The Neohomeridae: Destroying Fine Culture For One Year and Two Months (and counting!)
In classical Greece, there was a brotherhood of poets who were zealously devoted to Homer--in fact, so much so that they named themselves the Homeridae, or Sons of Homer (alternately, just "Of Homer's Clan," or if you're really cynical, "Fan Club"). They busied themselves over his epics and retelling his stories as well as writing some Bronze Age fanfiction of his poems. According to some Classics professors of the shady, twirl-mustachioed variety, they spent most of their time plotting to trick the world into believing there actually WAS a Homer when in fact he was just a big fraud (rubbish!). Alas, no such fellowship exists today. Ephor and Archon, in an attempt to recreate that warm lemming glow that comes with devoting one's life to a person, have here forged a second clan--the Neohomeridae.

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ARGH! Oi moi, I've been discovered. I thought for a certainty that people had better things to do than read a B-musical about the Iliad. Well, if you want me, I'll be crying my eyes out in the corner, prophesizing my own doom, shaking and shivering with pessimistic dithyrambics. And yes, all the hipster talk is Archon's.

Archon's Update:

Well, I've got some new art in the non-Iliad section. They're just rough sketches, but at least it's something new.

EST. 2001
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