and a  new
message of  Salvation, that will be brought by the Child.
As we know,  fetuses and little children have no identity, because
identity is a consequence of a mature Ego, which is achieved  only at the
Oedipal level, through a compromise and an identification with the father.
By putting the emphasis on  fetuses and little children it is like saying:
we  refuse the identity of the father, we want to be identified as
pre-Oedipal children.
However, this  is a contradiction in terms. Fetuses and little children have
drives, but not an identity. So, all this story it is the saga of the
ideology of lack- of-identity.
And like the Christian saga,  it must compensate promising eternal life,  in
PH  case, promising a  perfect  world, if  only  the  Kingdom of the Child
will be secured. In both cases: Paradise and the perfect world  if  we
behave ourselves.
The methodology too, is very similar. First the dogma, and then the
findings to prove it. First of all: where there is violence there must be
maternal abuse.
If I find a case where the violence is the product of  something  else,
as the absence of the  father, they assure me that there is maternal
abuse too. May be. But why violence must be dependent on the latter and not on the former? They don't go into the field and bring back everything that they find.
They come back with only what  they  were searching for in the
first place.
In the same  way, I  can  state that violence is because of the presence of
If I go out  and search for rats, everywhere there is violence, I'll come
home  with a lot of rats. And I'll have a lot of "evidence" that
violence is always the consequence of the presence of rats.
In all this Islamic affair no psychohystorian has found that  Saddam
Hussein,  Arafat,  Bin  Laden, Koumainy where orphans of fathers  (except
Joan  Lachkar, who is always brushed aside  because she occasionally dares
mentioning the Oedipal  complex),  no one has  found  that the Islamic
society is one where fathers are absent. Of course not: they were not
searching for absent fathers, so they did not find them. They are searching
only for  abusing  mothers, and of course, they will always  find them, as
I'll  always  find rats, if this is the only thing that I am searching
Freud has worked as an analyst for 60 years, and he changed his mind many
times, because he had not a dogmatic, a priori, assumption that he
wanted to prove. As his finding unfolded he changed his mind and his
It is very interesting to follow every stage and how he gathered evidence.
If I take PH,  I find a list of a priori assumptions, and  I must say
"amen to that",  otherwise I am not considered a psychohystorian.
The outside reality is always bent to the theory and not the other way

It is very bad, my friends, very bad.

All  the best


Then Lloyd wrote an article

Lloyd wrote:

Watching on MSNBC last night a program featuring a number of
Palestinian terrorists who had been unsuccessful in blowing
themselves up after they wrapped the bombs about them and pushed the

I was again impressed how they confirmed over and over again that
their suicidal terrorism was a result of their lifelong search for

Not one mentioned any political event, anything any Israeli or
American did, anything about getting virgins in heaven, any of the
myriad of political complaints or rewards mentioned in the media and
in academic studies.

All were certain "the moment your first blood spurts out, all of your
sins are forgiven" -- surely a result of feeling they were sinful in

All looked only to one thing: getting LOVE from Allah (early
caretaker, whether mommy, grandmother, aunt, any of those unloving
members of the gynarchy where they spent their early years.) All
idealized them: "I'm going to meet the Lord of the universe." All
betrayed the infantile origins of the fantasy: "We all appear before
God naked." All imagined they would still be around to watch their
parents be sorry they had killed themselves for them: "Every time my
father sees my photo, he'll cry." And all were cries for the love
they had missed all their lives.


My reaction was as follows

He says: "getting LOVE from Allah", so, he got it right at last, but immediately he explains: "(early caretaker, whether mommy, grandmother, aunt, any of those unloving)", so Allah, who  obviously  represents the figure of  the  father, becomes mommy, grandmother, aunt.
Why Allah cannot  stay Allah (a  father figure), but  MUST  be mommy, grandmother and aunt, it is a  mystery.
So, the obvious becomes distorted in favor of his theory.

The terrorist himself says: "Every time my father sees my photo, he'll cry.".
So, the terrorist himself says that  this is a dialogue with the father.
 Why Lloyd does not believe him? Does he know better than the terrorist himself?

