
What is Bernard?



Opposable Thoughts








Charleston, South Carolina, 2002

For Spring Break, I was in Charleston, South Carolina, one of the most historic cities in the USA. It is also reputed to be one of the most haunted cities in the US, as this scary picture of me and Nori clearly proves...


... as well as this equally frightening, if not more so, picture of me and Kin...


... and last, but not least, this horror-fest featuring Nori and Kin. I nearly dropped the camera from fright. Or was it fatigue from the seven-hour drive...?


Ah! the horror never ends, even in the engine room of the decomissioned USS Yorktown.


Phew! After all that excitement, we took a break...


... but when this ghost appeared, we promptly upped and tried to flee. This picture records that moment of sheer terror. As can be seen, the petrified Nori is clearly unable to escape from the apparition's icy grasp. We finally got away when we convinced the ghost that, really, we think purple kids-wear looks good on her.





Metropolitan College

Corporate Power!


5 Azam

University of Tennessee


New York '98

Boston '98

Philadelphia '98

Bernard In Space!


The Navigators!

U2 in New York '01!

Vermont '01

Charleston '02

Oxford '02



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