Re: Cosmic Banditos Mailing List


From: Mark & The Mighty Spazmataz
Date: Thu 03 Sep 1998 - 14:16:09 IST

Dear John:

What a snappy idea! I would love to be associated with a brigand of like-minded, soft-headed dipshits who recognize that "Cosmic Banditos" is perhaps the greatest work of 20th Century literature -- or whichever point in space/time Weisbecker was at when he wrote it.

What do I have to do? I'm a moron with computers and using the Internet; my mind seems to be permanently lost in some pocket of space known as "The Forest," and has aggregious trouble dealing with streams of intrinsic data known as "The Trees" -- or, more precisely, little things like technological operation details. I'm always pleased as punch when I even manage to turn the damn computer on correctly, and it was a proud day when I mastered the toaster...

For shits & giggles, I was briefly in touch with a fellow last year who knows Allan Weisbecker, and actually got his copy of the book from the author himself. How cool must that have been? Perhaps you've already got this guy on your list of addresses, for all I know, but it was a strange relief to find out that A. C. Weisbecker actually exists.

In any case, it's kind of nice to know that I belong to a tiny, secret little cabal of people who know of this novel and love it as much as I do. Maybe, just maybe, we don't want it to be reprinted, eh? ;)

Thanks again!
Mark & The Mighty Spazmataz


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