Iakov Levi

Another member of a former Psychohistory list, Harrold Forsythe, intervened in the discussion

  I only reply because I have somehow been put on the distribution list for
this discussion.
  Astounding!  The interviewees say "Allah" = father, but the analyst says
it is really mother, g-m, aunt, etc.  The problem is, of course, that
the analyst thought it was mother before the interviewees spoke.
The analyst has always thought this.  What evidence then would
disprove/falsify the a priori notions of the analyst?  Anything?
  Family structure is certainly important in human history and it has
been improperly ignored by many historians.  But this discussion,
which has no doubt gone on for the 18-20 months since I was
involved with it, continues in its sterile metaphysical rut.  Do
Muslim males from polygynous households, where presumably the
mother has more isolated authority over the children, tend more
often to become terrorists than those from monogamous
marriages?  Does African (Islamic) polygynous family structure
differ from that of Arabs, Azerbijanis, or Persians?  Did the
kamikaze pilots exhibit similar psychological profiles to Palestinian
fighters and Taliban/Al Queda militants?  Where is the history?

From: Harold S. Forsythe <[email protected]>

And then another member, Telmo Escobar, wrote:

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, iakov levi wrote:

> Lloyd wrote:
> Watching on MSNBC last night a program featuring a number of
> Palestinian terrorists
> they confirmed over and over again that their suicidal terrorism was a
> result of their lifelong search for love.
> Not one mentioned any political event
> were certain "the moment your first blood spurts out, all of your
> sins are forgiven"
> getting LOVE from Allah (early caretaker, whether mommy, grandmother,
> aunt, any of those unloving members of the gynarchy
> "Every time my father sees my photo, he'll cry."

> Iakov:
> Why Allah cannot stay Allah (a  father figure)
> the obvious  becomes  distorted in favor  of  his theory.
> the terrorist himself says that  this is a dialogue with the  father.
> Why  Lloyd  does not believe him? Does he know better than the
> terrorist himself?

 Hi, Iakov and all. Sorry that, of lately, I've been often hurried and
short of time to reply.

 I like your efforts to address facts from a different perspective. About
the present discussion, I'm still not convinced.

 Let us address the question you pose: who knows better? The terrorist
himself, or Lloyd?

 Lloyd, surely. For any of us, our own motivations are difficult to
understand, maybe the harder thing in the world to understand. Other
persons tend to perceive, about me, things I couldn't possibly see. And, I
bet, suicidal terrorists must be a field more blind in this respect.

 So, my reasoning is that Lloyd surely knows better not because Lloyd is
Lloyd, but because the suicidal terrorist is a suicidal terrorist.

 I bet this answer doesn't satisfy you. So, let us pose the problem in a
more general form: why Allah cannot stay Allah?

 My answer would be that the existence of such entities (gods and the
like) is at least doubtful, so "Allah" is something that demands
interpretation. True, I'm saying the obvious; yet, don't forget, suicidal
terrorists presumably would say otherwise. I'm restating that, in my view,
they don't know better.

 So we have to address the ultimate question: why "Allah" doesn't mean the

 But I don't deny that Allah is the father. My idea is that this answer
still is provisional, much like saying that Allah is Allah. What is the
"father", after all? As you have emphasized, the father -the real guy that
fathered the boy- has been an absent figure. This for current suicidal
terrorists, and for almost everybody in any time.

 I'd like to say that one of the many revolutionary ideas implied in
Demause's work is that actually the "father" is secondary
elaboration. "Gods" are really godesses. Lacan could have in mind
something similar, I guess, but I'm not sure because French philosophy is
a bit extravagant and beyond my current ability to understand.


From: Telmo Escobar <[email protected]>

I responded as follows:

Hi Harold,
Good to hear from you after such a long time.

You wrote:
Astounding!  The interviewees say "Allah" = father, but the analyst says
> it is really mother, g-m, aunt, etc.  The problem is, of course, that
> the analyst thought it was mother before the interviewees spoke.
> The analyst has always thought this.  What evidence then would
> disprove/falsify the a priori notions of the analyst?  Anything?


