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Cetakan I Juni 1999; tebal 221, Penerbit: Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta (Cetakan II, 2000)
Novel perdana Ngarto Februana ini bercerita tentang nasib seorang bocah yang lahir dan tumbuh di kampung pelacuran. Karena tak betah, si bocah minggat. Setelah dewasa ia kembali, dan memulai pertarungan demi pertarungan. Ia bertarung dengan "kelelakiannya": jatuh cinta pada seorang pelacur. Bertarung entah atas nama dendam masa lalu atau memprotes kesewenang-wenangan. Dan bertarung dengan makhluk raksasa dalam mimpinya. Bertarung dengan dirinya sendiri hingga pada suatu ketika ia harus melupakan segalanya....

Pengantar: Bakdi Soemanto; Cetakan I Juli 2000; tebal 206 halaman, harga Rp 18.000; Penerbit Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta.
Novel berlatar budaya suku Dayak, di Pegunungan Meratus, Kalimantan Selatan. Dengan membaca novel ini, kita banyak belajar tentang suku yang sebelumnya tidak pernah kita kenal. Lengkap dengan pelukisan upacara ritual. Juga tentang horor pemenggalan kepala. Ada pula pertarungan kepentingan antara pengusaha HPH dengan suku yang senantiasa terasing itu. Lalu bagaimana nasib Utay, putra kepala suku, yang mengkhianati tanah leluhurnya demi ambisi pribadi?

Cetakan I September 2002; Cetakan II April 2003. Penerbit Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta 174 halaman.
Tapol merupakan novel yang didasari oleh fakta sejarah. Dan ini diolah oleh penulisnya dengan sangat baik. Dari situ kita dapat membaca sketsa tragedi manusia yang terjadi dalam lingkaran peristiwa sejarah manusia Indonesia yang tragis, yaitu G30S/PKI, 1965. (Komentar Dr. Anhar Gonggong)


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Surat dari Norchi 


November 4, 1994

Philippines (Manila)

Dear Ngarto and Munief,

How are you, comrades? It's a good fortune I am still able to get in touch with you whit Erna's coming here. I got news from her regarding the two of you and I am glad you are still in good situation, still strongly committed in serving your people in your country.

Right now, I am no longer with the student movement. Last May of this year, I decide to go to the countryside and live and work with the peasants there. I am now a peasant organizer.

Things are going very good with me. I got a very significant fulfillment unparalleled in my life since I decide to integrate with the peasant in my country. I am trod ding the right path which the student-youth of the revolutionary movement ought to trod--that is link with the basic manner and the primary force or the revolution.

I am now fulfilled at a certain degree that I am fulfilling the revolutionary task at the youth as the great comrade Mao has sup positioned the youth.

I am very eager to know things about you. I hope me can sustain our communication just like me do before but I can no longer assure you, I can write you a regular we did before.

Anyway, you can still write me, with the old address I gave you before.

In the countryside's, I got so many discoveries about the concreteness of the people's was. The extent of peasant oppression from the feudal system is so real. Theories which I studied while in the student movement are not only theories now but realities, factual, and whole truth. That's why, I am now stronger in repudiating counter-revolutionary and reformist liner peddled by same counter revolutionary elements who seek to destroy the revolution.

I hope after your terms in the student movement, you decide to go to the countryside's. This is all the direction of student here in Manila. Many student are all deciding to work with the peasant in the countryside.

Still hoping you can get in touch with me. Sustain your revolutionary zeal.

For international anti-imperialist

solidarity --Norchi


Dear Ngarto

I can no longer have any other wishes for you than keeping your revolutionary zeal always burning. Daringness in the struggle is the most important thins you should maintain in your heart and mind.

I hope to hear from you soon. My warmest regards!

Love and solidarity,


























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