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Cetakan I Juni 1999; tebal 221, Penerbit: Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta (Cetakan II, 2000)
Novel perdana Ngarto Februana ini bercerita tentang nasib seorang bocah yang lahir dan tumbuh di kampung pelacuran. Karena tak betah, si bocah minggat. Setelah dewasa ia kembali, dan memulai pertarungan demi pertarungan. Ia bertarung dengan "kelelakiannya": jatuh cinta pada seorang pelacur. Bertarung entah atas nama dendam masa lalu atau memprotes kesewenang-wenangan. Dan bertarung dengan makhluk raksasa dalam mimpinya. Bertarung dengan dirinya sendiri hingga pada suatu ketika ia harus melupakan segalanya....

Pengantar: Bakdi Soemanto; Cetakan I Juli 2000; tebal 206 halaman, harga Rp 18.000; Penerbit Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta.
Novel berlatar budaya suku Dayak, di Pegunungan Meratus, Kalimantan Selatan. Dengan membaca novel ini, kita banyak belajar tentang suku yang sebelumnya tidak pernah kita kenal. Lengkap dengan pelukisan upacara ritual. Juga tentang horor pemenggalan kepala. Ada pula pertarungan kepentingan antara pengusaha HPH dengan suku yang senantiasa terasing itu. Lalu bagaimana nasib Utay, putra kepala suku, yang mengkhianati tanah leluhurnya demi ambisi pribadi?

Cetakan I September 2002; Cetakan II April 2003. Penerbit Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta 174 halaman.
Tapol merupakan novel yang didasari oleh fakta sejarah. Dan ini diolah oleh penulisnya dengan sangat baik. Dari situ kita dapat membaca sketsa tragedi manusia yang terjadi dalam lingkaran peristiwa sejarah manusia Indonesia yang tragis, yaitu G30S/PKI, 1965. (Komentar Dr. Anhar Gonggong)


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Surat untuk Norchi
(16 Februari 1993)


An Activist’s Letter for His Friend in Philippines


know too the terrible meaning of suffering and torture
they say
those in power
who plunder their people
must step down from their thrones
before the are forced
when the tractors come
to destroy the huts we live in
we will pound on every door
we will not go away

(one or the Indonesia poetry in the title "Matinya Seorang Petani" / Death of a Peasant by Agam Wispi)

Comrade Norchi, in this letter I’d like to tell you about the land deprivation in my country. Recently the land deprivation by Marine have taken place in Blangguan Situbondo, a tiny village in East Java. It was really inhuman. Villager were forcefully evicted from their ancestral land because Marine wanted to make that land a military exercises area. The Soeharto government have given compensation which were outrageously low that is Rp 200 (some equivalent to the price of a glass tea). Villager rejected those offer.

Many month ago, the Indonesia military have made military exercises there which including all sort of forces and spent of billion rupiah. How horrible it is! The Blangguan inhabitants were exerted out of their village. They run get through the National Park.

On those military exercises the people’s huts and plantation were brutally destroyed. There was people’s home was burned by army. After the military exercise had finished, villager went back to their place and looked at their broken village helpless. They didn’t know what to do. They were crying, anger, furious, and disappointed. And then they had tried to repair their home, but suddenly Marine came and threat that if only they repair their home, Marine would burn it. Isn’t it really depressed?

In the evening on January 22, the rain fell onto the earth. At this time, we (many student activist from Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Salatiga) have just arrived at Blangguan. The local people accepted us full of sociability. Not long after that, suddenly the Marine had came and then surrounded us. We ran directly and hid in a place of safety. Adji lay face down in a drain. Meanwhile Budiman Sudjatmiko, Dullah, Hery, Satya, Eko, and Andi hid in the narrow room. They held back their panting breath. Suddenly Eko feel like to urinate. Forcefully he took a towel and he was urinate on a towel. It was very ridiculous.

The night more and more late and the rain went on deluge the earth. The weather was very cold. We did went on in anywhere. Thanks goodness the Blangguan people too much helped us. For damaged army’s concentrate, the release their cow, chicken, and goat. By the way, there was ridiculous story on Slamet’s experience. He hid under bed in the room with home owner. When the army walked in to the room, she (home owner) took off her dress.