You pointed to the real issue. If the analyst thought a priori that Allah is
really mother, g-m, aunt, he cannot be an analyst.
The only way to analyse an issue, it  is forgetting what we think that  we
know. Otherwise we shall find not what is there, but what we have inside.
Until  the 11th of September I did not know that the source of  Islamic
terrorism is in the polygamist structure of the family and in the absence
of the father. I had never thought about that.
I  was very surprised in making this discovery.
How I discovered it?
I began listening.
First the CNN. One pseudo socio-economic analyst said: "of course, it is
poverty ! The gap  between rich and poors, between East and West."  And
brought a  lot of "evidence" for his theory.
So, I went to the poor,  and I  found one billion Indians that do not
throw themselves into the WTC with two Boing 767 loaded with gasoline, only to make a point of hatred.
Therefore it cannot be poverty.
Then I thought: "of course, the poor general psychogenic status of
Moslems!". But I found that this is not a peculiarity of Moslems. There
are and there were a lot of societies were  the general child rearing mode
is very poor, and still suicidal terrorism is not their way of  acting out
their  emotional distress.
Maternal abuse ? Ibidem.
In India maternal abuse is not less than in the Moslem world.
So, this peculiar way of catexis must have its source in something that
is  peculiar of  Islamic society, Arab and non Arab.
And then I found that only polygamy is peculiar to Moslems, I mean in
such extensive way to be an outstanding peculiarity of these societies.
I still did not know what may be the linkage between polygamy and suicidal
attacks of  terrorism.
Looking closely at the situation  in the polygamist  family, I found that
the outstanding feature, which is peculiar there, and not in other
abusing monogamist family, it is the absence of the father: he just does
not live there.
So, the linkage must be that in families were the father is absent,
there is a tendency to suicidal terrorist attacks.
So, I began listening to what they themselves are saying, reading  of
course between the lines, not taking at face value conscious declarations
of intentions, that may well be only rationalizations.
They speak of Allah, not of aunts, the want to reunify with Allah, not
with  mommies. They want Allah to be satisfied of them.
In  their prayers they are hallucinating an absent father, at difference
from Christians and Jews, who perceive their father as present and not
as absent. Christians and Jews reached a compromise with their Father,
each one in his peculiar way. The Moslems, as expressed in their
religion, did not. The only solution to an absent father is to be a
Shahid, a martyr, who dies in the holy war against the infidels.
Then I went to what Joan Lachkar had written about the Islamic saga, as
the saga of orphans, to the fact of the matter that all their leaders
were orphans of fathers, and so on.
Only then, every thread  began to lead in this  direction.  The Taliban
cleric whose split of  the  tongue: "The Prophet was an orphan too", and
many other splits of the tongue and their own unconscious associations
confirmed what I had already found.
Now, Telmo says that Lloyd knows better, because he is not a terrorist,
and  we cannot believe a terrorist, because he will never disclose his
real motivations.
True: we should never take at face values what anybody says about his
real motivations. But we have a very good tool for penetrating his real
intentions. Lloyd himself, and a very long time before him, Freud,  has
shown how we can decode unconscious intentions through analysis of
associations. Chain of associations, to whom the subject (the person we
are dealing with) is not conscious.
Paul Shirley has made a lot of analysis, on list, of segments of speeches
and of declarations. Lawton has taught us how to do it, too. Lloyd has
written about that, and so on.
This is  classical  Freudian  methodology, so that on this point,  at
least, we  agree, and there is nothing new under the sun.
Now, if I take the chain of associations of the the interviewee (the
terrorist), he says:
"LOVE from Allah..."  "I'm going to meet the Lord of the universe"..." We all
appear before God naked." ... "Every time my father sees my photo, he'll
He is not conscious of  the associative chain between the all elements.
He consciously intended Allah, as a separate entity from his  father,  but
to us,  thanks to the associative chain, it becomes obvious that he is
speaking of the same thing.
And since Lloyd knows very well what an associative chain is, had he not
been fixated with maternal abuse, he would have found it himself, in the
first place.
The problem is of  course, as Harold says, that the "analyst"  had
always "known",  that he was in search for a mother.
This is the reason why I say that Lloyd's methodology is wrong, because he
knows very well what the tools are, but he uses them only when they fit
his theory.
And we had many occasions, on the previous list, to see how this is
acted out,  to  the point of scaring  away  every  person  to whom his own
intellectual integrity is dear.

