Armoured Cavalry

It is one of the most spectacular military episodes of the novel.
A cavalry of three thousand soldiers is set by
Hu-yuan Zhuo, the skilled general of the Imperial armies sent to purge the Liangshan Marsh and kill the outlaws. Both horses and men wear chainmail. In addition, all horses are connected together with chains. Invincible, the men all have bows that prevent the outlaws to come close.
How to cope with this army none of
Song Jiang's captains can imagine except Tang Long, the Gold-Coin Spotted Leopard, who suggests that Xu Ning is the only man able to forge a weapons that can help to defeat the fabulous cavalry. These are barbed lances.
How to convince Xu Ning to join the outlaws, that is the theme of a Beijing Opera named the
Goose Feathers Armor.
Xu Ning is the arms instructor of the Metal Lancers. Loyal to the Emperor, he lives in the Forbidden City... His only weakness is a matchless ancestral treasure that protects his family from evil spirits : a Goose Feathers Armor.
Shi Qian, aka Flea on a Drum, will steal it and, with the help of Dai Zong and Tang Long, will lure Xu Ning in a trap.
Captured by Song Jiang's men, Xu Ning will join the gang and will help to defeat the Cavalry.

 Tang Long 

Shi Qian 

  The novel

  The heroes

  The chapters

 The paper-cuts


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