Geez, it's scary just to look at this...


"This whole mission is on my shoulders"-Ellen
*LOL* literally!!!

Hey I'm happy, I'm feeling glad, I've got sunshine in a bag...Alrighty, for all your RR10 needs, visit MTV.COM.

Ellen, when have tried to connect with everyone else? When you were bad mouthing Jisela? When you were making out with Adam? Did I miss something? You shouldn't speak badly of ANYONE on this trip, and you know it. Maybe they don't know you b/c you don't let them in.
What in the world are the boys doing??? They�re so crazy�Adam has this gross, evil laugh. ICK! Why in the world is she complaining all the time? Is this all she does? And she�s so obvious about it, she�s almost shouting. And she�s always talking smack, none of it�s her fault, she�s just�rude!! Poor Blair, and AMEN to that! She doesn�t deserve to be on the show if she doesn�t want to be there. He�s soooo right on. I just love him and I�m very upset about how much she�s hurting the other castmates and she doesn�t even care!! She doesn�t even care how much she hurts them. And Adam, of course she�s not going to admit the email, would you? The walls are closing in on her and she�s not going to add to it�.
Oh no�a flat!!!! I changed a flat tire on the Picklewagon once, and one of the bolts broke off, it was classic. Dad was sooo mad!!!

MISSION: Human Tower!!!
Oh good grief, how ironic. The trust mission when Ellen�s stabbing everyone in the back. Congratulations Bunim-Murray, classic plot twist. How subtle, how tongue-in-cheek. But I do think it�s cool that Katie, Sophia and Ellen are the first girls to be part of the 200-year tower tradition. I wonder what hoops they had to jump over for THAT mission� It�s definitely NOT something I�d want to do. I�m a wuss, I�m afraid of heights and my whole desire to live would probably kick in, know what I mean?


Okay, so they�re practicing this tower�It looks very frightening! I would be just like Katie, Only I�d stand on Blair, B/c he�s too nice to let me fall. And he has very strong shoulders. And Ellen�s the top of the tower?! Good grief! OIMG! What was that thing with the leg? She�s going to get someone killed. What an idiot. She�s going to be holding this child, and he�s going to be in trouble. Steve�s right about that. Ellen, hon, they�re not picking on the strongest person! They�re picking on the person who�s causing the most trouble and discord. That would be�hmmm�YOU!!!! You�re� so blind to your own actions, why are you acting this way?

Ellen, these people need to be your friends, you�re stuck with them. Why are you running away from this? Actually Adam�s right, you can�t run from this. Blair�s being really diplomatic. I�d be screaming at you right then. Quit crying! You brought this on yourself.


I wish Ellen would figure out how to have a healthy interaction with the group! It can�t be this way, them hating her for things that she doesn�t realize she does. Something�s gotta give. It�s so crazy�. I hope that she figures things out before they vote her off.
You ARE being reciprocated. You show hate, you get hated. You show love you get love. I�m glad Blair�s being nice to you, I know I wouldn�t be. I think she�ll figure things out.

Ewww, Blair�s nasty good luck socks. If he sold those on EBAY, I would give up my college fund.

They�re so nervous about this mission, I would be too! I think that everyone in that tower is nervous about these Americans messing up their tower. They�re being very brave as they climb up the other people to form the tower�.So there Ellen goes�..wow! She really did it!!! How is that possible? She�s been so wimpy! But I�m glad that they earned this crest, they deserve it.
The restaurant they�re celebrating at is a beautiful place�..Ellen said this will only go for 18 more days, how awful, that means the end is nearing for our road rulers�.and as the episode closes, they very appropriately play "With or without you" by U2.

Episode 8: MERENGUE!

Episode 7: COURAGE

Episode 6: EXIT JISELA

Episode 5: ENDURANCE??



Episode 2: PATIENCE


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