All the best to everybody


BTW:  The words of the terrorist: "We all appear before God naked."  are a
very interesting evidence of the latent homosexual contents of this
Islamic terrorist saga.
He wants to be naked before his father, to be seen and touched, because he
harbors strong latent homosexual feeling towards his absent father.

Again Telmo Escobar:

Hi, Iakov and all. Thanks for your very interesting ruminations.

> You pointed to the real issue. If the analyst thought a priori that Allah is
> really mother, g-m, aunt, he cannot be an analyst.
> The only way to analyse an issue, it  is forgetting what we think that  we
> know. Otherwise we shall find not what is there, but what we have inside.

 It's true that one has to keep a mind as open as possible. But also, I
think, we have to cope with the fact that reality -whatever it is- is one
thing and what we have inside -whatever it is- is another one. The need to
accept this duality and live with it, learning from it, is at the root of
Western culture, from the ancient Greek philosophers on. For this
reason, I think your rules for analysts are too demanding. More generally,
I think the only way to interpret/understand anything (for therapists or
for any human being) is trying to compare what we believe we are
perceiving, with some "a priori" knowledge/mythology or how you call
it. Without a code, there is no interpretation.

> First the CNN. One pseudo socio-economic analyst said: "of course, it is
> poverty !
> I went  to the  poor,  and I  found one billion Indians that  do not
> throw themselves into the WTC
> Then I thought: "of course, the  poor general  psychogenic  status  of
> Moslems!". But I found that this is not a peculiarity  of  Moslems.
> Maternal abuse ? Ibidem.

 You are addressing the issue that there isn't a single "cause" for
phenomena. Again, the impossibility of explaining anything according to a
simple rule, is also a key element of Western philosophical tradition.

 Poverty, psychogenic backwardness, are both significant factors. Yet they
can't be equally significant. If you are deprived of all your pertenences,
due to war, natural catastrophe, gods' bad will, whatever else, I bet you
will not start to sacrifice or sell your children, because you're not
primitive psychoclass. Conversely, when a boxer -or to a slightly lesser
extent a soccer player- gets enormously rich in a few years due to his
sporting talents, it is quite common that he develops an addiction to
drugs, alcohol or another self-destructive behavior, a thing that
surprises the media to no end ("why, when he had all, he had to destroy
his life this way?"); it's plain that person had to live with
disfunctional people during childhood, and this fact is with him his
entire life, no matter how many zeroes has his bank account.

> this peculiar  way  of catexis must have its source in something that
> is  peculiar of  Islamic society,  Arab  and non Arab.


> I found that only polygamy is peculiar to  Moslems, I mean in
> such extensive way to be  an  outstanding  peculiarity  of these societies.
> I still did not know what may be the linkage  between polygamy and  suicidal
> attacks of  terrorism.
> Looking closely at the  situation  in the  polygamist  family, I  found that
> the outstanding feature, which is  peculiar there, and not  in  other
> abusing monogamist family, it is  the absence of  the father: he just  does
> not  live  there.
> So,  the linkage   must be that in  families were the father is absent,
> there is a   tendency  to  suicidal  terrorist attacks.

 The problem with this reasoning is, aren't there counterexamples? I
think the father were equally absent in other polygamist cultures,
including rural China a few years ago, yet suicidal terrorism was alien
to those cultures.

> So, I  began  listening to what they themselves are saying, reading  of
> course between the  lines, not taking  at face value conscious declarations
> of intentions, that may well be only rationalizations.
> They speak of Allah, not  of aunts, the want to reunify with Allah, not
> with  mommies. They want  Allah to be satisfied of them.
> In  their prayers they are hallucinating an absent father,  at   difference
> from  Christians and Jews, that perceive their father  as present and not
> as absent. Christians and Jews  reached a compromise with their  Father,
> each  one in  his peculiar way. The Moslems,  as expressed in their
> religion, did not.  The  only solution  to  an  absent father is to   be  a
> Shahid, a martyr,  who dies in the holy war against the  infidels.
> Then I went to what Joan  Lachkar  had written about the Islamic saga, as
> the saga of  orphans, to the  fact of  the matter that all their  leaders
> were  orphans of fathers, and  so  on.
> Only then,  every thread  began to lead in this  direction.  The Taliban
> cleric whose split  of  the  tongue:  "The Prophet  was an  orphan too", and
> many other  splits  of the tongue and  their  own unconscious  associations
> confirmed what I  had  already found.

