1. Save this images on your computer.

2. Open Adobe Photoshop. Then click File>Open or just simply Ctrl+O.

3. Open the images that you saved a while ago.

4. Create a new canvass by clicking File>New or simply Ctrl+N.

5. Set the width and the height of the canvass. Then click OK. Then drag the uncolored image on this canvass by clicking Ctrl+A then click MOVE TOOL then drag it.

6. Using the MAGIC WAND TOOL, click a part of the image wherein you want to start. Then using the EYE DROPPER TOOL, get a sample of the color of the part you want to color on the original image. Then using the GRADIENT TOOL, COLOR THE WHOLE IMAGE.

7. Repeat the step 6 for the next body parts. If you succeed, you can produce an output like this one!