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About Our Family

Even though both Maureen and Hubert were born in Winnipeg, Canada, we met in Europe, of all places. Back in the seventies, both of us were attending different high schools; Maureen at Glenlawn Collegiate in Winnipeg, and Hubert out in the country in St. Laurent, Manitoba (a few hours north of Winnipeg). Our two schools were put together as one tour group to England, France, Belgium and The Netherlands in the spring of 1976. Even though we didn't date while on tour, we soon got together after the trip and were married four years later, in 1980. After eleven years of marriage, Heather made our "couple" a "family" in May, 1991.

We have lived in (or near) Winnipeg all our lives. Winnipeg is located 20 kilometers from the longitudinal centre of Canada and 300 kilometres from the geographic centre of North America.  Our city is unique in that it is protected from the Red River by a "Floodway" which encirlces our city (and saved our homes in 1997). We survive extreme temperature fluctuations, from very hot days during our short summer to frigid cold weather in winter. But we love it here in the beautiful Province of Manitoba which features such varied landscapes as flat prairie farmlands, desert sandunes, national parks, long stretches of lake beaches, tundra, and beautiful rock formations of the Great Canadian Shield. We enjoy camping at Hecla (an island on Lake Winnipeg), visiting our city Zoo (where Maureen served on the Board of Directors and ran the "Animal Adoption Program" before Heather was born), golfing and attending the varied cultural festivities of our city. Celebrities from Winnipeg include Anna Paquin (Rogue - X-Men), Magician Doug Henning (deceased), game show host Monty Hall (Let's Make a Deal), actress Nia Vardalos (I went to school with her sister!), actor David Steinberg, singers Chantal Kreviasuk, Neil Young, Burton Cummings, rock bands The Guess Who, Bachman Turner Overdrive and the Crash Test Dummies. We are also known as Canada’s Christmas Capital.

Maureen has worked at the city's largest hospital, the Health Sciences Centre since 1979, and is currently a computer specialist in the Cardiac Sciences Program. Hubert works at a local steel factory and has a background in appliance repair (a great thing to have around the home!). Heather is currently in Grade 8 and has taken up her mother's interest in computers, doing many schoolprojects with her new system and webcam.

Our family also includes our pets, Casey the dog, Sheba and Dakotah the cats, and our many tropical fish. We are definitely a family of collectors; Heather's into Beanie Babies, PEZ, Harry Potter and Neopets. Hubert still has an affinity for Spiderman, Batman, and X-Men, and Maureen probably has the largest Star Wars collection in Manitoba (with over 6,500 items). Maureen's other interests include oil painting, sculpting, cross-stitch and crafts.

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