 Comment: your reasoning is quite convincing, but in view of the
abovesaid, I think there has to be another factor here, something we still
don't see. Otherwise we would have data on Chinese suicidal terrorism.
 But, I repeat, my impression is that you have found something. By the
way, suicide, obsession with martyrdom, were also well known tracts among
Christians one thousand years ago, when absent fathers were the rule.

> Now, Telmo says that Lloyd knows  better,  because he is  not a terrorist,
> and  we cannot believe a terrorist,  because he will never disclose  his
> real  motivations.

 This is not what I said. What I implied is that, I think, suicidal
terrorists aren't aware of their real motivations. Also I stated that this
blindness, to some extent, is present in any human being- terrorist are
just a relativelly extreme instance.

> I take the  chain of associations of the the interviewees (the
> terrorist), he says:
> "LOVE from Allah..."  "I'm going to meet the Lord of the universe... "We all
> appear before God naked." ... "Every time my father sees my photo, he'll
> cry."
> He is  not conscious  of  the associative chain  between  the all  elements.
> He consciously intended Allah, as a separate entity from his  father,  but
> to us,  thanks to the associative chain, it becomes obvious that he is
> speaking  of the same thing.

 Agreed. My view is that, saying it's the father, may be superficial.

> The problem is of  course,  as Harold says,  that  the  "analyst"  had
> always "known",  that he was in  search for a  mother.

 No! This is THE point. I didn't read what Harold wrote, but the point
is that he -the suicidal terrorist- surely is NOT in search for a
mother. On the contrary, he has to get freedom, he has to become an
individual. By the way, I can't help thinking in those terrible images of
the plane hitting the tower, and thinking that hitting a building is a way
to hit and destroy the mother.

> This is the reason why I say that Lloyd's methodology is wrong

 This is also the reason why I feel he's right. In short, we are
"reading" the terrorist syndrome according to different codes.

> The words of the terrorist: "We all appear before God naked."  are a
> very interesting evidence of the latent homosexual  contents  of this
> Islamic terrorist saga.
> He wants to be naked before his father, to  be seen and touched because  he
> harbors strong latent homosexual  feeling  towards his  absent father.

 Your messages are always very valuable and insighful, and I hope you'll
continue this way. Best regards,

 <[email protected]>

I responded:

Telmo wrote:

The problem with this reasoning is, aren't there counterexamples? I
> think the father were equally absent in other polygamist cultures,
> including rural China a few years ago, yet suicidal terrorism was alien
> to those cultures.


