Cosmic Banditos


From: Allan C. Weisbecker
Date: Tue 05 Oct 1999 - 13:35:30 IST

Hi folks,

It's me, A. C. Weisbecker, with a request for assistance in souping up my proposal to get CB back in print. I've sent along the new webpage bulletin from "Bjorn and Sven's Sci-Fi and Fantasy Review". As you can see, they are behind getting CB republished.

If any of you want to help, email the list at [email protected] and write a little text saying something about how you like the book and want to see it back in print (maybe something about how hard it is to find/expensive it is/etc.) A personal touch.

Bjorn and Sven are forewarding the emails to me for inclusion in my proposal to publishers. Believe me, this has an effect. (The group's archives John sent me are a great help, for example)

If you REALLY want to help, you might start a sort of chain letter, to friends (or whomever): asking everybody to pass this request on to 2 or more of THEIR friends. (You get the idea) If dozens of emails resulted, it would be a mind-blower.

(To make this easier, you could write a short note and include this email as an explanation of what's going on. (Maybe include the web pages I sent -- up to you)

Okay. As mentioned, you all will be the first to know if I make a deal to republish.

As always, thanks for your support -- it gladdens an aging, occasionally Sad Bandito's heart.

A. C. (Allan) Weisbecker


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