Re: A Many-Worlds Bandito Offer


From: John O'Regan
Date: Mon 07 Sep 1998 - 15:52:51 IST

Dear Mark,

In my official capacity, I cannot condone this sort of thing, but I did photocopy the book (for my own exclusive use, you understand) and I managed to fit two pages of the book on each sheet of photocopy paper. A quick rattle of the beads on my abacus tells me that that makes four pages of the book per sheet. Since the book is quite short (95 pages or so), that comes out at about 24 sheets of photocopy paper.

To be honest with you, even after taking spiral bindings, colour reproductions of the artwork on the cover and p&p into account, I have a hard time rationalising your estimate of $20 to $30. Then again, maybe I'm out of touch with the true cost of things.

How about this? If people want to go with your de luxe reproduction offer, they can contact you. Alternatively, if they just want a low-cost, no-frills (and no artowrk) photocopied version of the book they can contact me privately to discuss the matter,

more later,


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