ACW's Web site woes


From: Allan C. Weisbecker
Date: Sun 11 Feb 2001 - 18:58:54 GMT

Hey folks,

If anyone's in the mood, I could use some advice regarding my Web site.

I have to decide what sort of resources I should put into it, and I've always liked to get outside opinions when I'm not sure of something.

Since I've been keeping track a month ago, I've gotten about 2,000 hits, which is not bad considering the promotion hasn't much started. That's the good news.

The bad news is that I've only gotten 22 orders (for an average of 2 books per order). That's not cutting it in terms of hits to orders ratio.

One problem is no doubt the fact that I can't ship until March 19. I'm in fact getting a 10 to 1 hit to buy ratio on the store page. In other words, 10 people go to the store, for each buy. It's possible that they go there meaning to buy but then are put off by the long wait. Maybe that will be solved in late March when I can ship immediately. Maybe not.

Anyone have an opinion on that?

Another thing is the abysmal amount of Subscribers. I mean I'm giving away books and trips to paradise, and all you have to do is subscribe -- costs nothing. Out of 2,000 hits, I've gotten a ridiculous 60 Subscribers, and only 6 (!) since the contest box went in. What's up with that?

Anyone have an opinion?

Hey -- most of you guys are not even subscribing! (I'm not aggravated, just mystified.)

I can't afford to keep dumping money into this if it's going to lose money. You all have been very helpful. Your further advice would be much appreciated.



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