The novel

  The heroes

  The chapters


  The paper-cuts

Lin Chong

Valiance is the major feature of Lin Chong, aka the Panther Head.
A head like a panther, round eyes, a chin sharp as a swallow's beak, whiskers like a tiger and very tall", here is Lin Chong, arms instructor of the Mighty Imperial Guards.
Young, handsome, respected in the army, he will not resist to the plot set up against him by the son of his superior, a good-for-nothing who lusts after his faithful wife. Victim of a scheming, he will be accused of murder attempt.
Thanks to a tribunal revolted by the situation, his condamnation will resume in
golden marks on his

cheeks (a tattoo) and bannishment.
But his rival will attempt to have him murdered several times on his road to exile.
Lu Zhi Shen will save his life and Chai Jin will send him to the Liangshan Po refuge.
As a trained soldier, he will be a great help during the episode of the
Chained Cavalry and will be the one who beats Ten Feet of Steel during the Attacks on Zhu Family Village .
His story is the subject of a novel and an Opera : the
Wild Boar Forest.

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