Neohomeridae Announcements

The Latest News: The "Contact" button off the main page has, for far too long, been directing mail to [email protected]. This is horribly wrong, as we haven't been checking it at all. It now forwards all your mail, if you've been sending any, to a regularly checked account. Apologies for any stony silences!

Coming Soon: In our twisted minds, divers translators of The Iliad duke it out in a WWF free-for-all! Robert Graves decking Robert Fagles in the Battle of the Bobs... Samuel Butler body-slammed into small red paste... Seamus Heaney in a thong... What more could a Classics fan ask for?

PLUS: The Iliad Love Test, constructed for Valentine's Day, is now available in the "We Explain" section. I know, it's not exactly in the right spot, but at least it's somewhere.

We're Not Dead, Folks!
Right now, there's a new picture in the Fan Art section, and within a few days a new Hero of the Month will be up. There will be more essay-type things on the Iliad poem itself, but we're hoping to have way more fun stuff. In the works are more fanfics and a Heroic Name Generator---coding hopefully courtesy of Nephsevenon.

Quizzes Galore!
After hours of arcane bungling Archon has finally managed to (a) fix the infamous Ephor Personality Quiz and (b) set up an all new Argon Story Personality Quiz! Both may be found in the 'words' section of the Tesseract (Non-Iliad) page.

New Stuff!
YAY! The "We Explain" section has been updated again--there's a brand spanking new article for you! The Fan Fiction section has a new story by Archon in it! Also, Fan Art has a new work by Ephor, which is a relief because everything else by her is years old and embarrassingly bad. So go see these! At once!

In the Works:
A Menelaus fanfiction has much written of it! Ephor has only to code it, and then the first part will be up for all to see. The first part? Yup. It's going to be one of THOSE fanfics... long and delightfully drawn-out! Besides that, our priority at the moment is getting a few good Grudge Matches up and running in the We Explain category. Each Match will take up a seperate page of hard-edged debate over who/what's better, so this should provide a great deal of entertainment to our faithful!
The Neohomeridae are also planning a sister site to "O Muse!"--The Republic of Rome's "official" website, patterned after such famed hits as The Scottish Parliament's Website and Stats Canada! Yessiree, the same bland goodness as a REAL gov't site! However, since this idea has sat on the burner for so long, it may take awhile in being delivered.
Finally, we're planning a cult website devoted exclusively to "Tolkien's most intriguing and mysterious character"--the enigmatic Party Tree!

Formerly Known as New:

New Toga-Sized Bounty
Our wondrous fan Levendis appears to be vending New Toga-Sized Bounty. He should be aware that the Neohomeridae have placed 12 orders for this project--with the Vomitorium Feature (TM). Anyone who wishes to order New Toga-Sized Bounty, write to Levendis' villa. Perhaps you can find links at his Home Page.

Fanfiction Contest
Well, as requested, "Prophesy" has been removed--which means that all of you will just have to write so much more to fill up our fanfiction section! And of course, Jenny is now the top dog of the fanfiction world. Dare ye challenge her?

Guestbook Uses and Abuses
Now, as much as we absolutely adore having people sign our guestbook, there comes a point where we would just rather not have some things said. We adore praise, of course, but we also welcome criticism--as long as it's constructive. If you feel like venting anger and outright smearing our site, we suggest you find a piece of paper and scrawl your thoughts down there where they can't hurt anybody. Personal attacks and insults are definately not acceptable. The Neohomeridae Guestbook is not a forum for negativity--or slander. Please be advised that any instances of either will be removed prompty.
We appreciate that the vast majority of our fans either use the Guestbook wisely or humourously (both are encouraged!), and are quite amused even by our more... ah, imaginary fans such as Bob The Hob(o). The real but surreally introspective Levendis wrote some brilliant things, even if they were cut off. However, recent upsetting and unconstructive comments prompted this notice. Ho tais hanomias!

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*~The Neohomeridae~*
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