I know so little about  pre-revolution rural China, that  at the
beginning I felt that I cannot respond to your wondering.
Then, I suddenly remembered the name of a book, that I  read  at least 40
years ago, when  I was twelve or thirteen.
It is interesting, because I had never thought of this book before.
The title is: "The Good Earth",  by an American-Chineese author, a  woman,
named Pearl Buck. At that time it was a best-seller, but it has never been
mentioned  since  then, and it fell  into oblivion.
If I  remember correctly, the hero of the story,  a Chineese peasant, when
his economic  situation  improved, he took another woman.
I  don't remember  whether she lived with the rest of the family or not, but
I remember that the impression I had was that this decision did not
represented a major change in the structure of the family, and the father
did not cease of  being present, only because he toook another woman. It
was more  like a married man, in America, who takes to himself a  lover. It was
more a bigamy than a real polygamy, like it happens, in contrast, in the Islamic world.
Bin Laden's father  had 10  wives.  There was  no  family structure at  all.
The point is not whether the father has more than one wife, but if he is
present or not.  You mentioned  early  Christianity, where the father  was
absent, in your words,  and there was a fixation for martyrdom, even if the
family stayed monogamist.
When I  saw the connection between poligamy and Islamic terror, I checked
what it is peculiar of  Islamic polygamy, and I found  that there the
father is absent. Polygamy does not cause suicidal terror per se, but only
if its byproduct  is the absence of the  father.
If I remember correctly from the book, polygamy in rural China was not a
widespread custom,  and happened only sporadically.
In the ancient Middle East, there was polygamy among non Arabs, who entered
the region  only in  the 7th century,  but it  was not  widespread. A man
took  at most another one wife, and only very rich men did.
Among settled down peoples the tendency is always towards monogamy.
Polygamy  is a custom of  nomads.
The  Islamic society remained polygamist, even  where they settled  down,
because all their mental  structure remained nomadic.
They are prohibited of  drinking wine, because producing wine implicated
planting vineyards, and therefore giving up the nomadic way of  life.
Even before Islam, the Arabs abstained from drinking  wine, because they
had horror for the cultivator and its ways of life.
The Jews theoretically remained polygamist  until the 11th century A.D,  but
only Yemenite Jews,  who lived  among strongly polygamist  Arabs, practiced
this custom.
The Patriarchs, who were semi-nomads, took  more than one  wife, but this
custom almost stopped entirely after the Hebrews settled down in
Palestine, in the 12th  century  B.C.
Even they were hardly polygamist:  Abraham took another  wife only  at a
very old age, and only because  he was childless. Isaac remained monogamist
all  his life. Only Jacob  took  4 wives, but the Biblical story presents
to us a very present father. Moreover, I have good  reasons to  believe that
his  story is  a  condensation of  more than one  "Jacob".  Jacob being
synonymous of   "Father of  the  tribe".  Probably  every son of Jacob, who
represents one  tribe, had  his own Jacob, as primeval father. It is a very
condensed  story.
It seems to  me that polygamy, as  a way of  life,  is a peculiarity of
Islam, which remained a culture of nomads, even where they settled down.
However, I must admit that not everything  on this issue is clear to me.
For instance, I don't understand why  the Persians, who are not a culture
of nomads, became more  Moslems than  the Prophet himself.
While  the Arabs are mostly Sunnites, the Persians are Shiites, which is  a
branch of  Islam that is much more fanatic and fundamentalist than the
Sunna. Moreover, Persians and Arabs usually hate each other,  and the
Iraqi-Iranian  war is an instance, but on this Islamic wave of terror they
seem  to be in perfect  agreement and in  one mind.
If anybody  can  help on  this issue, it will be very welcome.


Then Robert Sharf intervened:

> Dear Iakov:
> The way you have pieced this together certainly demonstrates a nimble
> investigative acumen which, along with your willingness to keep an open
> is most laudable. I would ask you to continue to bring these attributes to
> bear as we consider this issue further.
> We agree that there are certain forms of the family which produce violent
> suicidal men. This is a form of the family in which the women dominate the
> domestic front while the men are absent or virtually absent. We (me, you,
> Lloyd) agree on this. We disagree on the source of the etiology of these
> violent/suicidal impulses. Lloyd and I hold that these are largely a
> of maternal abuse, since paternal abuse comes later in the child's
> development. You hold that it is precisely the father's absence which
> engenders this character due to the oedipal complications fostered by the
> father's absence. Indeed, under these circumstances, you argue, maternal
> abusiveness might be preferable to maternal nurturing--which the boy
> properly process without a proper father figure. You cite in support of
> argument that the terrorists in question believe in a god which is, to all
> appearances, paternal and also that they imagine that they are pleasing
> fathers. Further, these are things which seem to contradict Lloyd's (and
> psychogenic view.
> May I propose a test for these competing theories?
> Your theory predicts that where we find families of this sort, we shall
> male gods (the idealized absent father), while the psychogenic view
> that we shall find devouring goddesses (the abusive mother/female
> This family structure may be rare today, but it has been quite common
> throughout history and proto-history. Lloyd and I have called this the
> gynarchy--domestic rule by women with segregation of the adult males--the
> males being the androcracy. This arrangement was once the rule for
> What do we find in the proto-historical societies and the ancient
> which had this division? We find images of devouring goddesses. Later, as
> androcracy begins to evolve and "patriarchy" begins to strengthen, the
> of the devouring mother gets obscured. It is represented by beasts and
> still by the gods of monotheism which take on more and more "masculine"
> features.
> The kind of families we see among these terrorists resemble the gynarchies
> old, but they have had thousands of years of additional evolution and
> development of the androcracy, that is why the maternal image is more
> concealed. It might be useful for you to see Lloyd's writings and my own
> writings on the subject of the gynarchy and the androcracy. You will also
> discover that Lloyd does not contend that "Allah" is a maternal image
> of a prejudice, but because when this form of the family was starkest and
> most unadulterated, the maternal imagery was quite clear. Lloyd is guided
> vast historical precedence.
> It seems to me that your oedipal theory cannot account for the fact that
> form of family has, historically and proto-historically, been associated
> devouring maternal goddesses. Your theory predicts that these societies
> the segregation of men was at least as profound) should have worshiped
> father-gods. But father-gods appear rather late, with the decline of this
> form of family.
> I invite you to consider these facts.
> Best,
> Bob
From: <[email protected]>

