Three attacks on Zhu village

Before Lone Dragon Mountain, there are three cliffs and on each of these a village. Each one is reigned over by a family, the Zhu in the center, the Hu to the West and the Li to the East.
They have a solemn pact : if one is attacked by evil-doers, the others must go to its rescue.
All together, the 3 families have nearly twenty thousand fighting men.
On their trip to Liang Shan Po,
Shi Xiu, Yang Xiong and Shi Qian will rest in a tavern of the Zhu family. Shi Qian will steal a rooster and the three heroes will get in trouble with the Zhu soldiers. Shi Xiu and Yang Xiong will try to rescue Shi Qian who has been captured, asking help from Li Ying, the squire of the Li family, but in vain. Li Ying will even be wounded by the arrogant sons of the Zhu family.
From then, war will be declared by Song Jiang to the Zhu Family Village.

The Labyrinth :
Thanks to
Shi Xiu disguised as a fuel-seller, our heroes will learn how to find their way within the paths that are around the village, but Yang Lin, disguised as an exorcist will be captured as a spy. Several more heroes will be caught during the first battles.

The Amazon :
Hu the 3rd, will capture the Stumpy Tiger and will nearly kill Song Jiang before being caught by Lin Chong .She is one of the rare female heroes of the novel.

The Ruse :
Wu Yong, will save our heroes, preparing the plot that will bring the victory. Thanks to Sun Li, a former soldier who has learnt the art of weapons with Luan Ting-yu, the main defender of the Zhu Village, he will lead the attack from within and without. Song Jiang and his men will burn the stronghold and kill the members of the Zhu family but will spare the inhabitants of the village.

Luang Ting-Yu


Zhu BaoZhu Hu
Les 3 frères Zhu 
Zhu Long 

Shi Qian

  The novel

  The heroes

  The chapters

  The paper-cuts



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