Lin Chong's

Among the 108 characters of the novel, if there was to be a single hero, in the occidental meaning, it would be Lin Chong.
He has all the required virtues for this status : youth, valiance, bravery, talents... and bear all the misfortunes on his head : jealousy, malevolence, betrayal...

Gifted military, he is the arms instructor of the Mighty Imperial Guards in the Eastern Capital. Handsome young man, he has a loving and faithful wife.
Alas, Gao, adopted son of Marshal Gao Qiu, commander of the Imperial Guards, lusts after his wife and will have no cease until he causes the ruin of the poor Lin Chong. By fair means, Gao will convince the authorities of Lin Chong's felony and will succeed in sending him to exile. But that is not enough for this nothing-to-good heir and he will pay the prisoner's escort to kill him during the travel.
Happily, Lin Chong has conquered the friendship of the
Tattoed Monk, Lu Zhi-shen. The laster will save his life during the Wild Boar Forest episod, a famous Beijing Opera.

Lin Chong will stay in life and thanks to Chai Jin's help will survive to many other traps but he will keep the infamous tattoo of the convicts, his wife will commit suicide and he will only live to become one of the more loyal captains of Chao Gai and Song Jiang.
He is the one who will welcome the Heavenly King in the Liangshang Marsh stronghold and kill its former chief, Wang Lun, to set Chao Gai to his place.

Gao Qiu 
Le félon

Dong Chao
Les hommes de main
Xue Ba



  The novel

  The heroes

  The chapters

  The paper-cuts



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