My response was as following:

Dear Bob,
There is  a basic misunderstanding as for the source of our disagreement.
We don't disagree that the first deity was female, as we don't disagree that
the  primary source of connection  of the human creature with the outside
world (outside himself) is  the mother.
Freud have already wrote about that, back in 1913,  in Totem and Taboo.
I myself have written an essay in  which I prove that  the Biblical Eve was,
at the beginning a fertility  goddess, and  Adam,  who also was a god, came
after her, and the Biblical story has been edited, and the  order of the
events inverted. When I wrote this essay some years ago I knew nothing
about the  placenta, but it  perfectly fits. I can call Eve: Fertility
Goddess  AND Placenta, and nothing changes.
Iahve was at first a son-god, and only much  later he became a Father -god,
removing Mother Goddess  and Son God, from  the scene.
As Theodor Reik  said, when, being still  a child, his grand father told
him the story of Eve, being  born out  of Adam's  rib: "Tomer  Verkehrt !!",
which in  Yiddish means: "The other way around".
There  is  really nothing  new in all that.
Everybody who has basic knowledge of religion and mythology knows that  the
first deity was a goddess.
You and  Lloyd had not  to write anything  because it has all already been
written in  the last  70 years.
Freud said that all began after the Murder of the  Primal Father by the
horde  of the brothers. Until  then there were only apes, and no religion,
and therefore no gods at all.  After the Murder,  that we can now  call
"the Oedipal level", religion  began, because, out of  the sense of guilt,
there was a regression into a  previous erotic stage of development, which
is  exactly parallel to deMause's placenta.  The placenta, the nurturing
mother,  became the first goddess. Matriarcate was the first  form of human
organization:  a regression into placental emotional contents. The only
thing that can be added to  Freud's  exposition is that  now  we can call
her "placenta",  while Freud did not  explore  psychic life  before  birth,
and therefore he did not call her that way,  but  only "Fertility  Goddess".
This has been Lloyd's major  contribution to the  understanding  of psychic
However,  from here on, in my  opinion,  it has been only a major distortion
of how psychic  life  works,  and I shall explain why.
Lloyd's  theory sustains that, at the beginning, we were all in  the
placenta, and there we acquired  all those psychical  imagos of nurturing
poisonous placenta, that he described in his book.
No disagreement  so far.
Then there is  birth and, at least in  the  first three years of life,  the
mother is not only the main and first  caretaker, but usually  the only one.
No wonder that the first  goddess was a female with all the peculiarity  of
the imago of the mother, as  the  child perceived her from the  fetal  stage
She  indeed was his placenta, she was  his  breast,  and usually she took
care of him  while,  at the anal stage, he was  sitting on the pot.
No disagreement  so far.
Mother's love, in these first  three years at least, is the  only  human
And so would have remained, if  we  had remained apes.
But we did not.
After the third year of life begins a stage, in  human  development, when
all the life energies, that until that  moment  had been fixated  first  at
the oral stage, and then at the anal stage, are channeled into the
genitals, and the little child is  sexually aroused, first by every  living
creature, including  pets,  of  which he is particularly  fond at this
stage,  and then by his own  mother, or by the female that  had  taken  care
of  him  so  far.
At  this point our  development diverges from that of apes and other
The National Geographic channel has a lot  of programs with packs of
animals, from  apes to  seals,  to other mammal species,  where the
strongest  male keeps  for himself all the females, and kills the young
males who dare to challenge his authority.
In the  same way the little Oedipal  child feels in conflict with  the one,
who he perceives being the sole owner of his mother's body.
The difference between us and other animals, is in  the outcome.
Apes  and seals challenge the strongest male until he or they are
killed, and  the new strongest male becomes the new "Father", and  so
again  and again.
The humans learned to work out a  compromise: the child learns, at this
stage, to identify with his  father, learning  from him what will become
