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 This page stores my blog entry from December 2007.  The entry is from December 30, 2007.

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103 Reasons to be Happy after Christmas / Time Quiz of the Year: #612 / Old Tidbits

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Pam, our families, and I finished our Christmas festivities yesterday. Due to a nasty cold/stomach flu, I missed the usual time for such festivities. But no matter: Christmas is what and when you make it. I was happy to see Pam happy with what I got her, and I was glad that others liked what I found for them as well. On my end, I will no longer be using a rusty colander, will no longer have mushy "steamed" vegetables once I use my new steamer, and will have several hours of great tea and reading material. This is not ignoring some good soup, dart games with the cool dart board, or twelve nice evenings with a Beer of the World.

New Year's will be quiet. It may possibly be very quiet if I end up falling asleep before midnight. We might watch "American Grafitti" if we can find it to rent. If not, I'm sure we'll find something to supplement "Christmas Eve on Sesame Street". Something besides MASH episodes. Some pork stew, a bottle of Chandon, a game of Scrabble, and it should be a great evening.

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I took the Time 2007 Ultimate New Quiz, and I think I did rather well (given that I just don't pay that much attention to the news but do browse through it). I ranked #612 out of over 10,000 who took it, and my "myIQ" is 62 out of 99. If you take it, let me know how you did.

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The following are small tidbits written since I last posted anything. Many of it may be incomplete. I'll start with a new slate in the New Year. Until then, have a wonderful New Year, everyone!

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Pam and I stared at the selection and pondered the possibilities. Eventually, after looking at every box and shoving several stacks to one side or another, the one I wanted reveals itself: a 1968 Shelby GT-500. Not quite the classic '64-1/2 Mustang, but it'll certainly be an awesome start. I hadn't tried to put together a plastic model in nearly 20 years, and I'm about to try my hand at it again.

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Giant burrito week! Normally I fix myself a relatively balanced lunch everyday. Meat with salad. Sandwiches with yogurt and fruit. But, every once in a while, I feel the need to fix something different and say "to hell with it." I didn't make anything earth-shattering, but I did have my gallon of home-made refried beans that I had to use up. So what would be better than giant burritos?

I bought the giant wrap-sized tortillas. After spreading some Daisy sour cream (the only brand I'll buy now), I'll sprinkle some ground pepper and some Tabasco sauce. Down the middle, I place some of my slow-cooked pork (cooked with some jalapeno peppers) and put some of the refried beans on it. Around that, I pour a mixture of sliced black olives, chopped (or diced) Anaheim chili peppers, and half-sliced mushrooms. Pour some garlic salsa on top and some grated cheese, and you have a wonderful giant burrito.

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Musically, I reached a crossroads. I've listened to music that I whole-heartedly love and defend vigorously. I've listened to music that was cool, but it wasn't me. Some bands/artists/genres take entirely too much energy to try to like that it defeats the point of music. Now is my time to figure out what makes me tick and run with it. I have plenty of interests, and my mood changes frequently. So, knowing my current mood will challenge me.

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Shopping for shoes is a royal pain for me. Occasionally I run into a member of the Shoes-staffel. You know the type: they tell you what size you wear, pick out a pair of shoes, and then tell you that 9 out of 10 people off the street would fit in the shoes.

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Think you're such a great driver? According to this article on CNN, 18% failed this test given by GMAC Insurance (the national average score was 77.1%).

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