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Cetakan I Juni 1999; tebal 221, Penerbit: Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta (Cetakan II, 2000)
Novel perdana Ngarto Februana ini bercerita tentang nasib seorang bocah yang lahir dan tumbuh di kampung pelacuran. Karena tak betah, si bocah minggat. Setelah dewasa ia kembali, dan memulai pertarungan demi pertarungan. Ia bertarung dengan "kelelakiannya": jatuh cinta pada seorang pelacur. Bertarung entah atas nama dendam masa lalu atau memprotes kesewenang-wenangan. Dan bertarung dengan makhluk raksasa dalam mimpinya. Bertarung dengan dirinya sendiri hingga pada suatu ketika ia harus melupakan segalanya....

Pengantar: Bakdi Soemanto; Cetakan I Juli 2000; tebal 206 halaman, harga Rp 18.000; Penerbit Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta.
Novel berlatar budaya suku Dayak, di Pegunungan Meratus, Kalimantan Selatan. Dengan membaca novel ini, kita banyak belajar tentang suku yang sebelumnya tidak pernah kita kenal. Lengkap dengan pelukisan upacara ritual. Juga tentang horor pemenggalan kepala. Ada pula pertarungan kepentingan antara pengusaha HPH dengan suku yang senantiasa terasing itu. Lalu bagaimana nasib Utay, putra kepala suku, yang mengkhianati tanah leluhurnya demi ambisi pribadi?

Cetakan I September 2002; Cetakan II April 2003. Penerbit Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta 174 halaman.
Tapol merupakan novel yang didasari oleh fakta sejarah. Dan ini diolah oleh penulisnya dengan sangat baik. Dari situ kita dapat membaca sketsa tragedi manusia yang terjadi dalam lingkaran peristiwa sejarah manusia Indonesia yang tragis, yaitu G30S/PKI, 1965. (Komentar Dr. Anhar Gonggong)


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Surat untuk Norchi


March 20th, 1993

Dear Norchi,

First of all, I convey my sweetest regards for you. I have received your latest letter through Lina. Thanks for this and thanks so much for "commitment" which you enclosed in it. I have also received the other letter of yours on February 13 and I have answered it. Actually I have twice sent any letters to you. First I sent the letter on January 16 and the second on on February 18. But I am afraid that those letter never reach you. Perhaps, my letter was confiscated by post official. In my latest letter, before this letter, I have told about the comrades who were arrested. I told you fully, including how the comrades were tortured. They were arrested for 36 hours. And now they are fine. Thanks for your deep sympathy.

And I wonder how you are. I am so sorry you are ill. I hope you will be really yourself again soon. Frankly, I am really afraid that you are sick. Meanwhile, here I am very well. There is not anything what need worried. Everything’s settled.

Norchi, I think your problem regarding the lack of finance is similar with us. We also face up to the one to operate the political work of organization. So we must try hard to solve our problem. We really hope the problem won’t diminish our zeal in the struggle for national liberation and genuine democracy.

By the way, as long as you know, the political situation during the general assemble of the People’s Consultative Assembly very repressive here. And we so disappointed, because Soeharto is elected as president for the coming five year. I can’t tell you how disappointed my heart.

And now we have been stressing on consolidation of organization, in particular SMY and SSDI. Apart from that we also prepare the education material for new members so that they’ll have got an understanding on the struggle line and the clear politics line, that is national democracy.

So what do LFS current do? I hear from Munif that LFS shall hold the annual meeting. Is it true?

My friend, what about your problem regarding your family situation? And how is your studies and any other personal life of yours? I sure that your problem won’t attenuate your commitment in movement. I hope so.

I think I have to end up now. I look forward to receiving your letter back. My warmest regards to Amante.

Ngarto Februana































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