"What are your doing here?" a Marine ask her. "Is there any student here?"

"You are ad dog!" She was angry. "Do you want to look at my body? Please get out now! I want to exchange of dress, you now!" She was shout and crying.

The army get out immediately.

The night had over and the rain was stopping when the morning came with beautiful dawn appear at east sky. In that early morning we got through the tiny wood and rice field. Finally we could out off there in peace. The we went to Surabaya. At the same time, in Surabaya on January 23, the student activist under Moeniv-led convey a protest to DPRD (regional house of representative) about the land deprivation by Marine in Blangguan.

In the beginning we have a planning to grew maize with Blangguan peasant on January 23, but the army had failed. So, we had to change our mind. We would make any action in DPRD to submit a protest over the Marine act who had failed our planning and deprived land of Blangguan inhabitants.

  • * *

Surabaya city, in the morning on January 25, 1993. The sky was clear and weather was very hot. In addition Surabaya was very busy and people ignoring everyone else. Although we felt exhaust, but our zeal still burning. We got off the city bus at front the building of DPRD and carry out the protest action.

In these promises, Adji said. "My father is colonel. I am a good student. In the beginning I do not believe that there are oppressed people. But when I look at myself the Blangguan people, now I do not believe Soeharto regimes."

Meanwhile outside of the building of DPRD there a lots of army and police as well as intelligence agent. When we walk out off the building of DPRD, they followed us quietly. At the bus station we had to face up military brutality. We were surrounded by army.

"Arrest them!" the troops commander give an an instruction.

How exasperating it is. They made us panic and dread. Some people at the bus station followed and tortured us.

"I am with Jesus. I struggle for the oppressed people!" Justin screamed.

"I am not thief, you now!" Adji calling out. He tried to use his magic, but before he could do it, a Marine had came and said, "I stemmed from Ponorogo, you now. I have highest magic. You’d better follow me." Finally Adji given up.

"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar," Slamet cried. "Look at! This is brutality act of military!"

Meanwhile Ambar hurried to entrance in to the shop. She exchanged her dress and helped shopkeepers to service some buyer. Among those buyer there was a intelligence agent. She escape from arrest.

In the bus station we were beaten and kicked. Many student activist were hurt. Their face were bloody. Then they were arrested and were brought to The Office of Military District). There were 17 student activist who were arrested, that is Wilson, Irwan (from Jakarta), Webby, Budiman, Adji, Jayadi, Dullah, Catur, Bonsai, Bowo, Yuni, Yustin, Slamet, Danuri, Antok, Heru (from Yogyakarta), and Gombloh (Semarang). I The Office of Military District they were tortured and were forced to took off their dress and lie down on the cold floor. In addition they were also flowed the electric current.

When Antok (his body is small) was interrogated by chief of intelligence agent, he was so furious, because his face was spited. "I challenge you fight. One by one and with knife, okay? Antok challenged.

They were arrested for 36 hours. On January 27th, they went back to Yogyakarta.


Norchi, my friend, and now everything settled here. I am fine and I hope you are fine too. I sure you shall be able to solve your problem sooner or later. By the way, I have received your card what you sent me through Amante. Thanks a lots for this. I have just sent a letter to you before this letter I write. Have you received it? Apart from that, thanks so much for your sympathy on our cause. Don’t worry, sweetheart, we are fine. Once again everything’s settled. I really hope so.

Norchi, as long as you now, I have been written some short story on many kind of magazine. Thanks goodness almost all of my short story have published on many publication. Recently I have been written a novel on the oppressed people in my hometown. I hope it will be able to publish. In addition I also write a thesis. After all, I must finish my study. At the same time, I go on work in our organization. There are a lots of task in our organization so we are very busy.

I think enough for now this letter. I have to end up. And I look forward to receiving your answer. My sweetest regards.

Yogyakarta, February 16th, 1993

Your sincerely,

Ngarto Februana

P.S. for security reason, you’d better address your letter to me at my residence: Sagan GK V/908 Yogyakarta Indonesia 55223

  • with best wishes from K.M. officer to you and to the comrades in Philippines.



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