Cosmic Banditos and Hubris


From: John E. Barrett
Date: Wed 02 Sep 1998 - 17:17:11 IST


By all means sign me up. I fall into the lost to theft/friends categories. I knew of three copies floating around when I was in high school. My friends and I would all steal them from one another. It was kind of a game to see who could possess the most copies at any one time. One copy was permanently lost to a dead head who had infiltrated our group. Neither he, nor that copy of CB has ever been seen again. We all went off to college and I lost track of where the other two copies wound up. Several years later, I was visiting a friend in New Hampshire and I happened to find one of these copies on her bookshelves. I stole it (of course) and was feeling very smug as I told my roommate back at college about our little Cosmic Bandito Cabal back in high school and how we always stole copies from one another. I was now in possession of the only copy left to our little cabal. Well, there's little suspense as to what happened. That filthy swine stole the last copy of Cosmic Banditos from me!


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