his  social and  ethical values, and the father learns to take care  of
his  child,  instead  of  killing him.
If a father  is a very abusing  one, the compromise  will not work, and
the child will for ever harbor  strong  aggressive  sentiments  for his
The compromise is rendered compelling because, at difference from animals,
where the poppies do  not spend time with, and even  don't know their
fathers, humans,  due to the relatively long  span of  time that they  live
in the family, DO love their father.
This ambivalence of love-hatred, which is  peculiar  only to humans, is the
reason of the compromise, reached during hundred of  thousands of years of
Without the love of children for their fathers, we still  would be apes.
So,  AS FREUD SAID, it  is  the  father  who  is responsible for  a happy
outcome  of  this conflict. Because, if he abuses his son, instead of
being  a positive model,  there will  be no  compromise, and the  child
will become a  neurotic or  a sociopath.
So, there  is no need of stating that  the true mythology is only the one
which  tells us of  killing  and devouring fathers  (Cronos),  and the
false one is  that  that tells us of castrating sons, because one depends
on  the other. Without  an abusing  father, there is also no patricide.
For the  females is slightly different, but this is not the place to begin
an essay on that, too.
All  this has  been explained very well by Freud, but I am compelled to
sum it  up again, because Freud's teaching  has been so strongly repressed,
that  everything came out completely  distorted.
Now we can understand why the figure and the presence of the father are so
important, at  the Oedipal  stage, for the mental well  being of the human
creature, even if, until then, the mother had been the main caretaker of the
If the child  never had a loving mother, he  will never  be a  happy person,
he will  harbor resentment  and even hatred for women, but I have already
said more than enough on this issue, and I explained how this hatred  will
be acted  out.
If this pivotal  Oedipal bottleneck is not  passed through, there will be,
as happened to Lloyd's Psychohistory,  a  regression all the  way down  into
the placenta.
So, Bob, there is no point in repeating  again and again  that  the  first,
most  important deity was a female goddess, and that  she is  the placenta,
because we  know that. We agree.  The  point  is that, in a society  who
successfully passed through  the Oedipal bottleneck of evolution,  this
goddess is NO MORE the most important one, she  has been replaced by  a
Father deity, and only  in a  condition of  regression, all the emotional
contents associated with  this female  deity are  re-enacted  again.
If  you  say that  behind Allah there she  is,  the  female primal deity, it
makes  much sense, and confirms  what I have said, because the Islamic
society, being in a condition of regression, due to  the missing father,
is, at the  same time,  re-enacting the  female deity.
This is the way  psychic life works: through condensations, sometime of even
opposite concepts. And this is a very important point, even if Platonic
logic may  have some difficulty in grasping  it.
The young  terrorist, first  of all  spoke  of his father, Allah and so on
and  so on, because HE was the critical missing and  missed object  at the
pivotal  Oedipal stage.
Now,  you can say that behind  the central figure  of  the  father, pivotal
at  the Oedipal level, there is  also the archaic  female deity: This deity
will always be there, in the archaic  levels of the soul. It  makes sense,
even if,  from  the words  of  the interwiee, we have  no  evidence  at
all. But  it  makes sense, because  the young  terrorist, having  regressed
from the Oedipal level,  due to the absence of  the  father, may well be
beginning fantasizing the ultimate form of regression, which is the
placenta.  The  Paradise of the  Martyr is indeed the  placenta, but THERE
he is craving to go, by his own  words,  because he is missing his
father. There he wants to meet Allah.
As already said, like  Pinocchio in the  belly  of the whale.
There is no wonder if, before committing  suicide, in order to please his
missing father, he is fantasizing to  return into the place from which  he
came, and Allah is also beginning to  transfigure into the craved female

All  the best
Iakov Levi: [email protected]

The Psychogenic Theory and the Perfect Society
Without Borders: the Borderline Case of the European Union

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