Romeo Speaks out on a very dear subject!

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gun (g�n) noun

1. A weapon consisting of a metal tube from which a projectile is fired at high velocity into a relatively flat trajectory.
2. A cannon with a long barrel and a relatively low angle of fire.
3. A portable firearm, such as a rifle or revolver.
4. A device resembling a firearm or cannon, as in its ability to project something, such as grease, under pressure or at great speed.

control (ken-trol) verb, transitive controlled, controlling, controls

1. To exercise authoritative or dominating influence over; direct. See synonyms at conduct.
2. To hold in restraint; check: struggled to control my temper; regulations intended to control prices.
3a. To verify or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or by comparing with another standard.
3b. To verify (an account, for example) by using a duplicate register for comparison.

Guess what folks, nowhere does that say more legislative BS is required.

Time for me to vent and rant a little. I am about sick to my stomach at the way the media is feeding so called "gun control" problems down our throats. The politicians are buying it and the public is grossly uninformed. Hell, judges have found gun manufacturers guilty in cases against them for "improper marketing"? Does this mean I can sue Honda because some idiot got drunk and ran over my kid in his '97 Accord? Someone decided that someone is to blame and since they don't want to blame the underprivileged or the youth, they blame the gun manufacturers for something, as long they aren't blaming themselves. BULL S#!T! I raise the flag on that one folks....

When is the last time you saw a firearms safety course taught in public schools? You haven't? Damn, me either. It time we start. The NRA has an excellent program called Eddie Eagle (which has been used in some public schools by the way) that I think should be incorporated into standard curriculum throughout the Nation. It teaches children not to touch guns and why guns are not toys. Our children don't know any more about guns than the universal babysitter (TV) teaches them and that sure isn't any kind of safe teaching. If you don't want your kid to be the next kid to blow away his/her (that's right, your innocent little girl might not be as innocent as you think!) schoolmate then maybe YOU ought to teach you kid about guns before your damn TV does.

"Criminals are getting guns and robbing and killing people with we need more gun control..." They sure are! Did you know they are also getting stolen cars, crack, cocaine, heroin, weed, aren't paying taxes, cheating the system, and living pretty carefree lives to boot? Guess what folks, more so-called "gun control" laws aren't going to do a damn bit of good in preventing those who have no regard for the law from getting those guns and killing the people who made the damn laws in the first place! That's right, some people in this world could really care less about what laws you make. The more you make the more they break. Especially since the penalties they have to pay if they get caught are so weak. Which brings me to my next point....

Why is it that a criminal convicted of a crime (boy that redundant isn't it) might be sentenced to lets say ten years in prison but be back on the streets in 2 years or so? Or why is it that a confessed criminal that goes to court gets off scott free when the cop didn't read him his rights word for word or maybe the court reporter forgot to turn on the recording machine? The guy said he did it and if this confession was made of his own free will, then he should pay the price for his actions. Why do we let people out of jail early? They are overpopulated they say. Then lets institute, instead of conventional confinement, a more public punishment designed to cause pain (not necessarily life threatening) and humiliation.

I personally like the stockade and flogging. I believe that if the public could see how bad it is to be found guilty of a crime, then maybe the public would follow the rules a little better. Lets get a little more extreme with our punishment. Capitol Hill has become a bunch of pansies, afraid to lay down the law of the land, and let the people know that they are still for the people. Which brings up another point.....

Do you really feel represented in congress? I don't. Not once has a Senator or Representative asked me how I would want them to vote on any issue and those people are supposedly representing me on Capitol Hill! I HATE LOBBIEST!! They are the ones being represented on Capitol Hill, not you and I. What ever happen to "Of the People, for the People, and by the People"?

In conclusion, I am not pleased with the state of our nation. I would, however, not rather live anywhere else in the world. This is the best country around, the land of the free, the home of the brave. Please do your part to keep it that way. Speak up and be heard. The people need a voice. If you have the resources to view this document, then you have the resources to acquire the addresses of YOUR representation in Congress. Let them know how you feel if they aren't asking. Let them know how you feel if they are. Above all else, be free and ensure the freedom of your children and their children.

Our forefathers tried had to do that for you and I, we haven't failed, but I believe there are some problems to overcome.

Word definition references found in:
Italics = The American Heritage(r) Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition copyright (c) 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution restricted in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.

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