


I try to ensure that all of the information in this site is as accurate as possible.  However I cannot accept any liability to you or a third party for any inaccuracies or omissions - you are advised to cross check the details from other sources before setting out, or spending any time, money or any other resources.

I cannot accept any liability whatsoever, should you or a third party act upon any content explicit in, or implied by this website, irrespective of whether such content is interpreted as advice or not, and irrespective of whether such content is accurate or not. Neither can I become involved in any consequential disputes with you or any third parties.

I only provide links to websites which I believe to be bonafide. However I cannot accept any liability for any problems or damage to your computer, or any other consequences whatsoever which you might incur in accessing those sites, nor from accessing this site. Neither can I accept any responsibility for any content of sites to which this site is linked.

You should be aware that sex between two men in public is illegal in  the UK - even kissing. This website should not be taken to condone any illegal activity, or to encourage it. All information on this site is presented on a factual basis. Also, this site is not intended to provide a formal legal view on English law. If you want that, you should consult a legal expert.

Whilst the tolerance of the Police in London has improved significantly over recent years with regard to the gay community, it is possible that they could decide to check up on a  venue listed on this website and raid it at any time. You should be aware of this possibility.

If any part of this website is in error, please let me know so that I can make corrections. Also, if you would like me to modify any reviews or listings, please let me know in feedback (on the home page), so that I can reassess my content as appropriate. It may be that I cannot respond to your request quickly. In the case of such delays, please contact the service which hosts this website so that they can consider whether your representation merits any action on their part in my absence.

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