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Net Banditos News




Cosmic Banditos Mailing List Launched

02-09-1998: I listed CB as one of my favourite books on an old web page. Every now and then, I'd get an e-mail from someone saying how much he or she also enjoyed the book. Finally, I'd had enough. I decided to create a mailing list. I trawled USENET and the Web and dug up thirty or so addresses to start with. The response was generally favourable.

The list is quiet for long periods, but unexpectedly flares up every so often.


Allan C. Weisbecker Breaks Cover

17-07-1999: "Through appropriately clandestine means," ACW got wind of my little endeavour. He asked the list to let him know about any CB-related net activity. Anything reported would go into a proposal package he was preparing arguing the case for CB's re-release.

Showing True Bandito foolhardiness, he risked his very sanity by inviting the list to ask him questions.

As an aside, he casually mentioned that his new book, In Search of Captain Zero, was "in the final throes." It will be available in 2001.


ACW Asks for Help

05-10-1999: ACW sent a message to the mailing list asking his fans to support his efforts to get CB republished. He asked everyone to write to Bjorn and Sven's Sci-Fi and Fantasy Review saying why they like the book so much and how much they'd like to see it back in print. Bjorn and Sven would then forward all these messages of support to ACW. He and his agent would take them to meetings with prospective publishers to back up their proposal.


Unofficial CB Website Goes Online

18-01-2000: After innumerable delays and endless stalling on my part, The Unofficial Cosmic Banditos Website finally went online at [defunct].


CB Text on Belgian Server

19-01-2000: Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later and it finally did. I got an e-mail from someone living in Belgium calling himself Kurisu. He's put the first four chapters of CB online and promised to have the entire text of the book online eventually. What ACW will make of all this I don't know, but Kurisu re-assured me that he'd take the material off the server if there were objections from certain quarters.


last modified:
16 Mar 2001

Website designed and maintained by The Net Bandito 2000-2001.

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