Main sheer moldings & windows.
The main sheer moldings are made from 4 oak wood battens each, scarfed together.
The line for the moldings is given in the plans, but first I had to cut the hols for the windows. Maybe I will cover the window edges with thin hardwood battens. The glas will be screwed from inside in a bed of sealant
For the window in bulkhead "A" I have made a frame from teak wood, sitting inside the plywood. (I've found 3 teak planks, 30cm x 6cm x 2m on the bulky waste in the street last year, a stroke of luck!)
The window construction will be as simple as possible. I hope it will do the job stisfactory.

seabird original
seabird modified version

building steps
building step 1   Model
building step 1a more model pictures
building step 2   The new workshop
building step 3   Preparations
building step   Keel & Bottom
building step 5   Horn assembly
building step   Bulkheads & Transom
building step 7   Hardware & Vents
building step   Stringers & Clamps
building step 9   Rudder
building step 10 Side panels & Bilge panels
building step 11 Main sheer moldings & windows
building step 12 Tabernacle posts
building step 13 Deck
building step 14 Cockpit

going around the boat
scarfing tool
load handling

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