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Map of Charing Cross area
(venues reviewed in detail are in bold)
Venue Type          Facilities
1 Halfway to Heaven gay bar Alc, Ent, £! Fd
2 Cafe in the Crypt wierd cafe/restaurant Alc, Fd, Ent (art shows), NG
3 Oscar Wilde sculpture  
4 Kudos smart/cruisy gay bar Alc, Fd, Vm
5 Bar Aquada smart gay bar Alc, Fd
6 Heaven massive gay club Alc, Dance, Ent
7 Retro Bar gay/lesbian bar Alc, G/L
8 Brief Encounter gay bar Alc


Charing Cross:

this area is the Southern most part of the crescent of gay venues which cuts across central London. It butts onto Soho, although it lacks the village atmosphere of its neighbour. Nevertheless you will find a wide selection of excellent gay bars and clubs - some of which are massive, such as the cavernous Heaven nightclub. If you are in the area, be sure to have a look at the Oscar Wilde memorial sculpture at the bottom of Adelaide St. Otherwise enjoy the drinking in the evening, and the clubs after 11pm, but if you want more even after that, you will probably want to head back to the all night café and breakfast bars in Soho, or to the nocturnal delights of Pleasuredrome Sauna - which is a short walk across the river.

£!  good but cheap food
Alc  bar selling alcohol
Bell  may need to ring bell
DC  sometimes dresscode 
Ent  entertainment
Fd  food
G/L  both gays and lesbians
H  hotel or guest house
NG  not Gay
NS  no smoking area
Ra  raunchy
RT  rough types
Sh  shop
TV/TS  TV/TS's go sometimes
Vm  video shows - music
Vp  video shows - porn


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Oscar Wilde Memorial

Oscar Wilde Memorial


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