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Cetakan I Juni 1999; tebal 221, Penerbit: Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta (Cetakan II, 2000)
Novel perdana Ngarto Februana ini bercerita tentang nasib seorang bocah yang lahir dan tumbuh di kampung pelacuran. Karena tak betah, si bocah minggat. Setelah dewasa ia kembali, dan memulai pertarungan demi pertarungan. Ia bertarung dengan "kelelakiannya": jatuh cinta pada seorang pelacur. Bertarung entah atas nama dendam masa lalu atau memprotes kesewenang-wenangan. Dan bertarung dengan makhluk raksasa dalam mimpinya. Bertarung dengan dirinya sendiri hingga pada suatu ketika ia harus melupakan segalanya....

Pengantar: Bakdi Soemanto; Cetakan I Juli 2000; tebal 206 halaman, harga Rp 18.000; Penerbit Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta.
Novel berlatar budaya suku Dayak, di Pegunungan Meratus, Kalimantan Selatan. Dengan membaca novel ini, kita banyak belajar tentang suku yang sebelumnya tidak pernah kita kenal. Lengkap dengan pelukisan upacara ritual. Juga tentang horor pemenggalan kepala. Ada pula pertarungan kepentingan antara pengusaha HPH dengan suku yang senantiasa terasing itu. Lalu bagaimana nasib Utay, putra kepala suku, yang mengkhianati tanah leluhurnya demi ambisi pribadi?

Cetakan I September 2002; Cetakan II April 2003. Penerbit Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta 174 halaman.
Tapol merupakan novel yang didasari oleh fakta sejarah. Dan ini diolah oleh penulisnya dengan sangat baik. Dari situ kita dapat membaca sketsa tragedi manusia yang terjadi dalam lingkaran peristiwa sejarah manusia Indonesia yang tragis, yaitu G30S/PKI, 1965. (Komentar Dr. Anhar Gonggong)


surat.gif (7603 bytes)

Surat untuk Norchi


Cokrodiningratan JT II/217 Yogyakarta, Indonesia

anorchi.JPG (6663 bytes)December, 5th, 1992

Dear Norchi,

Many days ago we met and made discussion on many matters, especially on student media and student movement. From that we recognize how country conditions of yours and how you struggle for people liberation in your country. In those discussion I saw that your country condition similar with my country. In Philippines you face up to oppression and in my country, Indonesia, we also face up to oppression by New Order regime.

Norchi, my friend, you had leave me. You had gone to your country, many thousand miles from ma. We was separated by different country. We was separated by different language and culture. But actually I feel near from you. Although many different, but there is something which is unify us, is not only personal relationship, but also the same commitment. We anti imperialism, we pro peoples in each country. As in the song which we often singing: discrimination, imperialism, fascism, is our enemy. Indeed, we have got same enemy.

Many thousand miles from you, in my country since 1965 the claw of American hand have tear people’s heart and blood was flow on all over the country. USA involved in 1965 tragedy. Two millions peoples without sin became victim by Soeharto. USA involved in Soekarno falling down and the supported Soeharto to seizure a power. And, as reward, America get present that is oil. Caltex, Mobile Oil, Freeport whose American owner dominated oil in Indonesia.

Norchi, sweetheart, how about in your country? I think you also face up to American oppression. Perhaps more cruel than in my country. I just say that we have the same enemy. We face up to American imperialism.

Many thousand miles from you, in my country, the peoples left their land. They cry. And their cry sounds bitter and hoarse, a squeal for help, sometimes full of dejection and despair sometimes protest, sometimes full of anger and disappointment. They arise and struggle together for their rights.

Norchi, how about in your country?

Many thousand miles from you, in my country, workers strike at front of factory to demand wages. Meanwhile, the peasant falls in front of the regional house of representative office, because land. And children without education, because education is expensive. Millions youth are unemployment. Much peoples are homeless.

Norchi, how about in your country?

Many thousand miles from you, in my country, democracy is beaten and kicked. Many critical books was banned. Opinion different was forbidden by Soeharto’s regime. In one of the case, some student have been in prison. They were sentenced eight years in prison, because they sold Pramoedya’s book.

In short, our peoples and our country are under repression. The Indonesia society is semi-colonial society. The semi-colonial society status of our Indonesia homeland means also that Indonesia will be dragged into the current of warfare which imperialist country are the process of preparing.

Norchi, my friend, how about in your country?

Many thousand miles from you, in my country, we struggle for people liberation, and in your country, you also struggle for people liberation of yours.

I think enough for now this letter. I hope you will do answer my letter by return. Thanks.

Long live the people
Long live democracy

Yours sincerely,

Ngarto Februana



















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