Niki's Homepage
Hello! My name is Nicole and welcome to my home page. I live in a small town in Illinois with my fiance. On June 16th, 2005 we had a beautiful baby girl! Her name is Courtney Faye. She was born at 6:08pm. She was 8lb 1oz and 20 in long. She is our pride and joy!! Our other pride and joy is my fiance's son. His name is Dylan. He is a very smart and sweet little boy. We love hime to death. He is very proud of his little sister! My fiance's name is Craig. I love him to death! He is a great man and an awesome father. Courtney and Dylan both love their daddy very very much. I have 3 sisters and one brother. And 14 neices and nephews and a great nephew. We have a very big family and I love it! My parents are divorced. They are both still a very big part of my life. If you want to know more about my just e-mail me at [email protected]
Check out these Sites!!
Courtney Faye this is my brothers web site
Dylan Ray
Click here to find great yahoo skins and wallpapers. This is my sister-in-law's site.
Craig and me
Click here to look at my neices homepage
check out my friend Jens homepage by clicking here
Tooley Family
Nathan and Kaitlyn
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