The First, and therefore, Greatest Guest Columnist of them All! Mr.X
I don't want my MTV!

By Mr. X.

Let me start by saying that MTV used to be cool. The key part there is "used to". They used to show videos and play music all day long without much of an interruption. Now music has become something secondary to them in thier minds. Instead of playing music (which is what the channel was founded on and got them going), they do the news every five seconds about which Spice Girl [N8: Spice Whore?] is knocked up this week. Or they play the Road Rules and Real World marathons, and while I admit to watching some of this, this is not what the channel is supposed to be used for.

If I wanted to watch a TV "program" I'd switch to another station. They have put out M2 now that plays nothing but music, which is the right thing to do. However not everyone can get M2 [N8: pretty much only available on DSS and sometimes Digi Cable]. They should move all the TV programs over to M2 and leave "special event" stuff only to be played on MTV like the Music Video Awards and whatnot. But I don't turn on "Music Television" to see the Rock & Jock softball challenge where celebrities act like total freakin' retards that couldn't hit the ground if they fell out of bed. Oh, and one of the shows where they are supposed to show videos on called Total Request Live.. where the most requested videos are played in order.. guess what? They only play about a minute of the video and you can't even hear it because there is some moron in the corner saying "yeah, i'd like to request this video because it's cool and I think the lead singer is hot!" WHO CARES!? I can't even hear the music over this. Here it is plain and simple:

MTV was founded on music, so play the #$()*#! music and get rid of everything else.

Another thing about MTV/Metallica: MTV seems to like just about anything that's out there whether it sucks or not. Hell they think the Spice Girls are cool. I guess the notion being that if people will listen to it, then it has to be cool. Wrong. You are so sadly mistaken. Vanilla Ice sold millions of albums, but was he cool? The verdict is in.. HELL NO! Just like now, Metallica is doing cover songs. Metallica used to be cool too. But then MTV got a hold of them and it's all been downhill since then. Actually most people would relate it to the untimely death of their bassist Cliff Burton. Their last decent album was "...And Justice For All". "Metallica" was their album where they decided to sell out, even though the only thing they claim to have sold out is stadiums [N8: I believe the quote was Jason "Sellout Catalyst" Newsted was "Yea, we sold out. Every show of every seat of every stadium of every tour!" Anyway back to Mr. X]. Well my friends you've also sold your soul to the Devil because you angered your fans that were there from the beginning when you were kickin' some serious ass. I mean Look at the Perfection of "Master of Puppets" and the sheer Horror that is "Load" and "Reload". Back to my main point being, who told Metallica they could do cover songs? Hello?? You guys must finally understand that your material in the past few years has sucked donkey schlong and the only way to keep going is to cover some really great songs which in my mind should have been left the way they were. It's like sacrilege to cover "Turn The Page" by Bob Seger. He's the only one that can do it right. It's just not right any other way.

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