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Mikali : Part 1

Return to a Homeland

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Back-quotes `` `` used in this and other stories are to denote Grekath's native tongue.

It was before sunrise one morning about two years after Grekath had bonded on the Destiny, and the badger-like creature was up before the first rays of daylight on the balcony of Thymeru's apartment. He and his dragon-bond, Ochasmatia, had settled in well with their friend, who had given up his life in padded hotel rooms to provide them all with more suitable living quarters. In return, Grekath had found it a rather fitting job to work with Star City's acclimation staff, occasionally right alongside Tym, who was still in his position of translator and had even advanced to team lead since that time. Even with the extra bit of income that brought, Grekath was still looking for ways that he could contribute, outside his studies.

That wasn't what had gotten him up so early, though. As much as he wanted to become a part of this society, Grekath had always wanted to find a way back to his homeworld. Even with the bond he had made with Ocha, even with all the things he had learned and done since coming here, and even if he knew nothing of the state of his tribe or the welcome he may receive, it still drew him. He knew it, he could feel it, and so could his bond, who quietly joined him on the balcony and placed her hand on his arm as he gathered his thoughts. Her dark red skin and brownish hair were in sharp contrast to the white night attire she still wore, and her gem-yellow eyes found the spot where Atu's host star would soon join them all.

``It will be a beautiful day,`` she observed simply in his native tongue, her hybrid-dragon race giving her an edge on making all the necessary guttural sounds. She had insisted, in fact, that his language be one of the first things she learned, and while Grekath was not the best teacher in that field, their bond had helped to the point that she could already carry on a decent conversation. Of course, Tym's pocket translator had come in handy a few times, too.

Still, he made a non-committal noise in response to her current comment, staring toward the horizon for another few moments before turning to look at Ocha. At the equivalent of sixteen years, she was already as tall as he was, if a good deal lighter in build.

``It will be... too bad we will not be around to see it.``

Ocha smiled as she looked back at him. ``You still want to go, then?`` she asked, even if she really already knew the answer.

``I must. The situation on my homeworld was not one that I can just leave behind, particularly now that we have found a way back. I must return, if only long enough to know what has become of things. Besides...`` He turned to look at the horizon again, just as the star began to breach it. ``Perhaps I could teach them a thing or two, by now.``

Ocha gave a light laugh, but before she could respond, Grekath again looked to her. ``You still wish to accompany me?``

She tilted her head, wondering why he would ask, but it made no change in her response. ``I could not just stay here, if it is truly important to you... and I know it is.``

Grekath caught her eyes for a moment, but he had no reason to doubt it. She would follow him to investigate the inside of a volcano, if it were important to him. It was an odd difference from the relative independence she held from other people. ``Well, who am I to argue with that? Are you ready?``

Ocha smiled, dropping back to the language most common around Star City. As much as she liked the kinship his own language provided them, she still found it a bit stuffy after a while. A decided lack of contractions and slang didn't help much. "First thing's first, big fella. Come on, Tym has--"

``Breakfast. I have been smelling the steak and eggs for ten minutes now.`` He still wasn't big on meat.

"... and a bunch of fruit for certain people that can't stand protein. Come on, you." She gave him a couple nudges that would barely move Tym, much less Grekath, and the badger had to laugh as they both turned and headed inside.

Tym was there to meet them, and he flashed them a characteristic grin as he finished setting the table. Ahzeon, his yautja hybrid, was already chowing down; needs lots of food, that one. "Morning, Grekath."

"Morning, Tym. Busy morning for a Saturday, eh?" Grekath grabbed a chair for Ocha, then took his own oversized seat.

"Oh, just a little sending-off meal for you. Ocha even came out to help, we've had a ton of fun already."

"Right. You haven't been balancing hot-dogs on her nose again, have you?"

Tym gave a fake grimace that barely hid a smirk as Grekath brought up the one-time incident from when Ocha was still a hatchling -- again. "Aw, come on, she was practically begging for it!"

"Mm. Must be why she suggested you try it yourself, sometime." Ocha giggled, but it was true.

Tym shook his head. "Tried it. Doesn't work quite the same way as a spoon."

They all had a good laugh, then dug into their morning meal. It was going to be a busy day, that was certain.

(Arrival on Kaiana...)

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