This is like a twisted version of the Beverly Hillbillies....


"Hey guys, salaam means hi. Salaam means hi."-Steve
Thank you Steve. We thought Salaam meant "give me all your money."

"We're gonna take all their money!!!"-Jisela
Why don't you just tell mtv "salaam"?

So Okay, I taped it, watched it twice and took notes. I have some random thoughts, but they're all witty. If you don't care what I think, go to MTV.COM to get their summaries.
Okay, Ladder mission: sucks. I'm hanging with Jisela with this one. She has a load of guts to go first and I wouldv'e been deathly scared too.She and Adam are mad brave and Ellen will not shut up!! How is BLAIR feeling? I can't hear anyone else but you, hon!

Did anyone else notice Blair's cute white socks??!! AWWWW!!!!

I feel bad for Jisela falling..She took it really hard. Steve took his shoes off for the ladder, which is a smart move. Now he has extra traction for the rope ladder and more room, considering he has 4 in. of space for his big MAN-FEET. I'd lose my shoes too if I was on a rope ladder hanging off a helicopter! Now why in the world does Adam have his shirt off? Either he's making the most of his TV exposure OR he's trying to give Ellen a heart attack...Or maybe it's hot outside! Go figure.
THE CAMELS: Blair loves them immediately, Adam's really good at pulling them, Ellen's wants to eat her and Jisela's is shaking her off like a hata. I hope she didn't break her leg.....


Ellen is putting on makeup at Mark2. WHY??
Ellen has bad karma with camels, WHY????

Methinks she needs "Camels for Dummies"...

Blair's the coolest. He's cheering up Jiz and being the glue in the group. Sophia and Steve aren't doing much...I kinda forgot about them.

THE WINNIE: definitely a sweet winnie but not the coolest. That goes to the Challenge 2001 buses.

Okay, there's a Total staion in Marakesh, and the bathroom signs are in French! How cool! And speaking of cool, I loooove Blair's Doo Rags.


Okay, is Ellen reading a coloring book??
It took me awhile to figure out why the natives are throwing rocks at Ellen. It's cuz of her shorts, duh. If she'd be wearing pants like Sophia and Jiz instead of lookin like a hooch, she'd be fine. And if she thinks she's going to lash out on Blair when he's just trying to help, then I'm going to reach through my TV and bop her upside the head. Girl, you must be crazy.(I'm not even going to address the rape thing, I don't know what to say.)
So they have to get into the pit of snakes to rescue the crest. Adam tried real hard, but out of nowhere it was STEVE to the rescue!

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