NIST Interschool Tactical Robotics Organization
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Welcome to the NITRO ECRS Homepage
Planning for NITRO 2004-2005

NITRO was a success during the last semester of 2003-2004.  However, there is more planned. You can see
this page for some of the events that have been considered.  Suggestions are welcome.  Note: NITRO does not sell any of the robots, which belong to their respective builders.
Relation to School
NITRO Meetings
Robot Criteria
Competition Procedure
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NITRO Disclaimer
Calendar King of the Hill
News: NITRO had recently received an email threatening to shut it down because of "trademark issues".  Further investigation has revealed it to be a hoax, and you can see the letter here.
How To
Classic NITRO
News: A warm welcome to all the new members of NITRO 2004-2005.  Lots of exciting activities are being planned for this year.  For example, the King of the Hill competition
Picture: "Scared yet, boys?"
(Read her T-shirt)
Sign the NITRO WebBoard
News: The robot competition is now OVER.  Results and Match Reports will be available.  The competition grid is here.
Nitro comes from the Latin word nitrum.  It means "containing niter ".  Niter is the Middle English word for potassium nitrate, KNO3, which is a white, gray, or colorless mineral and is used especially in making fertilizer, gunpowder and explosives.  The idea is that our club will involve lots of energetic, explosive, yet perfectly safe robotic combat.
News: Robot Quiding Questions by Alex M.
News: NITRO has made sites for roboteers from other schools!

NIST         BPS        ISB         RIS
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  My name is Frank (Tha-An) Lin and I am a NIST student in 11A.  I have already sent a proposal for all teachers about a new club/organization/sport that I would like to promote in NIST.  I call it, NITRO (Nist Interschool Tactical Robotics Organization).  Using skills from the fields of maths, physics, chemistry and design technology (as well as a bit of art), students are invited to design, build and compete in 1 on 1 robotic combat using their inventions.  These robots will be small, tethered creations that can be made by students who have no previous knowledge of electronics, mechanics or engineering.  All that is needed is a thirst for knowledge, and an appreciation for technology and all things "cool".
Last Updated: September 17th 2004
Contact the Organizer
Frank (Tha-An) Lin
[Below] All NITRO robots.
Not present: Oliver's Robot
Note: Sir Sandwich does not have its frame.
Note: Missy D will have her spikes removed.
You are Roboteer number:
[email protected]
Clockwise from top left:  maOs, Thaiberian Cockroach, BOB, Sir Sandwich (minus frame), Minikiller (minus frame), Metal Sandwich (minus frame), SADE and Missy D.  Oliver's robot is not present.
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[Below]  Our first ever Free-For-All NITRO Robot Melee!
Results (not official):
1st: BOB
2nd: maOs
3rd: Thaiberian Cockroach
4th: Missy D
5th: Sir Sandwich
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