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There haven't been any new columns in quite some time. If you have something to say and would like to see it published on the web so that others can link to it send it on over to me and we'll hook it up for you.

I know I'm pushing here but HEY! It's my opinion.
An insightful, informative, and intelligent look at what true Punk is from the man behind the mic for Bad Religion for over 15 years and counting... Greg Graffin.
A Must Read for Everyone!
The USA Today article on one of wrestlings greats... Mick Foley!!!
Gun control is a Non-Answer! By Romeo!!! (04/05/00)
Mr. X doesn't want his MTV, do you?...01/11/99!
The Doctor is in, and he has a warning about addiction...01/24/99!
Hockey? Is it a sport? Mr. X'll tell ya!
The last entry in the cerebral onslaught penned by Mr. X
A BaconBusting Exclusive!
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