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(To Ellen) "You look like trailer trash"-Adam
If Gucci makes trailers...

"Thank you Adam!" *flicks him off* -Ellen
How do you say "flip the bird" in Spanish?

Alrighty! Another dramatic chapter in a long strange trip, how exciting... Yadda yadda yadda MTV.COM. You know the drill by now, I'm sure.
Whoa! We start our show with Adam displaying his most moronic ADD-induced shenanigan yet; calling Ellen "trailer trash". She's wearing a bathrobe, so what? He'd have a lot of fun at my H.S.'s "come as you are" day for homecming week. I'd give him 20 mins before he'd get jumped for calling us PJ-clad teenagers trailer trash....WHY is he not taking his meds?? Is it so he'll have an excuse for acting so crazy???
I'm proud of Ellen *SHOCK!!!!* for sticking up for herself and the rest of the cast,Adam IS being a complete loser....

YES! Spain!! Finally we're leaving the teeming metropolis of fez and going someplace cool!!!!!
Oh my God, a lesbian crush? have we sunk so low that this is the only issue in the episode that we can exploit for entertainment purposes? Or is it just so we're reminded Sophia DOES exist? Now I'm worryng...DUH Jis, she'll take it the wrong way! How would YOU take it??...I just don't know what to say.


GOD, I hope this episode is better than the last two...it's just been a downward slump, y'know? Maybe they'll vote someone off...That's make my day if they kicked Adam to the curb. Or Jisela. OR if they made a mudpit a la RW New Orleans...now THAT was entertainment!!!!!!

Jis, you need to tell Sophia that your'e not interested before you get in too deep!.....And Ellen's giving you good advice! Take it! (spain spain spain.....how exciting!!!) I feel for Ellen. Poeple you let in are not always beneficial in the end....

Blair is so cute when he talks how beautiful things are...

Wow! Jis and Steve are cool...such good dancers!
Endurance...What could that be???.....ALRIGHT!!! ROCK CLIMBING!! SWEEEEEET!!! This is actually going to be an exciting and fun mission! (Apologies to all those who enjoy transporting chickens.) Jis, let up on Ellen, it was a cool cartwheel and you're being a ....pain.Blairs so cute about rock climbing, he's like spider man...SUPER BLAIR!!!!
Jisela is right though, she's outtie if she messes up, which is a likely thing.


Okay,I don"t know why I'm being nice to Ellen..I guess it's cuz I'm not doing this at 3am on a Tuesday morning....That's probably it. I'm female, and I change my mind a lot, sue me.
I don't think they mentioned Adam back there for about 7 mins, and that was nice! Let's hope for more actual plot and less drama!!

Why is Jis getting mad at the trainers?? She's just angsty but come on! Adam complains less than you, and HE's a wacko with food poisoning!
I'm happy for A&E, b/c Adam'sbeen a jerk and he apologized, which is good. If you really liked Ellen, you'd be less of an idiot and take your meds.


Episode 2: PATIENCE


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